Sword Spirit

Chapter 1115: Solid backing

The collision between Jiuhua League and the strongest forces of the Eight Dynasties Temple has only ended in such a short period of time. There is no doubt that this time the Jiuhua League won.

Without the constraints of Sikong’s family, he successfully received Lu Xuan. The Ye family can be described as a joy. The return trip is not so urgent. Everyone has not seen Lu Xuan for a long time. Naturally, it’s a stomach. Say.

First, Zhao Ying took Lu Xuan a good preaching, and it was a slap in the face. In the face of the mother's teachings, Lu Xuan naturally nodded and said that she was worried about her children. This time, Lu Xuan is really a life of nine deaths. Zhao Ying is naturally worried about it. For too.

However, Ye Wuxun and Lu Yu’s life and the two fathers only said a few short sentences, but they could not conceal the deep fatherly love. Fatherly love never floated on the surface. Now I see Lu Xuan. Obstruction, they are relieved.

The next time is naturally handed over to Lu Xuan's beauty, whether it is Zhao Binger who survived in the dead, or Lin Xinyi and Xia Chenxi, etc., who are full of thoughts and want to talk, but because most of the elders Here, it is not good to be too hot, and can only express my own thoughts and worries implicitly.

Of course, apart from this, a few women have not forgotten to inquire about Ling Xiao’s identity. For Lu Xuan’s romanticism, several women are well aware, otherwise it is impossible to have so many women around Lu Xuan’s side. I have to know that Lu Xuan is not a person without a criminal record. It is not the first time to go out and bring back a woman.

However, in the face of Lu Xuan’s vowed to say that he and Ling Xiao are absolutely innocent, Zhao Binger and others are believed. Lu Xuan has a little bit of their belief, that is, things about feelings will never deceive them, since he said nothing, That should be fine.

Just looking at the group surrounded by Lu Xuan, Ling Xiao quite kind of feeling of being left out, but at the moment she remembered that Lingrou was also collected by Lu Xuan in Taiyi Ding, catching up and gently licking Lu Xuanyi Feet, let him release Lingrou.

"I almost forgot it. I think the girl is waiting for it. I will release her, and you will have a companion." Lu Xuan slammed his head and immediately took out Taiyi Ding and released it. Staying in the space of Taiyi Ding Ling.

When I saw it, I saw so many people, Ling Luo suddenly was amazed, and some time was a circle, but even if it was pulled by Ling Xiao to explain to her, the master and the servant met each other, quite a lifetime after the robbery. Depend on each other.

"Xuaner, you come over." At this moment, Ye Wuxun was a move to Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan turned his head and saw Ye Wuxun and a group of elders all looking at himself. Presumably there was something to tell him. After explaining it, he went to the leaves without a trace.

"Father, is there something?"

"Well, since you left the Jiuhua League, you have never been able to see you. Many things, your grandfather and Ashi are not very clear, or you can only ask you personally."

"Xuan Er, what happened after you separated from the raccoon? According to Xiao Ai, you are not in the Tianjian continent?" This time, the question was asked by Ye Wenyan.

Lu Xuan nodded lightly: "The child's trip, what he saw and heard, is indeed some... incredible."

"Is it incredible? Do you encounter any unusual things in the valley that day?" Ye Wenjun asked, the existence of Tianzhu Valley has always been an unsolved mystery of Tianjian mainland. Ye Jiayuan lives in Jiuhua League, not It is convenient to come and investigate, but according to the whistle of the Eight Temples, it seems that Sikong has not made any progress, and they are not interested.

"It is not something unusual in Tianzhu Valley." Lu Xuan shook his head and said: "After the separation with the raccoon, the brothers of Sikongdong were chasing all the way, although I set traps to stop them. However, after all, he was seriously injured at the time and did not dare to be an enemy of it. What's more, there is still Sikong Zhengqing coming at any time, so I can only continue to deepen with strong suffocation..."

With Lu Xuan’s remarks, the situation in Tianzhu Valley began to appear in front of Ye Wenyan and others. No one expected that the mysterious existence of Tianzhu Valley was only to hide a transmission array inside, but then they Realize that Lu Xuan’s experience has only just begun.

Lu Xuan from his first arrival to the enchanted mainland, to rely on the false identity of the celestial ambassador to be a guest in the Ling family, and then to the conflict with the Xuan family one by one, I heard Ye Wenyan and others face each other, who they I did not expect that the demon who came to the war in 10,000 years ago survived and lived in a place completely isolated from the Tianjian continent.

"According to this, this woman... is the leader of the Ling family?"

"indeed so."

Ye Wenyan nodded gently and licked the beggar: "No wonder I see her strength is a bit weird, but it is quite powerful. It turned out to be a demon. Oh, I really didn't think that this life can still see the magic on the Tianjian continent. Family."

"Although it is a Mozu, but the child has accepted her love, after all, without her help, I can't come back safely. The baby promised her. Once she can break the blockade of Tianjian mainland, she will bring her together. Leaving Tianjian mainland, so please ask Gaozu not to be difficult for her." Lu Xuan took the initiative to ask for Ling Xiao.

Ye Wenyan did not speak, and Ye Wenjun scorned a sigh: "The Terran Mozu is not in the same position, and you don't have to feel the psychological burden of the Ling family. When they came to deal with my ancestors, Nothing can be seen."

Ye Tian’s affairs, Ye Jia’s ancestors are naturally known, and they are also qualified to know.

Lu Xuan smiled bitterly: "That's the case, but the child is in the first place, and in fact, the Ling family has a hard time. Compared with those souls who are dedicated to killing, the Mozu is much better than them. At least the Ling family is so. After all, the Ling family can retain half of the human race."

Ye Wenyan waved her hand to stop Lu Xuan’s words and said: “Xuan Er, you can rest assured that we will not be embarrassed by her. I have always been blaming my grievances. I’m too young to say that she has the grace and the grace. In my Ye family, I said that it is because of our entire human race, we don’t have such a small amount of energy."

Lu Xuan sighed and said: "Thank you for your understanding."

Ye Wenyan smiled slightly and continued: "This little girl named Ling is good for you, but the group of demons on the mainland of the enchanted... What are your plans?"

Lu Xuan heard the words and sighed for a long time, this is the voice: "The existence of the Mozu is a hidden danger after all. Moreover, the Xuan family is completely different from the Ling family. When I have the strength, I have to find a way to deal with this. Things, at that time, may have to discuss with Ling Xiao, I want to come to her to hate the family also hatred more than friendship, if it is not my shot, this Ling family on Tianjian mainland, I am afraid that all have been Xuan The family is annihilated."

"Well, you are growing up now, and it is good to have your own considerations." Ye Wenyan nodded. "Our old guys can only give you some tips, what to do, how to do it, let go. Just do it. You just need to remember that we are always your most solid backing." (To be continued~^~)

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