Sword Spirit

Chapter 989: Mysterious old man

Lu Xuan knew the old man, or said that he had seen this old man. This person was the old Tsing Yi who was in the Tianyu Building and had a relationship with Lu Xuan. Lu Xuan suspected that the old man was the empty house. The secret agent, now really guessed by him, watching the old man fishing in this leisurely, I am afraid the status is not low.

Under the tension, the dust-sword was instantly taken out by Lu Xuan, and a force could not help but mobilize. A pair of small eyes of A raccoon also shot a sharp ray of light. The sharp nails stretched out from the small claws, as long as the land Xuan ordered, and immediately rushed out.

The sudden appearance of Lu Xuan really made the old man a little surprised. After a slight glimpse, he immediately showed a smile: "Little brother, we met again."

"Hands!" Lu Xuan gave a low voice and took the lead to the old man. He didn't have the heart to talk about it here. Once the old man reported it, the action would not end before the end. This is Lu Xuan. Allowed, he must kill the old man with the thunder, although from the strength of the last time the old man showed, it is not good to deal with, but Lu Xuan has no choice.

A raccoon is faster than Lu Xuan. Almost at the moment Lu Xuan just ordered, A raccoon is instantly divided into four. From the four directions, he rushed to the old man. Now A raccoon has reached the fourth stage. Blood, avatar talent is enough to let him separate four avatars.

"Little guy, don't be naughty." Faced with the attack of A raccoon, the old man appeared very leisurely, and his left hand shook a little, and several invisible forces suddenly appeared, and even the four avatars of A raccoon were firmly trapped. So that it can not move.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xuan’s heart is very incomparable. The strength of this old man is stronger than he imagined, but now the arrow is on the string and has to be sent!

Lu Xuan’s shot is a sword and a sword. This style has already been thoroughly swayed by Lu Xuan. In an instant, he can enter the state of the sword and the sword. He only saw Lu Xuan’s sword with his sword, and a fierce sword gas burst into the old man. And go.

The old man is slightly discolored. Drink a low voice: "Don't make a noise!"

Don't make a noise? Lu Xuan’s heart is incomprehensible. What does this mean?

When the thoughts turned, the sword of Lu Xuan had already passed to the old man. I saw that the old man waved a hand and gathered a soft force to block Lu Xuan’s attack, but he himself could not help but step back three steps.

Lu Xuan holds the sword and falls. This time, he did not shoot again. He clearly felt that the old man had just been self-protected, and he did not hurt, plus the words he had just made. Let Lu Xuan doubts.

And at the moment. The **** of A raccoon was also lifted. The four figures were once again combined and returned to Lu Xuan’s shoulder. It now knows that the old man is not good at it. Since Xuan Ge does not shoot, look at it. Let me talk about the situation.

The old man was about to talk, but the movement that had just come out of this moment was finally disturbed by others, only to hear a footstep, and then one person shouted: "Tian Chang. What happened?"

"Nothing, the old man is fishing, don't come over and scare my fish." This is called the old man of Tian Chang, lightly shouting.

When the words came out, the group of guards seemed to be drunk, and the footsteps disappeared, but the voice said: "There have been thieves who have been confused, and there have been some changes in the city. There are also some fine-cutting things in the government. Patrol."

"Do not worry, there is a husband sitting here. Where there is a daring to come over, you will continue to go elsewhere to patrol." The old man calmly said.

"This... It’s hard to break the life, but I hope that the elders of the field will understand that when the next person comes over, I will never disturb the fish of the elders of the field." This voice seems to have noticed the previous movements, and I am ready to come over and see.

Tian Chang’s brow was condensed, but before he could make another sound, a protective attire was walking straight through the arch of the garden. For a time, Tian’s heart mentioned the eyes of the blind, a moment of strength. Concentrated on the hand, almost will be shot.

However, after the guards swept away from the pond, they bowed their heads to the elders of the field and smiled and said: "The elders of the field do not blame, but there is also a life in the bottom. Since there is nothing here, I will wait for this to retreat without disturbing the elders of the field. ”

At this moment, the elders of Tian faced the guard. However, they couldn’t turn their heads to see Lu Xuan’s situation. It’s just that the heart is wondering. Isn’t this guardian eyelid, so big one can’t see it?

But since he said so, the elder Tian was quietly distracted and angered: "If the old man can't adjust the fish today, you have to come to the bait, let's roll it!"

The guards did not dare to talk back. After respecting the ceremony, they retired. Then the footsteps gradually drifted away. Obviously, they went to investigate the rest of the place. Ning Yi let the squats in the Sikong home mess up. There have been many places in the palace, some places have caught fire, some have collapsed, and many have collapsed.

