Sword Spirit

Chapter 1060: Enter the body (Happy New Year!)

Ling Xiao said in great detail, she could see that she did not have Tibetan Mastiff, and Lu Xuan also listened very seriously, remembering everything that Ling Xiao said. The Taiyin sun **** pattern is a special **** pattern, even more special than the two major lines of the hurricane and Lei Zhen, that is, there is not much record in the Taiyi Guiyuan. Once Lu Xuan missed the explanation of Ling Xiao, it would be even harder to find out for himself in the future. After all, what Ling Xiao said is accumulated by the Ling family through countless years of experience.

"The sun is required to be repaired by the sun, and it is necessary to pay attention to the intensity of the two gods. Keep it at the same level and not be out of order. Otherwise, once the sun is dying or the yin is dying, the two gods will be Will sway each other, but the gods will be annihilated, and then they will explode and die."

"When you use these two powerful lines of force, you can split them apart. However, if you combine yin and yang, the power will increase greatly, such as this." Ling Xiao’s speech stretched out a pair of white jade hands, and she did not see her. In the right hand, there is a force of the sun like a fireball with a golden glow, and the left hand is a force like the moonlight.

Under Lu Xuan's careful gaze, Ling Xiao slowly closed his hands, and the power of the Taiyin and the power of the Sun suddenly came together. There was no imaginary situation of water and fire. Yang, Yang has a yin, golden light and blue light meet, forming a complete beautiful sphere.

Such a magical scene, I saw that Lu Xuanqi was amazed. He once thought about combining the power of the water and the power of the C-Fire, but only able to keep the explosion in an instant, and it could not be like this. Just like what you want, like an arm.

Ling Xiao smiled a little, and at any time, the power of this group was dissipated without a trace.

"The combination of yin and yang is more difficult. You are only beginning to talk about this in the summer. It is best not to try it easily. When you have enough understanding of the characteristics of the sun, you will succeed."

"I understand." Lu Xuan nodded, and then said: "But I am only half-baked about the cohesion and use of the sun and the sun, I don't know if you have a miracle map to lend me a look?"

Ling Xiao slightly stunned, then shook his head and said: "There is no, the inheritance of the gods is in our blood, the strength to the natural know how to form, where the map is needed, but it is said that the humans have stolen our gods. There are quite a few maps."

Lu Xuan’s words suddenly made it difficult. The original Mozu had no such thing as a map. If you want to come, the Mozu is a natural god, where you need these things, and only the Terran. Every step needs to be condensed to get the map.

But in this way, how do you cultivate the Taiyin sun **** pattern? There is definitely one in the celestial domain, but I don’t know what year and month when I arrive in the celestial domain. Um... It should be there in the Emperor’s Palace, but it is also beyond the reach of the whip.

His eyes swept over Ling Xiao, Lu Xuan suddenly had a chance to move, although there is no map, but there is no ready-made physical version of the **** pattern template? If Ling Xiaoken let himself pry into it, then he will be able to re-enact it with his accomplishments on the road. It is necessary to know that the patterns of the humanity's gods are all glimpsed from the Mozu.

"Cough, that, although the body of the sun is born in my body, but limited to physical reasons, now only the **** pattern, not self-consolidating, do not know Ling Ling led you ... it is not convenient for me to look at these two gods The structure of the grain?"

"Look at it? Then you are not going to enter my body?" Ling Xiao was stunned by Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan is also embarrassed at this moment, this request seems to be a bit too much, but what Ling Xiao said is what, what is called into her body, always feels weird.

"That, just the spiritual knowledge enters your body, and you don't have to go too far. You just need to resist my spiritual knowledge, let me check it out." Lu Xuan's argument seems very weak, no matter what it is into the body of Ling Xiao, It’s all in her body, and the perception of this kind of thing is much stronger than the touch.

"This..." Ling Xiao seems to be a bit embarrassed, whether it is the Mozu or the Terran, under normal circumstances will not easily let people into their own body to snoop. Such as the human race, once someone wants to infiltrate the knowledge into your body, it will immediately have a strong feeling, self-rejection, and doing so, it is easy to cause strong hostility.

Seeing that Ling Xiao seems to have refused, Lu Xuan said quickly: "If Ling Ling leads you to let me inquire, I promise to do my best to help you break the blockade of the mainland. After my strength is restored, I will take you right away. Return to the sky."

In order to obtain the cultivation method of the Taiyin sun **** pattern, Lu Xuan had to lie again. He really did not want to miss such a great opportunity.

Ling Xiao slightly bowed his head and bite his lower lip. Obviously, he is engaged in ideological struggle. At this moment, she has lost a bit of dominance and dominated the situation.

After a long while, Ling Hao exhaled and looked at Lu Xuan: "The guarantees of your summer predecessors are naturally trustworthy, but... you must ensure that you can only detect the gods and not take the opportunity to do other things."

Ling Xiao’s heart has been measured. Now Lu Xuan’s strength has not recovered. It should not be her opponent. If Lu Xuan’s spiritual knowledge is really dare to come, she will be able to kill Lu Xuan’s spiritual knowledge in the body. Although the open heart is embarrassing for Ling Xiao, it is also very dangerous for Lu Xuan.

Seeing Ling Xiao finally loosen, Lu Xuan was overjoyed, haha ​​smiled: "This is nature, I dare to offend Ling Ling. Also, Ling Tong led you not always call me a predecessor, you and my peers talk, call me summer Brother can."

For Lu Xuan to sell good behavior, Ling Hao will not refuse, and barely smiled: "Then I am disrespectful, Xia Xiong please, I am ready."

After talking, Ling Xiao took a deep breath, closed his eyes, slightly raised his white neck, a look of fate. Looking at her appearance, Lu Xuan secretly groaned, I don't want you to do anything, I feel like I want to do something like a beast.

However, it is rare to have such an opportunity. Lu Xuan naturally wants to cherish it. He also closes his eyes, and his knowledge slowly rises out and extends toward Ling.

When Lu Xuan’s knowledge came to Ling Xiao’s body, Ling Xiao suddenly felt uncomfortable. Now she completely unloaded her body defense, and she did not have any resistance to Lu Xuan's knowledge. It was like a pair of invisible hands touching her body.

Tolerance has passed, Ling Xiao secretly told himself, but at this time, Lu Xuan’s knowledge suddenly passed through her chest and went straight into her chest and abdomen.

At this moment, Ling Xiao almost screamed and jumped up. Although Lu Xuan did not do any gestures, but now Ling Xiao is almost in a state of "not in the air", when the gods pass over her chest. That kind of feeling, it seems that it was really touched by Lu Xuan!

PS: 2016, the first chapter of the new year, Xiao Bao wish everyone a happy new year, happy! Get rid of poverty! Take off the order! Skim! (To be continued~^~)

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