Sword Spirit

Chapter 1070: Pushing

The group of demons did not expect that Ling Xiaoyi would be such a means of iron and blood. Many of the Mozu people had already scored three points in their hearts. They all looked down and stared at Ling Xiao. The majesty that Ling’s family accumulated over the years re-emerged in this moment. The heart is fermenting.

The reaction of the demons was all seen by Ling Xiao. For their attitude, Ling Xiao was still satisfied, and they had to let them know who the final decision was.

However, Ling Xiao also knows that he can't be forced to press the whole game. After she shocked the audience with **** means, she slowly went up the first two steps and was about to explain the rumors about it. Unexpectedly, there was another Mozu who took the lead.

"What is the meaning of Ling Ling leading you, is it true that the rumors are true, do you really want to take me for sacrifice? I am waiting for you to be a member of the Ling family, but not the slaves you have raised!" The tone is quite rude, and his eyes are staring at Ling Xiao, quite an aggressive momentum.

Ling Xiao heard the words of Liu Mei, she did not expect that after showing her own means, there are still people who dare to attack themselves.

As the Mozu opened up, some of the unbelievers in the audience suddenly shouted and shouted: "Yeah, Ling Ling led you to be a guilty conscience, want to kill me and wait for the mouth?"

"It’s a matter of life and death, I will never give in!"

"If you want to kill, then kill me all!"

"I don't want to go back to Tianyu, I don't believe you can take us back!"


The sounds of the demons are getting bigger and bigger, and the waves of noisy waves are wave after wave. Some of the demons who could not speak, are affected by the surrounding demons, and they can't help but make a lot of noise.

Seeing the crowds excited, the scene is getting more and more suppressed, Ling Xiao and Ling Yu look at each other, the heart is flashing a bad feeling.

Lu Xuan squinted at the demons under the stage, but let him discover some clues. The demon who first stood up and led the group to resist, actually quit quietly after the excitement and disappeared into the people. Among the sea. Not only that, some of the Mozus that should be at the beginning are no longer smashing at the moment, but instead watch the rest of the Mozus silently.

"Ling Tongling, the second step of the Xuan family to start with you has already begun. If I think well, the people who have just spoken to you are the Xuan family. They deliberately promoted it and stirred up the demons. The anger." Lu Xuan faint reminder.

Ling Xiao smiled coldly: "I know that the Xuan family will only play tricks that can't get on the table, but it is not so easy to use the power of the demons to overthrow my Ling family!"

Taking a deep breath, Ling Xiaoyun took a full force and said: "Silence! Give me a shut up!"

This sound, Ling Xiao has already used the power of his half-step magic, the huge sound of the sound shocked Lu Xuan eardrum, I am afraid that half a million magic city can hear this voice.

Being swayed by Ling Xiao, the voices of the disturbances gradually became low. Without the Xuan family, they really did not stand up.

Ling Xiao’s cold eyes swept over the demons, Shen Sheng said: “A rumor in the district will make you feel like you are going to chase yourself. You are really living more and more. Going back and relying on the wind and the shadows, I suspect that I am a Ling family. Forgot who led you to come here!"

"Since you have to explain, then I will give you an explanation. This is the one who is from the celestial celestial celestial being Xia Zun, the Xia Zun who is under the command of the Emperor, and then I will return to the celestial domain, with the summer The power of the Sayādaw can completely break the enchantment of the Tianjian continent, and you don’t need to take your sacrifices at all! The previous rumors are just those who have ulterior motives that are specially sent out to blind you."

Ling Xiao pushed Lu Xuan out. She invited Lu Xuan to come to enhance the confidence of the demons. A demon who had never seen it, said that no one from Tianyu believed.

However, there will always be people who will not let Ling Xiao easily do what they want. At this moment, a yin and yang sound will sound: "He clearly has only the realm of the emperor. Where is the sage? If he is a sage, I will believe it. After all, everyone. I know that there is no way to break through to the demon statue on the mainland, but now I have only these strengths. I have to suspect that this is what your Ling family deliberately concealed, so that they are now deceiving me."

Ling Yu heard the anger, and dared to blame it again and again, and then questioned the Ling family, it was simply impatient!

At the time when Ling Yu was ready to open the killing, Ling Xiao stopped it. Just Lingyu’s shot stimulated the demons and condemned them. Now, if you kill them, you will probably get the opposite effect.

Ling Xiao’s gaze fell on the devil who spoke, and sneered: “If I remember well, you should be the Xuan’s family? Question my Ling family, this is what you mean, or the meaning of Xuan Canaan. ?"

Suddenly, he was stunned by the identity. The devil couldn’t help but look at it. He didn’t expect that a commander of Ling Xiaotang would remember such a small person.

In fact, where Ling Xiao knows him, there are many Mozus in the Magic City. Ling Xiao is not even the devils of the Ling family. They may not remember the whole family. How can they remember the Xuan family? However, she is talented and talented. It is not difficult to guess that these demons who are helping the waves are arranged by the Xuan family.