The elders of the field extended the knowledge of God and determined that they did go far. This turned back to look at the place where Lu Xuan just stood. Under this view, it was discovered that Lu Xuan’s place was empty, one person and one beast. I don't know where to go, as if I have never existed before. It is no wonder that the guard did not find it right.

Although Lu Xuan could not be seen, Tian Chang was sure that Lu Xuan had never gone far. With his strength, no one could slip away from his eyes and did not notice it.

"People are gone, come out." Tian Changla smiled and picked up the fishing boat again.

After a moment of silence, Lu Xuan’s figure was suddenly revealed. Just when he noticed that someone had come to investigate, he immediately took Ashi into Taiyi Ding and showed his shadow. The trace, the complete convergence of the body and atmosphere.

Everything that Mrs. Tian has done, Lu Xuan is in the eyes. Although Lu Xuan is very incomprehensible, why did the elders of this field not reveal their existence, but instead actively hide themselves, but there is no doubt that this elder is There should be no coping with his own thoughts. It is because of this that Lu Xuan will reappear after hesitating.

"Who are you, why are you helping me?" Lu Xuan said.

Tian Chang looked at Lu Xuan’s smile: “I see you pleasing to the eye, otherwise why help you.”

Lu Xuan heard the words, he would not believe this kind of ghost, he believes that the last encounter in Tianyu Building is not accidental, but the old man has been paying attention to his own situation, Lu Xuan first thought that this old man is also a shadow hall People, but the idea of ​​vetoing soon, if this is the case, Ning Yi is absolutely impossible to take advantage of himself.

"Retire, this time you are really too rash, Sikongjia, such as the Longtan Tiger Cave, you are free to swear?" Tian Chang suddenly said.

"I won't retreat." Lu Xuan did not want to answer, this time he has been preparing for so long, using so much power, and will he retreat because of a sentence?

Tian Chang Lao shook his head: "Although Sikong did not fully trust me, but in the past two days, I have been able to detect that the Sikong family has some layout. If I expected it to be good, it should be a ghost in the shadow hall, but not Know who it is, in other words, this time your actions have been completely exposed under the eyes of Sikongjia, they are waiting for you to vote for the net."

Tian Chang thought that his own words would make Lu Xuan greatly shocked, but he was surprised to find that Lu Xuan was unmoved, as if he had already expected it.

At this moment, Lu Xuan was somewhat surprised, but what was surprised was not what Tian Chang’s said was, but what he showed about the Shadow Hall. Who is this old man?

"I have already made some preparations. Although this trip is very difficult, I have to try it. If it is really impossible, I will not force it." Lu Xuan actually took the initiative to reveal some truth.

Tian Changchang heard a smile and said: "Sure enough, this kind of character does not hit the South Wall and does not look back. I should have expected that you will not close your hand. If you want to, then let go and do it, I will Help you with some small troubles, but don't expect me to help you too much, after all... here is the empty nest of Sikong."

Lu Xuan did not know what the small troubles of Tian Chang’s mouth were, but he did not have any malicious intentions to himself. Even Lu Xuan did not expect him to help himself. He simply did not reveal his existence. Lu Xuan was very grateful.

"Thank you...predecessors." Lu Xuan arched his hand and hesitated, and then called out a raccoon in front of him, saying: "A raccoon, continue to act according to plan."

A raccoon curiously looked at the elders of Tian, ​​and he couldn’t think of why the old man did not reveal them. If so, then when he did not exist, a wave of space was again released, and Ashi re-wrapped Lu Xuan and once again exhibited. The void shuttles and disappears instantly.

Looking at Lu Xuan’s disappearing figure, Tian Chang’s head shook his head: “One is more than one, and I don’t know how to be high. Oh, the old man can only shoot.”

After finishing the conversation, the elder Tian put down the fishing rod in his hand and walked slowly toward the pond in front of him. He walked on the water, and as if he was flat, a wave of water rippled. His speed seemed to be unpleasant, but it seemed that he had only walked two steps, and he had already reached the center of the pond. Then his hands slowly lifted up and pulled out a law. The water waves under his feet suddenly swayed even more. A whirlpool rises, and the whole pond is like a water, and it is completely boiling!

In the deepest part of Sikong, a figure appeared in the air without warning, and then stabilized his body shape, slowly falling, and hiding his body shape with a stone pillar.

This figure is naturally Lu Xuan. This time, there is no more scorpion. It does not appear directly under the eyes of the Sikong Jiawu. It came here quietly, but at this moment Lu Xuan’s shoulder is already I have disappeared and I don’t know where to go.

Lu Xuan poked his head from the stone pillar and slightly narrowed his eyes to look at the palace in the distance. The three characters on the plaque were written on the plaque. (To be continued~^~)

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