Sword Spirit

Chapter 1130: Stable

As always, the confession of the lord's government is completely different from the appearance of the city's blood. It is obvious that there has not been war.

As the most rigorous guardian of the Jiuhua League, no one can break in. There are countless powerful arrays, and there are many guards hidden in the dark. No one can hide except Ye Zi. The Guards of the Allied Government were mobilized. Even if there was such a big chaos in the former city government, no one of the guards of the lord’s government went to support.

Obviously, Ye Hao is also aware of the power of it. There is no idea of ​​playing the main government. He only wants to take the city government to control Jiuhua City.

Lu Xuan pushed the closed door of the lord's house, that is, everyone who saw the wait-and-see in the yard, his sister Lu Qiong, his disciple Qin Yueyi, and Lin Tian and other friends are here.

The moment the door was pushed open, everyone was shocked. Even with a hint of surprise, Lu Qiong stepped forward and grasped Lu Xuan’s hand and looked at him from top to bottom. This is a long breath: "Xiaoxuan, you are finally back, this time, I am worried about death."

Lu Xuan showed a smile, his hands on Lu Qiong's shoulder and patted the film: "Do not worry, my blessing, how can there be something, but you, nothing happened?"

"Just in the chaos of Jiuhua City, I didn't see you coming back, but I was in a hurry. Lin Tian, ​​they wanted to go out and help, but I was stopped, seeing you like this... The outside thing has been solved?"

"Well, it's okay, my father stayed there and settled down, advanced, and the second uncle was seriously injured. Although I was relieved, I need to be treated as soon as possible."

Lu Qiong quickly let go, let Ye Wenyan and others enter. When Lu Xuan walked past Lin Tian, ​​he smiled and pointed to him: "You kid is very capable, but dare to go out to help?"

Lin Tian grinned with a long sword: "That is your sister will not let me out, or I will definitely kill some enemies."

"Just rely on your strength to return to the Yuan Dynasty?" Lu Xuan smiled and shook his head.

"Lu Xuan, I don't like to listen to you." Summer night, plugging in the side: "What is the difference between Yuan Yuanjing, although it is really impossible to compare with you, but in the younger generation, we are not bad. , right? Lin Tian?"

"Who asked you to call me Lu Xuan?" Lu Xuan took a look at the back of the summer morning, whispered: "I have to call my brother-in-law!"

"Oh, let's talk about each other." Summer night grinned: "Speaking of you are smaller than me, and let me call my brother-in-law, it is not harmful."

Lu Xuan shrugged and said that he was helpless. They were a brother who Lu Xun had met since he stepped into the door of Wudao. In private, he naturally had to fight. Lu Xuan always loved his brother-in-law to suppress people. Killed in the summer night.

After a pause, Lu Xuan took a deep breath and his tone became dignified: "I just didn't make a joke with you. Your strength is really good in the younger generation, but the enemy you face is not you. The same age, don't say that you are only returning to the same situation, even if it is too virtual, in the face of the real strong, it is just a trick."

Lin Tian heard that Lu Xuan’s tone seemed to be a bit wrong. He asked: “What’s the matter, is it a big trouble? I’ve been seriously injured when I saw Ye Cheng. Is it difficult to be the Eight-Party Temple?”

Lu Xuan shook his head: "No, the Eight Temples are not yet courageous, it is the soul family."

"The Soul?" Lin Tian and others exclaimed at the same time: "Isn't the Souls all destroyed?"

"No, there is a fish that slips through the net, and it is the biggest fish. The leader of the lower bounds of the Soha 10,000 years ago is close to the existence of the Soul."

Hearing Lu Xuan said, Lin Tian and the two could not help but face each other, sucking a cold breath. Soul St., in their imagination, this powerful existence is very far away from them, but I did not expect that they were in the same place in Jiuhua City. With their strength, I am afraid that the soul is only needed. You can kill them with a single breath.

Seeing that they realized the seriousness of the matter, Lu Xuan did not say much. He shot Lin Tian’s shoulder and said: “You don’t want to run around during this time, just stay in Jiuhua City and practice peace of mind. If there is any battle in the future, if you don’t need it, you should never participate. You can’t help it. If you fall down, let the tall ones stand up.”

After finishing the conversation, Lu Xuan left the first step. Ye Haoran’s physical injury is not too heavy, mainly because the soul is damaged. Ye Wenyan and others are strong, but in the treatment of Ye Haoran, perhaps not as good as land. Xuan came to be easy.

Looking at Lu Xuan's back, the summer night couldn't help but swallow his mouth: "Lu Xuan just came back from there, is he already having a hand with the soul?"

"I guess it is possible." Lin Tian nodded.

"Oh, I didn't expect the gap between us and him to become bigger and bigger. I really don't know what strength he is now." Summer night could not help but sigh, they only know that Lu Xuan is strong, but he does not know the specifics. Strong to what point.

"I can go deep into the hinterland of Sikong, and it is also a matter of disturbing the whole Tianjian mainland. It is something that ordinary people can do. Anyway, in my life, Lin Tian will serve him alone."

Lu Xuan stepped into the Fuzhong, and the next question, Zhi Ye Wenyan and others had brought Ye Haoran into the inner room. Immediately, he walked directly into the inner room.

Seeing Lu Xuan coming in, Ye Wenyan recruited him to ask: "Xuan Er, you are just right, you are quite unique in the soul, your uncle's injury may have to trouble you."

"There is nothing wrong with this. In public and private, I am duty-bound to save the second uncle." During the speech, Ye Wenyan let go of the position. Lu Xuan sat directly at Ye Haoran's bed and reached for his pulse.

Before the incident was urgent, Lu Xuan did not have time to examine it carefully. Now that he knows that Sol is in it, Lu Xuan would not dare to neglect.

Lu Xuan closed his eyes and slowly felt the pulse of Ye Haoran. Then he reached out and put on his forehead and carefully felt the soul state of Ye Haoran. After a long while, he opened his eyes: "Fortunately, there is no worst case, fortunately. It was only Ye Hao, not the Sol deity, who had shot the second uncle. Although he injured the soul of the second uncle, it did not cause indelible damage."

"That's good." Ye Wenyan licked his beard and nodded gently: "How to treat you, even if you open your mouth, all the medicines of Jiuhua League are stored."

"The second uncle is only swallowed up part of the soul, the soul is weak, which leads to coma. The quickest cure is that I will return some of the soul to the second uncle, but this method is too strong, I am worried about the second uncle I can't stand it, so I still have a good point. I use the soul force to help my uncle to raise my soul every day, and then supplement it with some medicines that calm the nerves and calm down.

"Then everything is as you said, now there is no trace back, Jiuhua City has him sitting in the town can not make any trouble, let Haoran take a rest and recuperate."

Lu Xuan nodded: "I will go to a prescription first, and then tell people to take medicine."

In fact, Ye Haoran's situation is not too serious. There are no similar drug effects. However, Lu Xuan knows that several elders are worried that opening a drug will make them more reassuring. Anyway, these are tonics and there is no harm. (To be continued~^~)

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