Sword Spirit

Chapter 1022: Good place

“Scorpio Valley?” Sikong Nan said: “Are they looking for death? I dare to go there, so the strong suffocation, even a fool can feel it?”

Sikong Dong glanced at him: "They don't know where it is Tianzhugu, let alone... they are now forced to go nowhere."

Speaking of this, Sikong Dongdun paused and said after a slight indulgence: "Let's go, let's go to the Tiangu Valley to see. They can't escape now."

After all, the three men went straight to the sky and went straight to Tianzhu Valley.

In the Tianzhu Valley, at the request of Lu Xuan, Ashi put him down. During the time when he was just sleeping, Lu Xuan was able to get a rare rest time, with his quick recovery constitution, now Also restored a hint of strength.

"Xuan Ge, what do we do now? Here is a lot of anger, completely ignoring my resistance, want to directly invade my mind." A raccoon asked uncomfortably.

Lu Xuan did not rush to answer, but spread his hands, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the suffocating here, this suffocating breath, familiar.

At the beginning of his time in the Shura Mountain, he once had a Shura pool. When it comes to the degree of suffocation, the Shura pool is even better than this. It is necessary to know that the Ye Hao, who was too imaginary, was in the Shura pool. After soaking for a short period of time, it was completely eroded by the suffocating gas, and it was controlled by suffocating into a murderous mania.

It is precisely because of the experience in the Shura pool that Lu Xuan's resistance to suffocation has greatly increased, and more importantly... 煞 ,, also a kind of energy, Lu Xuan's Taiyi Guiyuan 诀 can absorb!

Lu Xuan opened his eyes again, revealing a smile, looking at the raccoon: "The suffocation here can't erode me."

Under the words, there was a slight glory in the eyes of the wilted raccoon: "Xuan Ge, are you not afraid of the suffocation here? That is great! It is absolutely safe here, and those outside will certainly not dare to break in easily." ”

Lu Xuan shook his head: "The general warrior must not dare to come in, but even I can resist this kind of suffocation, for the real strong. Like the level of the people of Sikong Zhengqing, this Hee hee may not have gotten him, even if he can't stay here for a long time. There is no problem in coming in for a short time."

A trace of happiness that just appeared on the face of A raccoon suddenly disappeared, shaking his head, and the small claws continued to plan the ground, which seemed a little annoyed.

Lu Xuan hearted a glimpse. Looking at the aunt who showed some abnormality, said: "A raccoon, you are leaving here! You can't stop the suffocating here, you are now beginning to be eroded by suffocation!"

"I? I was eroded by suffocation? No." A raccoon looked up at Lu Xuan's incomprehensible road. Although it felt a little annoyed, the consciousness was still awake.

Lu Xuan smiled and shook his head: "The reason why suffocation is terrible is because it erodes you unconsciously. When you can feel yourself being eroded by suffocation. At that time you have been manipulated by suffocation."

A raccoon still wants to defend what, Lu Xuan is waving his hand to stop what he wants to say, looked up and looked around: "For me, this is also a good place, at least temporarily, to settle down, say Maybe it will allow me to recover quickly and have the power of a battle."

After all, Lu Xuan turned his head and said: "A raccoon, listen to me. You are now leaving, take the first worm to find Zhaize, or find Ning Yi, return to Jiuhua League as soon as possible, they no one knows you for the time being. The existence, will not pay attention to you."

"But Xuan Ge you..." A raccoon understands that this is a good place for Lu Xuan, but for himself it can be said to be Jedi, but let it leave Lu Xuan to leave it is really not rest assured.

Lu Xuan smiled and touched its head: "You are now taking me out of this suffocating valley, and we can never escape from the empty house. But I will stay. There will be a chance, you leave, It will also become safe, how to choose this, I don't need to teach you?"

Seeing the raccoon and hesitating, Lu Xuan took a shot of his head: "I still want to think about it, continue to stay here, do you want to kill me? When you are eroded by your anger, you lose your senses, I can beat you now. ""

A raccoon was finally convinced by Lu Xuan, and sighed with a sigh: "Well, then I am gone, Xuan Ge, you must hide well, I will return to Jiuhua League as soon as possible to find someone to save you! Must not Found by them!"

Lu Xuan showed a smile: "Do not worry, my life is a big blessing, I will not be accounted for here, maybe I can still encounter what kind of genius treasure makes my strength leaps and bounds to kill the Quartet."

A raccoon is also a grin, it really hopes that Lu Xuan can meet what baby kills the Quartet, no, do not need to kill the Quartet, as long as it can highlight the division of Sikongjia.

Didn't say more, A raccoon went with a step back and three times, Lu Xuan did not worry about its safety, Sikong did not know the existence of A raccoon, with the strong talent of A raccoon, completely capable of knowing I slipped out without feeling.

After the thief left, Lu Xuan had a heartfelt feeling of this place. I have to say that it is very strange to have a suffocating Jedi in this good forest.

The emergence of suffocation has never been without reason. The suffocation in the pool of Shura is deliberately created by Jiuhua League, coupled with endless killings.

And here... Lu Xuan faintly felt the volatility of a ray of law, although it was very hidden, but he had just built a world of sympathy, and he became more sensitive to the understanding of the sect, but he was also very sensitive. I noticed it.

He couldn't help but frown slightly. Is the suffocation here formed by people? However, to form such a strong place of suffocation, it is not a general array that can be done, nor is it that ordinary people can lay it down.

Even Lu Xuan Ming Ming can feel the faint fluctuations in the surrounding array, but he can't find the slightest trace. The people who laid the tactics on this line are not inferior to the strength of the Ye Family, and because of this feeling. Just like Lu Xuan’s feelings in the core of the Wanshen Mountain.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn’t think about it. Lu Xuan had to put down this thought for a while, and then remembered the purpose of this person’s laying out of this big array. Generally speaking, it was deliberately used to create a Jedi with a large array, not to protect anything. In order to hide something.

It’s hard to be guessed by myself. Is there really any treasure here? Lu Xuan couldn’t help but move.

Just as Lu Xuan wandered around in Tianzhu Valley, the three brothers of Sikong had already arrived at the mouth of Tiangu Valley.

"I have seen three elders." When the three people arrived, a group of warriors gathered in Taniguchi saw the ceremony.

Sikong Dong Gao Leng nodded a little and asked: "What is the situation now?"

Ps: Blessings of lateness... You are very happy with the Singles Day, I wish you no longer have a holiday next year, um, Xiaobao also strives to stop the festival next year/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~(To be continued~^~)

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