After being swayed by Ling Xiao, the demon did not panic. He continued to swear: "Yes, I am really under the command of Xuan, but what does it matter? Returning to Tianyu is a major event for all our demons. Can I Can't you prove the facts to Ling Tong on behalf of yourself? Unless Ling Tong can prove that the Tiantian messenger really has the power of demon, I will never believe that he is from Tianyu!"

"Yes! Prove that he has the strength of the Supreme, we believe that Ling Tong led you to say." Countless Mozu yelled.

For a time, Ling Xiao several people were forced to the corner of the wall, Ling Xiao heart resentment, these devils clearly do not trust the Ling family, otherwise their own words are evidence, where also need Lu Xuan to prove strength? However, she knows that Lu Xuan’s strength has not recovered, and she is unable to come up with the devil’s strength.

Looking back at Lu Xuan, Ling Xiao was asking for advice from Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan’s face was calm and she walked forward without expression. She looked down at the demons in the audience and said faintly: “Love does not believe. With you, you are not qualified enough to let the deity prove the strength. The emperor pity you to be trapped in the next year. For a long time, I am going to meet you in the lower bounds. You are willing to go back to Tianyu with your deity. If you don’t want to go back, you will stay here again, but I promise that I missed this opportunity and you will be trapped here forever. Including your descendants!"

Lu Xuan's faint words did not show the slightest deterrence, but they all infiltrated the hearts of the demons. One time, the black-pressed demons did not speak out.

Yes, no one asked them to go back. It was the emperor who pity them and sent people to pick them up, but not to ask them to go back. Willing to go back, then go back, don't want to go back, then please feel free. More importantly, Lu Xuan’s last words, once they missed this opportunity, they, including their sons and grandchildren, will never have a chance to return to Tianyu.

Ling Yu quite admired Lu Xuan's glance, and it is a messenger from Tianyu. This gesture is extraordinary. I don't even see this messy Mozu. What do you like?

Ling Xiao also showed a smile, it seems that it is a good decision to call Lu Xuan here, but just as she thought that she succeeded in persuading the demons, the troubled people came out again.

"Don't think about transferring the topic. If you don't prove it, it means you don't dare. I think you are simply a murderer of the celestial domain! Even if you are a celestial messenger, now we are not paying attention to returning to the celestial domain. Is it that the Ling family will sacrifice us to achieve their unspeakable purpose! Today you will not explain these things clearly, we will never give up!"

"Yes, we have lived in the enchanted continent for a long time, and we have already rooted here, and we don't want to go back to Tianyu."

"Our understanding of Tianyu is only in the record, and the history of those records is written by your Ling family. Who knows what Tianyu is like, I would rather stay in the magical continent than to Go to the domain that I have never seen before!"

"That is, living in the mainland of the enchanted mainland is good, why should we return to the celestial domain?"

Under the help of some Mozus, the demons set off a wave of opposition to return to the celestial domain. This is indeed the voice of most Mozu people. Their understanding of Tianyu is almost blank. I don’t know that Where, who would be willing to abandon the current stable life to return to the Tianyu?

"I just said that Xia Zun has already said that if you don't want to go back, you won't go back. No one will force you." Ling Xiao once again stressed what Lu Xuan had just said.

"But you want blood to seal the magic continent to open the enchantment, we are determined not to!"

Seeing that this group of demons insisted that the Ling family wanted blood to seal the magic continent, Ling Xiao was also annoyed. She did not expect this rumor to be so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In other words, she did not expect the Ling’s credibility to be so low. . She immediately angered: "How do you want to believe?"

Hearing the enlightenment of the rumor, the ruined demons could not help but face each other, right, how can they believe it? In the past, people naturally believed in Ling Xiao’s words, but now they are not worthy of being too convinced.

A sound of yin measurement came out from the group of demons: "What is the difficulty? If Ling Ling leads you to kill this so-called celestial ambassador, then it is natural for everyone to return to the celestial domain, and naturally believe in you."

Ling Xiao heard furious, if she killed Lu Xuan, how did she return to Tianyu, how to solve the dilemma faced by the Ling family?

"Let's disappoint, dare to disrespect the Xia Zun, and should be executed!" Ling Xiao screamed, quickly found out the magic of the words from the demons, hands-on, a moment of strength from the body of the demon Over, one blows!

Ling Xiao suddenly shot, and instantly stopped the demons, but only for a moment, a fierce voice sounded: "The Ling family began to ruin! Kill the Tianyu messenger and overthrow the Ling family!"

"Kill the celestial messenger and overthrow the Ling family!"

A neat slogan sounded at the same time, Lu Xuan and Ling Hao looked up at the forefront at the same time, I saw a lot of well-equipped equipment Mozu rushed over, and several people changed at the same time.

Ling Xiao said a word: "Xuan's family!"

PS: Wow, I haven't written a 3,000-word chapter for a long time. I don't get used to it. This chapter is 3200 words. (To be continued~^~)

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