Sword Spirit

Chapter 1004: Dead wood

Lu Xuan did not let Ye Ruida disappoint. At this moment, his face is not old, and the branches like a group of people are not seen in his eyes.

Sword out, wind up, clouds!

The whistling winds did not come to the foreboding, the endless black clouds gradually gathered together with the thunder, and everyone noticed the extraordinary style of Lu Xuan. The two swords of Lu Xuan used to carry the heaven and earth, but But it did not cause such a vision of heaven and earth. The two swords that did not ignite the vision of heaven and earth were so powerful. Now the power of this third move is still good?

"Wind roll - residual cloud!"


The wind whizzed past, the thunder roared more and more, and the raging clouds swept out!


The sound of a branch breaks, and under the eyes of everyone, I saw the unparalleled tree of the spirits of the past, but at the moment it seems to be in the scene of destroying the earth, and it is extremely helpless in the storm. .

The endless branches are wrapped in the wind and the sword is cut off. The tree of the spirits without the power of regeneration seems to have no resistance. It is perfect to use the wind and clouds to describe the scene at this moment. Everyone is almost blind. Looking at a huge forest of unique woods under the sweep of the endless winds.

In a short period of time, there was a lush forest of woods. At the moment, there was only a bare tree trunk, and there was a dense sword mark on the trunk. This moment brought the vision to everyone. The impact is simply too big, especially for the martial artists who have a good understanding of the singularity of the singer, and the singer is so stunned. No, not broken, it was destroyed!

"Break!" With a firm voice, the only remaining trunk began to break and disappeared without a trace...

"Is it broken?" Si Kongqing simply couldn't believe his own eyes. As one of the secret techniques of Sikong's powerful, the tree of Fengling had made meritorious deeds for the empty house many times in the critical moment. Even if it was finally destroyed, it was completely Played out its own value. But now, Lu Xuan’s only three swords are the complete elimination of the tree of the spirits, which is almost unbelievable.

If Si Kongqing can know the origin of these three styles. Perhaps the bottom of my heart will be much better, and it will be enough to ruin the tree of the spirit of the sword.

But just a moment of loss. Si Kongqing was returning to God, and then he felt endless anger. He almost couldn’t help but want to find out the second sapling sapling, but he finally stopped the impulse. Lu Xuan had this three-style sword. Invited to the body, since it can destroy a tree of the spirits. That is enough to destroy the second tree. The tree of Fengling is cherished very much, and Sikongqing is not so squandered.

"There is still something to do, may wish to make it out, I Lu Xuan all take it!" Lu Xuan long sword waved, slanting the sword forward step forward, proudly speaking. Tianjian Jiuzhong three-style company, he suddenly has a sense of hearty, especially the broken single-wood forest, which makes him more war-torn. It is a pity that he has not yet learned the fourth style, otherwise he is almost confident to directly slash the sword under the sword!

"Haha, Xuan Er is good! It is my son of Ye Family!" Ye Ruida laughed loudly and cheered for Lu Xuan.

Si Kongqing did not pay attention to Ye Ruida, but stared at Lu Xuandao: "If you are a little stunned, now you are qualified to let me face it. How is your sword skill strong? Wudao martial arts, in addition to Wu. There is still a way!"

As soon as the voice fell, Sikong Qing took a step forward and took out a law decision. He shouted: "Deadwood!"

When the two words are out, Sikongqing keeps moving, and he takes a step. The law changes and screams: "Residual flowers!"

Immediately afterwards, the third law decided to take the shot, and Si Kongqing drank again: "Well!"

The three words and six words are exported, and the power of a powerful law appears. The three laws are combined into one, and turned into a blue light and slowly drifted to Lu Xuan.

At this moment, Lu Xuan seems to have been settled in general, the blue light is very slow, but he can not move his legs, as if taking a step, you need to overcome the enormous force of thousands of pounds.

The law of time! Lu Xuan instantly realized that under the influence of the law of time, his movements were infinitely slowed down, and the movements that can be made in an instant can be stretched without limit.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan quickly runs the law of time at the same time, but this does not help, and the same law, there is also a high level of comprehension. Obviously, his time rule is far from being a boss, and can only be controlled. Si Kongqing.

Ye Ruida’s face suddenly appeared, and even he could feel the threat of Si Kongqing’s move, let alone Lu Xuan? Without hesitation, Ye Ruida suddenly stepped forward and was ready to rescue Lu Xuan, but a figure was faster in front of him.

"Ye Ruida, do you not exist as an old man?" Si Kongdong fainted out.

Where did Ye Ruida have a heart and mind, and a sword screamed out: "Give me away!"

