Sword Spirit

Chapter 1066: Little sister

With repeated failures, Lu Xuan learned more and more about the characteristics of the Sun's power of the Sun, especially when the two forces merged, and the subtle changes in its characteristics were clearly grasped by him.

Finally, when Lu Xuan tried again, the fingertips quietly emerged with a flash of power like a flame, and the gold and silver were mixed, sometimes ambiguous, and sometimes integrated into one, which was wonderful.

Seeing this "fire", Lu Xuan’s face suddenly showed a smile, and finally succeeded!

Waving away from this power, Lu Xuan can't wait to test the power of Scorpio. However, the impact of the previous failure is still vivid. He thought about it, but decided not to experiment here, lest he not Careful failure, the Lingxi's training room was demolished.

The long-closed secret room was opened, and the maids who had long been accustomed to the closeness of the Chamber of Secrets saw the secret room open for a moment. They all showed a strange color. The forefoot Ling Xiao just came here to ask Lu Xuan’s news. I didn’t expect him to come out. .

"I have seen the ambassador, please come later, I will go and ask the leader." The maid was bowed, and then she was ready to leave for Ling Xiao. This is what Ling Xiao told.

"No need." Lu Xuan stopped the maid: "You lead the way, I am going to find her."

"This...the messenger please come with me."

Ling Xiao is still practicing martial arts in the martial arts hall at this moment. This has become her daily task. During this time, she can be regarded as a slap in the face. Lu Xuan painted a big cake for her, but she couldn't eat it now. She had to wait for him to restore his strength. Every day, I remembered the matter back to Tianyu, so her energy that she had smashed down could only be vented in the performance field.

A few days ago, a burst of loud noise broke out in the practice room. Ling Xiao thought that Lu Xuan had cultivated what he had, but there was no movement after he saw it. Lu Xuan did not see it. She intended to force it from the outside. Open the secret room, and I am afraid to disturb Lu Xuan's cultivation, thinking that I can only give up.

Today, she went to see it again. She didn’t see Lu Xuan coming out. When she walked, she walked to the performance field unconsciously. However, I didn’t expect it to be practiced for a long time, and there was a soft announcement from outside.

"Xia Xiong? How come out today, is it the strength to recover?" Ling Xiao looked at Lu Xuan with some surprises.

Lu Xuan was not busy answering the words, but he was looking up and down, and he felt that he couldn’t afford it. Ling Xiao came out directly from the martial arts hall. Naturally, she didn't have time to change her clothes. At this moment, she was dressed in a strong body, and her upper body was only wearing a tight-fitting clothing with very few fabrics. The exquisite body was drawn to the fullest and full of seductive nature.

Lu Xuan coughed twice and slightly diverted his gaze. He said that he might not have tasted meat for a long time, and he would not be ugly, or don't look too good.

"The strength is not restored, but the Taiyin sun **** pattern is a small success, but also a magical skill, so I want to find Ling Tong to take a place to practice."

"Oh, it turns out." Ling Xiao nodded intently. No wonder she felt that Lu Xuan’s attraction to her today seems to be much bigger than before. I want to come because of the sun and the sun, so the sun is attracted to each other. Both of them have the same **** pattern in their bodies, and naturally there will be a natural attraction.

"In this case, then Xia Xiong can come with me, here is the martial arts hall of my Ling family." Ling Xiao smiled and reached out to Lu Xuan to lead the way.

"Everything in this martial arts hall is made of Heiner stone. It has a very good effect on the absorption of power. It is difficult to destroy. Xia brother, despite his full strength." Stepping into the martial arts hall, Ling Xiao pointed to the facilities inside. Introduced Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan nodded and looked at it. There were stone walls, stone pillars, stone people, etc., and things like plum blossom piles, which can satisfy most of the martial arts cultivation needs, and it took a lot of thought.

"I don't know what kind of supernatural power Xia Xiong wants to cultivate. Do you mind if I am watching the younger sister?" Ling Xiao asked with a smile.

Lu Xuan was screamed by her sister's self-proclaimed name. When did both of them have already called their brother and sister? To tell the truth, Lu Xuan does not really want Ling Xiao to stay here. When he has not been used to practicing martial arts, he has been watching. Secondly, he is worried that revealing that he is not the truth of the soul, the third is... ... Ling Xiao this dress is a little irritating, in case of distraction is not good.

However, this is the case, but Lu Xuan did not say anything, but smiled and said: "My magical power needs to combine the power of yin and yang. Since Ling Tong has this Yaxing, please give me a lot of advice."

Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed a trace of surprise. I didn’t expect Lu Xuan’s first set of Taiyin Sun Shinto to be a combination of yin and yang. This difficulty is not small, but she also wants to see how Lu Xuan can cultivate, naturally it is happy. Answer.

Having said that, Lu Xuan did not open much. He is not afraid of Ling Xiao’s own strength. Anyway, he uses the power of the sun that has never been touched before. Even if there is any strange place, it is reasonable. Among them.

Set the gods, Lu Xuan heart nowhere, began to condense the power of the sun, the two gods in the body slightly shocked, then two completely different forces appeared in the body. The scorpio refers to the operation route Lu Xuan has long remembered that he is very skilled, and immediately manipulated these two forces to operate according to a specific route.

After the sun's power was running in the body, it began to gather together to Lu Xuan's right arm. When the two forces touched each other, the success was combined into one, and then completely condensed on the right middle finger.

Ling Xiao observed very carefully, and was very sensitive to the power of the sun, and soon noticed the power of Lu Xuan's fingertips, nodded slightly, and understood in his heart that it seems that Lu Xuan is practicing fingering.

The **** method is very special compared to the magic method of the boxing method. There are disadvantages and advantages. The disadvantage is that the range of attack is too small, it is not suitable for group battles, and it is impossible to sweep a large piece like the palm of the hand. It is to concentrate all the power on one point. On the penetrating power and explosive power, it is far better than the boxing method. Therefore, the **** method is often good at one blow, as long as it is always, not dead or disabled.

"Go!" Lu Xuan sighed lightly, the right **** pointed to the index finger, the other three fingers slightly curved, and instantly swung the right hand.

As he said this, a ray of light suddenly burst out and shot straight toward a stone wall in front of him. A bang was heard, like a nail nailed to the stone wall, causing a slight shock.

Waiting for a burst of dust to dissipate, Lu Xuan can see the consequences of his own, this is comparable to the "Scorpio" finger, even left a small hole in this stone wall, let alone wear Throughout, it is not even half an inch deep, which is much worse than Lu Xuan’s imagination.

At the moment, Ling Xiao’s voice on the side: “Xia Xiong’s magical power is extraordinary!”

Lu Xuan, who was hit hard, heard this and couldn’t help but turn his head and look at Ling Xiaobai’s eyes: “Are you making fun of me?”

Ling Xiaowen laughed and laughed, and shook his head again and again: "The little girl has no such intention, but it is the true heart. It is absolutely enough to prove that the **** method is so powerful. ”

Lu Xuan heard the words suddenly, and listening to the meaning of Ling Xiao seems to be the problem of his own efforts, but not the reason of Tianzhu?

PS: I don't know if you have seen the recently promoted Prince Edward's promotion. Xiaobao recently went to see it. He likes the woman. When I wrote it, the look of Ling Xiao in my mind has been very vague, but After reading it, I couldn’t help but put the image of Prince Zizhen into it, haha. (To be continued~^~)

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