Sword Spirit

Chapter 1049: How to lie?

Take the flying dragonfly all the way back to Wanmo City, at this moment Lu Xuan can finally see the true content of this Mozu colony. The Wanmo City is also the only city in the magical mainland of the Devils. They are not many in number, and one city is enough.

Wan Magic City is far from the simple appearance of Lu Xuan’s imagination. Instead, it has a fight with the Dazu City on the Tianjian continent. Even if it is not comparable to the core city of Jiuhua City and Tiansheng City, it is also in the same red. This second-line main city of Flame City is almost the same.

The buildings are patchwork, but they are not simply spliced ​​together, but they are also exquisite. There are also many devils walking around the street, and there are even many vendors, which is a microcosm of a small world.

If you want to come, the Mozu has been here for a long time, and the time of 10,000 years is enough for them to transform the whole world of the magical magic several times.

After the dragonfly entered the city of Wanmo, it did not stop, but continued to move forward. The Mozu below just looked at it and stopped paying attention. They had already become accustomed to it. The Magic City is so big, they will know at a glance. The flying dragonfly in the sky belongs to the Ling family.

"The front is the castle of my Ling family." Ling Xuan Lu Xuan smiled slightly: "Now we have two other uncles in addition to me, I think they will feel very much about your arrival in the summer." happy."

In order to block the news of Lu Xuan's arrival, Ling Xiao did not inform Ling Shang and Ling Yu in advance, lest the news leaked, but now she is not worried. In the first place, she regained the good impression of Lu Xuan. Secondly, she was also a little black. The Xuan family was a black one. If it was not a special case, Lu Xuan should not lead to the Xuan family.

The flying dragonfly flew over the top of the Magic City. Soon, it was before the arrival of a fairly tall castle. The gates of the castle alone were nearly ten feet high. Considering the size of the troll family, the height is also high. Can understand.

But what makes Lu Xuan even more interested in the shape of the castle of the Ling family is completely different from the architectural style of the Terran. Almost all buildings are spires, giving a feeling of towering and thin. Compared with the atmosphere of the Terran architecture, there is a unique exotic atmosphere.

The flying dragonfly slowly descended, and Ling Xiao stood up and said: "Summer seniors. Come, please."

Lu Xuan stood up and shook his clothes, and the first one to go out. At the moment, Ling's Castle has stood a lot of Mozu before. The first two Mozus at first glance are the Devils. You don’t have to know that these two are the uncles that Ling Xiao said.

Seeing that Lu Xuan came out, Ling Shang and Ling Yu were both a glimpse. Even if they looked at each other, they all saw a strange look in the other's eyes. Ling Xiao hunting returned. They are naturally coming to greet. What they didn't even think of was that it wasn't Ling Xiao, but a stranger who came out of Ling Xiao's flying raft.

Before they figured out their clues, they both could only continue to stand stupidly, and secretly speculated on Lu Xuan’s identity. Fortunately, it was followed by Ling Xiao, who came out and stood next to Lu Xuan.

When Ling Xiao appeared, Ling Shang Ling Yu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Ling Shang took the lead and asked: "Small, this is?"

Ling Xiao did not rush to answer. Just said: "Go back and talk."

Then she waved her hand to the demons, indicating that they had dispersed, which led Lu Xuan into the castle. Looking at Ling Xiao’s respectful appearance to Lu Xuan, Ling Shang and the two were even more surprised. On this magical mainland, it seems that no one can deserve Ling Hao’s respect.

It is not necessary for the Xuanshi family to say that Ling Xiao has not been very much to see them, and although they themselves are the uncles of Ling Xiao, the identity of Ling Xiao is the commander and does not need to respect them. Instead, they need to salute Ling.

With all the doubts, Ling Shang Ling Yu also entered the castle behind Ling Xiao. Entering the castle hall, Ling Xiao first screened off others, and then asked Lu Xuan to sit on the main position. This explained to the Lingshang two: "The Xia predecessors are the Xia family of the Tianyu Mozu, this time. As the celestial ambassador of the celestial domain, we will come back to the celestial domain."

"Return to the celestial domain?" Ling Shang Ling Yu almost simultaneously exclaimed, these four words, almost no longer know how long it has not been heard. If the Mozu had just come to the enchanted mainland to settle down, and there were people who looked back to Tianyu, then after the millennium, almost no one had this hope again.

Now that the time has passed for 10,000 years, almost all the demons of the entire enchanted continent have already accepted their lives, and the real world of the enchanted continents has become their place of recuperation, rather than a short-term refuge.

If there are still Mozu people who have never forgotten to return to the celestial domain, then they are only the Ling family, which is why the Ling family has always maintained a pure blood.

"A thousand years of persistence, finally looking forward to the dawn?" Ling Yu looked very excited, the robes are gently shaking. Then he quickly went up the first two steps: "Lingyu family Lingyu, met the messenger adults, but also hope that the adults will take us back to the heavens as soon as possible, we have waited for this day, has been waiting for a full million years!"

Although Ling Yu is a ten-star demon, the strength is very different from Ling Xiao, but this adult, he can be said to be from the heart. First of all, Lu Xuan, as their only savior, naturally can be regarded as the name of an adult. Secondly, Lu Xuan can pass the powerful enchantment of Tianjian mainland, and the real strength wants to at least reach the realm of the demon.

Lu Xuan has already entered his identity. At this moment, he stood up without hesitation. He raised his hand and said that Ling Yu didn’t have to be polite. He smiled slightly: "This is what you deserve, even though the mission failed 10,000 years ago. The contribution you made to sacrifice is indelible. It is a pity that this day has reached 10,000 years, and many ancestors of the Ling family have been waiting to die."

Compared with Ling Yu's excitement, he is somewhat suspicious. The reason he suspects is similar to that of Ling Xiao. First, Lu Xuan came out too suddenly. Second, why did the messenger only be the Samsung Emperor? Strength?

However, he did not doubt that Lu Xuan was a person sent by the Xuan family, because he has always had more contacts with the Xuan family. If the Xuan family came up with such a big move, he could not be completely unaware of it.

"The Ling family has been a messenger. I have seen the messenger and dare to ask the messenger. Why did it take 10,000 years for Tianyu to send people down to meet me?"

I heard that Ling Shang asked the same question as myself. Ling Xiao’s face changed slightly. She worried that Ling Shang would once again anger Lu Xuan, and everything she had done before was in vain.

"Two uncles, getting through this celestial enchantment in the mainland requires the Emperor to take the shot. It is good that the devils can re-open the enchantment for us. Where can I ask for so much." Ling Xiao said with a hint of responsibility. Intention, the initiative helped Lu Xuan explain.

"Why is there now that the Emperor is willing to take the shot for us? The time of 10,000 years is not too short for Tianyu. It is a blessing that we have not been forgotten. What about the initiative to rescue me?" "Ling Shang has thrown another question. I have to say that the old fox is the old fox. I think more things than Ling Xiao."

It’s not that Ling Xiao’s thoughts are not comprehensive. Just before Lu Xuan put a look on her, she was worried that she would anger Lu Xuan. She didn’t think much about it for a while, and she didn’t dare to ask.

At this time, I heard Ling's question, Ling Xiao could not help but think about this problem, yeah, why do you think about saving us now?

It’s not just that she is thinking, but Lu Xuan’s own mind is also thinking, yeah, why send people to save them after ten thousand years? Oh, it’s really a headache. It’s really hard to lie. (To be continued~^~)

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