Sword Spirit

Chapter 827: No one can pick up (fourth more)

Listening to Zheng Qiwei said that Zheng Ping can only speak up and secretly look forward to Zheng Qiwei's next two swords.

"Kid, a little doorway, but if you think that it is so good to be too virtual, then it is a big mistake." Zheng Qiwei cold channel.

"Do not talk nonsense, make a move." Lu Xuanlang channel.

Under the anger of Zheng Qiwei, he directly used his own killer. He saw his sword grow and screamed: "Disillusioned purple sword!"

With his shot, the endless purple light appears like a dream, extremely beautiful, and people can't help but relax their vigilance, as if they are in a very comfortable state, even if the consciousness will be slower.

But now Lu Xuan’s soul is very strong, and he can sing the illusion in his sword?

He suddenly stepped forward, and the dusty sword stabbed out and shouted: "The moon!"

In the endless purple light, suddenly a bright moon rises, and the white moonlight instantly presses the purple light. For a time, the endless purple light seems to be the moonlight of this moon, very beautiful.

But at this time, a very powerful sword suddenly burst out from the light, there is no warning, the power is extremely powerful, this is the real attack of the too virtual strong!

This trick of Zheng Qiwei is carried by the enemy's mind, and suddenly he is fully prepared to shoot, and when the enemy is immersed in the illusion, he will kill him instantly, so he will be disillusioned with the purple sword.

However, at the time of his attack, the moon was suddenly broken, and Zheng Qiwei’s sword suddenly became slow, and then the sword became weaker and weaker. Instead, the endless moonlight turned into countless swords. And out, the brushed shot to Zheng Qiwei.

Perceived by this change, Zheng Qiwei was so up in his heart that he quickly took the sword to protect his body and fully resisted Lu Xuan’s attack. Even so, he could not resist it, and several swords broke through his defense. Suddenly stabbed on his shoulders, above his arms, and blood flew for a while. The clothes were dipped in red.

Zheng Qiwei was very angry in his heart. What exactly did this kid come to? Not only did his own illusion have no effect on him, but he also seemed to understand the law of time. Using the law of time to resolve his sword's offensive.

"Hey, how did you get hurt? This is a pretty trick, but it’s a bit too much." Lu Xuan hurriedly shouted: "But don't worry, I remember it. If you want to switch to Jiuhua League I must say a few words for you."

At this moment, Zheng Qiwei is hard to argue. If you say that you are not good at Lu Xuan, would anyone believe it? A strong and powerful person who is too imaginary, wouldn’t it be a nine-weight opponent?

"Master, do you really have a disagreement with the Zheng family?" Zheng Ping angered out the voice.

"What are you talking about?" Zheng Qiwei was angry and said: "This kid is by no means an ordinary person. It is definitely not a disciple of Xuanbingge. It must be a genius child among the Jiuhua League!"

Lu Xuan "suddenly" nodded: "It turns out that you know my identity, it is no wonder that such a show, but I am very happy, for the too virtual and strong. Jiuhua League has always been welcome, it is better to follow me now, wait I met the people of Jiuhua League, I will introduce you."

Listening to Lu Xuan casually crap, A raccoon could not help but grin, Xuan Ge where to know what Jiuhua League people, hey, Shen Cheng is one, but Shen Cheng did not come in, wrong. There is also an old man named Long, who knows Xuan Ge, Xuan Ge may be able to say a few words.

Hey, what am I thinking, even I almost followed the mind of Xuan Ge. A raccoon quickly returned to God. It really considered the possibility that Lu Xuan would bring Zheng Qiwei to Jiuhua League. .

Zheng Ping heard the words and said: "Master, I will kill this kid to prove your innocence. Otherwise, I will confess my family after I go back!"

Although Zheng Qiwei is not good at strength, it is not the pulse of the family. Instead, Zheng Ping is the relative of the Zheng family. It must be said that the Zheng family is definitely closer to Zheng Ping.

Seeing Zheng Ping so brainless, Lu Xuan smiled in his heart, could not help but boast of one sentence, is his acting really so realistic?

Immediately, he took the initiative to solve the problem for Zheng Qiwei: "Is Zheng Long? Anyway, it is still a sword. This time, I will shoot it. If you take my sword, it will prove your innocence, rest assured, I won't use too strong, be prepared!"

Zheng Qiwei stared at Lu Xuan tightly. He felt that Lu Xuan would not be so kind. This kid was deliberately misleading, which led Zheng Ping to misunderstand himself. However, he also believed that even if Lu Xuan’s strength is stronger, how can he Can't take the next sword?

At this moment, Lu Xuan has already begun to shoot, Lu Xuan really did not use more strength, Zheng Pingren even did not feel that Lu Xuan had too strong force fluctuations.

Zheng Ping sneered in his heart, even if Zheng Qiwei took the sword, what can prove it, after he went back, he must inform the owner of the matter.

I saw Lu Xuanfei coming up, and the sword without a fancy went straight to Zheng Qiwei. Zheng Ping looked wide open. Isn't this basic sword? Even if Zheng Qiwei can take this move, what can he explain?