"You and I have not yet won the game, or I will finish the game first." Sikong East did not anger, waved to attack Ye Ruida's attack, the strength of the two men half a catty, Ye Ruida wants to break through the blockade of Si Kongdong to rescue Lu Xuan, It can be said that it is more difficult.

Ye Ruida remembered Lu Xuan in his heart. At this moment, he was forced to retreat by Si Kongdong. At the moment, he only had to say aloud: "Xuan Er! Wake up!"

In his voice, he agreed to contain a glimpse of the law, apparently wanting to break the time rule of Sikongqing, but the gap between the squadron and the wave of Ye Ruida's law was blocked, causing Ye Ruida's abacus to fail.

At the moment, Zhai Ze was also desperate to rush out of the river, and wanted to help Lu Xuan, but those who were empty-handed were not vegetarian, and the attacks were rushing to Zize, and the move was not only failed. Helping Lu Xuan, but instead, he slammed a wound for no reason.

At this moment everyone is being held down, no one can rescue Lu Xuan, only relying on Lu Xuan himself.

Si Kongqing has already noticed Lu Xuan’s rebellion. At the moment, there is no other thought, and he is fully urging the law to suppress Lu’s resistance.

Finally, the blue light slowly floated to the side of Lu Xuan, and immediately disappeared into the body of Lu Xuan disappeared.

When Qingguang entered the body, Lu Xuan immediately noticed that it was wrong. He felt that the blue light was absorbing his vitality desperately. This feeling is not strange to Lu Xuan. When he was in Peony Palace, Lu Xuan once worked. With the big elder of the Peony Palace, Luo Xianghan, on the other hand, Luo Xianghan made a stroke of glory, the erosion of the power of the years is almost exactly the same as the effect of this blue light, the only difference is that Luo Xianghan At the beginning, it was only a half-time rule, and the time rule that Si Kongqing felt was far more than Luo Xianghan.

But now Lu Xuan is not a kid who can't do anything. He also feels the law of time. He immediately fights the fate of the law of time to resist the erosion of this blue light, and tries to use the force to attack this blue light, but this light However, it seems that Yuan Li is not in a plane at all, and it is impossible to touch it with the force of the powerful force.

Seeing Lu Xuan and Si Kong Qingdou, when both of them could not move, a Sikong Jiawu could not help but have a bright eye. Now Lu Xuan has no resilience, it is a good opportunity to kill him. If Lu Xuan can die In your own hands, that will inevitably be favored by the owner!

There are quite a few people who have the same thoughts as this warrior. At the moment, there are five people who are flying quickly toward Lu Xuan. One by one, you chase after me, for fear of being preempted by others. Seeing this scene, Si Kongqing wanted to make a sound reminder, but Lu Xuan’s resistance was suddenly increased, and he immediately did not dare to distract.

"Haha, give me to die!" A martial mart that first arrived screamed and waved his weapon at the head of Lu Xuan.

But just in the moment when the weapon hit Lu Xuan, the warrior changed his face instantly. He felt that Lu Xuan seemed to be a powerful whirlpool. His vitality rushed out, without any precaution, his vitality. Almost instantaneously it was drained, the hair turned white, the skin became slack, and deep wrinkles appeared on his face.

The latter unsuspecting warriors still rushed up, and then step by step, the follower of the warrior, plopped, the first warrior who was drained by the vitality fell straight down, rushed up. At the time he looked very young, but when he fell, he was at least seventy or eighty years old.

The other four warriors were no exception. All five were dying in an instant. Seeing this scene, the squadrons who were still eager to try had a horror, and never dared to approach Lu Xuan.

Looking at the death of these five people, Si Kongqing not only did not regret it at all, but instead hated and screamed an idiot. These five people not only failed to help, but also helped, and their vitality entered the body of Lu Xuan. Can make Lu Xuan support for a while. Fortunately, with these five death-dead pioneers in front, the rest of the Sikongwu warriors are afraid to come over, otherwise Sikongqing really wants to vomit blood.

Although these five people came to "help", but Lu Xuan's situation is not good, he eventually rivaled Si Kongqing, and now is only self-supporting, his vitality is still continually passing, and that Qingguang absorbed him. After the vitality, it is growing stronger, it is simply the enemy's rise and fall, the vicious circle, the loss of vitality is getting faster and faster.

Gradually, Lu Xuan's hair appeared a trace of white hair, a wrinkle began to climb on his cheek... Seeing this scene, Si Kongqing appeared a sneer on his face, Lu Xuan's situation is getting worse and worse, his It is getting more and more relaxed, but he still can't stop the law. Lu Xuan has too many means. This time, he wants to take the life of Lu Xuan hard! Let Lu Xuan become like the five people before, the life is exhausted and die! (To be continued~^~)

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