Sword Moon Lyrics

Chapter 762: After the Rain, the Azure Pearl

Everyone followed him in.

Shi Feng stood there, hesitant.

Feng Qitong asked with concern, "Brother Shi, did you find anything wrong?"

Shi Feng shook his head, "No. I seem to feel that something is wrong, but I can't figure it out for a while! Oh, forget it, let's take it one step at a time."

Seeing that Shi Feng was scolded by Tie Zhan, but still followed him in with a thick face, the heroes laughed secretly in their hearts, but then they thought, if it were them, they would probably do the same. No matter how important face is, it is not as important as life.

One after another, the stone door sensed that someone entered and kept opening. After the last person entered, after five breaths, the stone door closed automatically with a "bang".

Shi Feng asked, "This stone door should be openable from the inside, right?"

Mr. Kong sneered, "Daoyou is really a frightened bird. Don't worry, the stone door can be opened from both inside and outside."

Everyone felt relieved after hearing this. They looked up and saw a square stone house in front of them. In the middle stood a stone tower, which occupied more than half of the house.

Everyone slowly walked closer and saw rows of stone steps on the stone tower, which had seven floors from the ground up.

There was nothing on the stone steps.

"The size and shape of each room in Gubaoxuan are exactly the same, and they are all used to store refining materials. However, due to the different materials stored, the structures in the rooms are not exactly the same." As he said, Grandpa Kong pointed, "For example, this stone tower, everyone has seen that these rows of stone steps were originally used to place Xuanyuan copper crystals.

Material such as Xuanyuan copper crystals cannot be stacked together, otherwise they will fuse together and form a piece. So they must be cut into certain shapes in advance and then stacked separately."

Shi Feng listened and smiled bitterly. It is worthy of being the world's number one refining sect. Xuanyuan copper crystals are so precious. I have collected them for more than a hundred years and only got about one pound. This Peacock Master can actually fill a room with Xuanyuan copper crystals.

Everyone walked around the house, and it was empty.

In addition to the south gate that just came in, the stone house also has a stone door in the other three directions.

In addition to the four stone doors, there are no other windows or air vents inside.

Tie Zhan sniffed carefully at the three stone gates and pointed to one of them, "It should be this way. There is some smell left."

White Fang came over and sniffed. The Night Wolf Clan is also famous for its sense of smell. He nodded, "It's here."

Although the demon clan said so, the human race was half-believing and half-doubting. However, the human race's sense of smell is not very good. Just relying on the nose, it can't smell anything.

Goshawk suddenly said, "I have a magic weapon here, maybe it can be used."

He walked over slowly and took out a black round bead as big as a chicken egg from the storage bag.

Goshawk held the bead in his hand and approached the stone gate. The dark clouds on the bead immediately rolled up, and its color turned colorless and transparent, and then gradually turned into sky blue.

Goshawk nodded, "My orb can display different colors according to the realm of the demon cultivator. Such colors cannot be left by anyone other than the fourth-level demon ancestor."

In the black tortoise bone, the white fox praised, "The Feng family is worthy of being one of the four major business houses. Such precious Yuguotianqing orb can be taken out at will. No wonder Chishe's sneak attack on their fellow apprentices failed before."

The horned demon dragon disagreed, "This guy is really stupid. He should not show off his wealth. Isn't he afraid of being attacked by others when he takes out such a treasure?"

Shi Feng said lightly, "He is not stupid. Goshawk knows very well that his two fellow apprentices have killed and robbed people all their lives, and they have done all kinds of evil. The sound is really too bad.

If there is any danger, no one from the demon clan or the human clan would be willing to help. And he took out the Rain-Guotianqing Pearl, which was to show that he had a rare treasure and could not do without them to deal with the demon king. "

Sure enough, Tu Erguzhu smiled, "Daoyou Cang Ying, good trick! With this treasure, it will be much easier for us to track the demon king. We will have to rely on you more in the future."

Cang Ying said politely, "No, no, I will serve you."

Tie Zhan was already impatient, "Since everyone has seen it, let's go." As he said, he pushed open the stone door and entered another room.

The size of the other room was exactly the same as the previous one, but there was no stone tower in the middle, but rows of wooden shelves. These woods have not decayed at all after thousands of years.

Half of the people in the crowd were from weapon-refining sects. Bao Chong reached out and knocked on the wooden rack, which made a ding-ding sound, like metal hitting each other. He couldn't help but praise, "What a great man! He used the ironwood as a rack."

Shi Feng walked in and took a closer look. The wooden racks were clean and tidy. He didn't even know what they were. Even the nine neatly arranged wooden racks were missing about 30%. It was probably because the treasure hunters were unwilling to return empty-handed, and the ironwood itself was not low in value, so they dismantled the wooden racks and took them away.

It's just that the ironwood is harder than steel, and it is fixed to the stone slabs underground, so it's very troublesome to pry it up. Otherwise, the ironwood in this room would have been swept away long ago.

Everyone searched the house carefully, on the one hand to find the traces of the demon king Boqi, and on the other hand to see if there were any treasures left. After all, the purpose of their coming to the illusion was to find treasures.

Tiezhan, Baili Pingye, Wanshitong, Tuer and Cangying who was holding the orb, the five of them were responsible for checking the stone gate. Finally, everyone agreed and pointed to the stone gate to the east.

The middle of the third room is neither a stone tower nor a wooden frame. It is actually a large stone pool. The water in it has naturally dried up long ago. Everyone was about to look around when suddenly the ground shook and "rumbling" sounds were heard everywhere.

"Don't panic, the magic circle is changing its position." Baili Pingye said solemnly.

Everyone was on alert. After about ten breaths, the rumbling disappeared and everything calmed down again. Bao Chong was the last one to come in just now and happened to be standing at the stone door. He couldn't help but push the stone door behind him and said, "Ah The order of your house has been reversed. Hey, it’s really strange.”

The stone door opened, and sure enough, everyone came in through this door just now. There was an iron core wooden frame in the middle of the room. But now Bao Chong opened the stone door, and the stone house behind him was empty and empty. It was obviously not the room that everyone came in just now.

Wan Shitong said sternly, "Fellow Daoist Bao, don't act rashly. Gu Baoxuan is already complicated, and now there is an additional Nine-Yao Star Palace Formation. If you open the stone gate at will, if you touch the mechanism, we will all suffer."

Bao Chong stuck out his tongue, "I understand, I won't touch you if you don't want to."

Everyone continued to search the house, but this time it took much longer than before.

Demon King Boqi didn't know if he noticed that the people behind him were chasing him, but he deliberately concealed his aura. Therefore, Tie Zhan White Fang and other demon clans could not smell anything just by smell.

As for the vulture's azure orb, it has changed color on both sides of the stone doors, and the color is also very light.

Everyone was undecided for a moment, and Wanshitong thought for a moment and asked, "Fellow Taoist Eagle, are the auras left by the two stone gates exactly the same?"

"It's different!" Vulture shook his head, "The color of the stone gate on the right is darker."

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