However, at this moment, Zheng Qiwei's feeling is completely different from him. Although he feels that Lu Xuan does not have much strong force fluctuations, he can fully feel that there is a strong law fluctuation in this sword. This is definitely not an ordinary one. Recruit basic swordsmanship!

When the sword fell, and looked at Lu Xuan’s sword, Zheng Qiwei did not dare to be scornful. Even more concentrated than before, the whole body’s strength was not hidden, and a fierce sword instantly burst out. .

But it only offsets some of the power of Lu Xuan's sword, and the rest of the power is still squatting toward him!

"Hey!" Zheng Qiwei squirted a blood, slamming his knees directly to the ground, and holding the sword with his whole body to resist the sword of Lu Xuan. The power of this sword was so big that it was difficult for him. Imagine!

At this moment, the power above the dusty sword suddenly came to a close, just a million pounds of giant force seems to be just the illusion of Zheng Qiwei. Under the wrong force, Zheng Qiwei could not help but spurt another blood.

Lu Xuan took up the dusty sword and sighed: "Is it necessary for Zheng elder to do this gift, I understand your heart."

"You!" Zheng Qiwei's face rose red, angry and sighed out: "You sword is clearly your most powerful sword, such a strong force, and the power of the law, I admit, I am not you The opponent, but why bother to humiliate me, but also provoke distraction!"

Zheng Qiwei said that it is actually quite good. Lu Xuan’s seemingly simple sword is his own strength. Now he has been able to make the weight of the dust sword nearly 20,000 pounds, plus the law of force. The blessing is not something that Zheng Qiwei can easily resist.

However, Lu Xuan would admit that under the rumor, Lu Xuan laughed loudly: "I was told by the elder Zheng that I realized that my basic swordsmanship was so powerful."

Zheng Ping's tone is gloomy: "Zheng Qiwei, you have played too much in this play. You can't take the basic swordsmanship? You still vomit blood? Are you still squatting? I understand, you better, I haven't returned yet. The temple is transferred to the Jiuhua League. Otherwise, I will see if the family believes you or believe me!"

I thought that I couldn't even call Master. He was the relative of the Zheng family. It is not easy to worship the teacher. Why do you have to worship Zheng Qiwei?

"You shut me up!" Zheng Qiwei stood up and stared at Zheng Ping, obviously Ming Lu Xuan played in him, Zheng Ping this idiot actually believed, he not only had to face the ridicule of Lu Xuan secretly, I also have to face the threat of Zheng Ping, and I am already angry at the moment.

However, Zheng Ping’s eyes on Zheng Qiwei’s eyes could not help but retreat two steps. He was shocked and said: “What are you doing? Are you still trying to kill people? There are so many people watching here, if you dare to kill me, You must be hunted forever by the Zheng family!"

Zheng Qiwei’s teeth are biting. If he can, he really wants to kill Zheng Ping’s stupid goods. How could he get close to his family and take the initiative to bring this idiot into the door? It’s also a great effort to train, it’s not as good. Feed the dog!

Zheng Qiwei turned to look at Lu Xuan and took a deep breath: "Well, boy, you are strong, I Zheng Qiwei today, I will, let's go!"

After finishing the conversation, Zheng Qiwei turned his head and left. After a group of disciples behind him, he followed him. After all, the land of this seal was dangerous everywhere. Without Zheng Qiwei, they could not live long.

Lu Xuan shouted with a smile: "Your original name is Zheng Qiwei, I remember, after I go back, I will let Jiuhua League contact you in the undercover of the Eight-Party Temple."

Zheng Qiwei heard a few words, this kid is too sinister, and he refused to let himself go.

At this moment, Zheng Ping’s color is uncertain and he stays here. He is worried that Lu Xuan will kill himself. If he follows Zheng Qiwei, he is worried that Zheng Qiwei will kill him.

At this moment, Yirou whispered in his ear: "Sister Zheng, let's go with the master. After all, it is still necessary for him to protect us. When we meet the rest of the people, we will not be late."

Wen Yan, Zheng Ping took a deep breath: "Well, according to what you said, rest assured, after returning to the family, I must be kind to you, then I will definitely be the media!"

That Yimo heard the words but worried, and thought of the piece of flesh that turned up on Zheng Ping’s face. She couldn’t help but sway in her stomach and thought: Zheng Ping wouldn’t really want to marry himself? Although he is the owner of a family, his appearance is...

However, for the time being, she was only able to succumb to the snake. However, she only thought about the countermeasures in her mind. How can she dispel Zheng Ping’s mind and not be guilty of him.

Looking at Zheng Qiwei and Zheng Ping and his party left, A raccoon laughed loudly. Xuan Ge was too bad, and then it came out: "Xuan Ge, why not give them a lesson?"

Lu Xuan smiled slightly: "If I really take the Zheng Qiwei, I can't provoke it. Anyway, you also ruined Zheng Ping's appearance. Plus, now they fight, you don't feel better than giving them. Is the lesson better?" (To be continued~^~)

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