Sword Spirit

Chapter 1100: Containment

Under the leadership of Su Shou, a group of people quickly shuttled through the mountains. While walking, Su Shou said: "Sikong has laid a lot of dark whistle around here, but it has been discovered by our Su family through various channels. Lu Gongzi, I will take you out of this place first."

"There is work." Lu Xuan nodded his face with no expression. He had not been able to get out of the bad news he had just learned, but he also made a decision for himself to be glad, if he did not accept it. With the sincerity of Su Shou, I am afraid that even if everyone is killed before, it may not be able to successfully escape the sight of Sikong.

All the way to rush, I don’t know how long, Su Shou finally stopped, and I sighed and said: "Lu Gongzi, I have successfully avoided the whistle of Sikong’s home here. I don’t know how you are going to go next?"

Lu Xuan looked up into the distance and said: "The base of the Jiuhua League in the Eight-Party Temple should be pulled out almost. I dare not go to risk easily. For the sake of the present, I am afraid I can only cross the Promise Sea and go to Wan. Shark Island."

Su Shou nodded: "This will cost a little more time, but it is the safest way. From here, it is going south. It is the direction of Wansha Island. If so, I wish Lu Gongzi a good trip. I have to return to the Su family first to return to life. I hope that after Lu Gongzi returns to the Jiuhua League, he can arrange for the manpower to come and meet me as soon as possible."

"Reassured, everything you have done today, I will remember it, and will never let you wait."

Su Shou and others sighed with relief and said, "I will wait until I leave."

After all, Su Yang and Li Wu’s three warriors turned around and left behind. Under the leadership of Su Shou, they sneaked back to their respective families along a safe route. After all, they should now be a “dead man”, and they must not let Sikong’s family discover.

“Now it’s safe?” Ling Xiao asked.

"Safety can't be said, but at least it has left the eyes of Sikong's family. We are careful and should not be discovered by them."

"You should let Xiaorou out and breathe first. She is afraid of being upset now, I don't know what it is."

Lu Xuan thought about it, he took out Taiyi Ding, put Lingrou out of it, suddenly appeared from the Taiyi Ding space, Lingrou still had some discomfort, but soon saw Ling Xiao, quickly trotting two Stepping to her side, rejoicing: "Commander, have we left the world of the magic?"

"Yes, but we are now escaping with the landing messenger." Ling Xiao looked at Lu Xuan.

"Escape?" Lingrou asked some puzzled.

"I told you before, I was being chased before I went to you, and now I am on the site of my enemy." Lu Xuan explained, paused, he said: "Xiaorou, then we There is still a long way to go. You have to be wronged and you will stay in it for a while. When we are completely safe, let you out."

Ling softly said: "Then I will not drag you down, but the land messenger, you must protect the leader."

Ling Xiaozui: "I don't know who protects who?"

Lu Xuan said with a smile, then waved his hand and once again took Ling Rou back to Tai Yi Ding and said: "Let's go, I hope that there will be no more accidents."

Although this is the case, Lu Xuan always feels that this trip will not be so smooth.

The two men immediately flew up and went all the way in the direction of Zhengnan. Unfortunately, Lu Xuan’s hurricane Ling Zhou was destroyed under the pursuit of Sikongdong. Otherwise, the speed can be faster. Of course, that The goal is also bigger, and it is easier to be perceived by the people of Sikong.

Flying all the way, Lu Xuan did not dare to carelessly, extending the power of perception to the maximum distance, but in addition to the smell of some monsters, there is no sign of living. Every time I encounter some powerful monsters, Lu Xuan will It was a direct release of his own Longwei, and it was shocked, but it did not cause any trouble, and it was smooth.

After nearly two hours of rushing, Lu Xuan has been able to see the margins of the forest. When he came out from Sikong’s home, the route of escape was the direction of Wansha Island, but he was forced to break into the Tianzhu Valley. Therefore, it is not far from the endless sea.

As long as this forest is out, the road that is not far away is able to escape to the Promise Sea. At that time, it is really a high-flying bird. The sea is wide and the fish jumps. Even if the empty house means the sky, I am afraid Block him in the Promise Sea.

Just less than five miles from the edge of Senli, Lu Xuan suddenly grabbed the next Ling Xiao and said: "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" Ling Xiao did not understand.

Lu Xuan took a deep breath: "There are people waiting for us outside."

Ling Xiao slightly glimpsed, and even if Liu Mei was upside down, there was a sigh of anger: "You mean that there are chasing troops? Is it that those people have told me before?"

"No, it can't be them." Lu Xuan shook his head. "This forest is so big, they simply don't know where we are from, and these people are just stuck in the way we choose. It's definitely we are accidentally being They noticed."

"How is it possible? We all have the feeling of moving around us all the way, there is no one at all, unless they can not know the prophet." Ling Xiao shook his head unbelief.

Lu Xuan looked at her deeply: "Don't underestimate the means of the Terran, let alone look at the means of the Sikong family, this is their territory!"

"What should I do now?" Ling Xiao lost his mind for a time. After the battle with Si Kongdong, she also got a general understanding of the strength of the Terran. She wouldn’t take it for granted that she could do everything on her own. I have to know that this time they are prepared.

"We changed places, I hope they haven't noticed us yet." Lu Xuan is still very confident in his own range of perceptions. Although he does not know where the leaks have caused Sikong to perceive his own movements, maybe they are still I don't know if I have arrived here.

However, when Lu Xuan quietly turned and prepared to change direction, a thick voice was passed from far away: "Lu Xuan Lu Shaomeng, I haven't seen it for many days. Why didn't you want to leave before you met? Your day is in Sikong. The heroic attitude of the family, I am missing, I may wish to come out and talk about the old."

Upon hearing this, Lu Xuan’s action suddenly became a stagnation. He turned and looked at the front. Shen Sheng said: “We have already been discovered.”

After all, Lu Xuan's brows are wrinkled. He can't figure out why. It seems that his every move is under the eyes of the opposite side. Even if he turns and leaves, he can know clearly. (To be continued~^~)

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