Sword Spirit

Chapter 834: The true identity of Ice Spirit! (first more)

"Sister?" Lu Xuan groaned, and it seemed a bit confusing, but then he was stunned and smiled: "Since I got the inheritance of the Bingfeng predecessors, I learned the Fengxiang nine-day swordsmanship, so the teacher is also convinced. of."

Listening to Lu Xuan mentioning the ice phoenix, the eyes of Bing Ling could not help but flash a strange look, then outlined a smile on the corner of his mouth, gently shook his head: "I want you to call the sister, but not because of this."

Lu Xuan looked at the ice spirit doubtfully, not because of this, what is the reason?

Ice Spirit did not rush to answer Lu Xuan, but looked up at this method, his eyes flashed a trace of memory, then looked at Lu Xuan, staring at his eyes, slowly out of the channel: "Because, I The master is the Emperor, and I, the ice phoenix. Since you are a descendant of the Master, you should naturally call me a sister."

When this statement came out, Lu Xuan’s eyes suddenly widened, his face was awkward, and the ice spirit... turned out to be the ice phoenix! Moreover, is it a disciple of Emperor Ye Tian? !

This amount of information is too big. Lu Xuan’s mind can’t turn around and make a joke. Isn’t the ice spirit a sword spirit of Xuanbing’s **** sword? How did it become an ice phoenix?

"Ice ice, ice spirit predecessors, oh no, ice spirit sister, you said, you are the ice phoenix?" Lu Xuan could not help but ask again, shocked, but even the words are said to be unfavorable.

"Yes, I am the ice phoenix." Bingling nodded lightly, then she smiled again and again: "Do you think it is unbelievable?"

Lu Xuan nodded honestly: "There is something I really don't understand."

"I will tell you slowly, many of your questions, I can give you the answer, but this matter has to be said from 10,000 years ago."

Lu Xuan looked at the slightest sigh: "I want to hear the details."

Compared with the records of Jiuhua League, Bing Ling knows more things, because she is a person who has experienced many things in person before 10,000 years ago.

The ice spirit sank slightly and gently took two steps. After sorting out my thoughts, I began to say: "A thousand years ago, Shi Zun was rebuilt. However, he was betrayed by the disciples Duan Hongchen, which attracted more than a dozen strong gods to kill, so that he was forced to go into the sky. Sword Continent. With the supreme cultivation, this Tianjian mainland is firmly locked, leaving the Emperor's Palace and Tianjian, which must be known to you."

Lu Xuan nodded, these things, he was known from the words left by Ye Tian.

Ice Spirit once again said: "The Soul and the Devil. It is the main person who chased the Master. I learned that the Master will leave the Tianjian and the Taiyi Guiyuan on the Tianjian mainland, they will not Dead heart. But the enchantment under the commander is extremely strong, even if it is a strong god, can not break through."

"However, the top race is a top-level race. For the sake of the sword, this is the highest artifact of the Terran. In order to make it possible for the people to be able to give birth to the gods, the souls and the demons finally moved the kings of the two communities. Take the shot."

Hearing this, Lu Xuan was shocked. I didn’t expect the Soul and the Mozu to make such a determination for Tianjian and Taiyi’s return to Yuanxiao. Even the strong kings of the kings came. I am afraid that the Soul and the Mozu on the Tianjian mainland are also strong with the Gods. It was related to the appearance, but he did not interrupt the words of the ice spirit, but continued to listen quietly.

Speaking of this, Bing Ling’s mouth reveals a proud look: “But what is the character of the Master, the most outstanding genius of the Terran in countless years, even if it is the king of the king’s power, he failed to break the enchantment of the Master, but was respected by the Master. The enchantment was shocked and hurt."

Lu Xuan heard the words, the heart is also admirable, Ye Tian innocent in the title of the Emperor, in the realm of the gods, can be the king of war, but also able to create enough to be born to the king of the Taiyi Guiyuan.

"However, although the two kings of the kings of the kings can not break the enchantment, they are taking a different approach. They use the supernatural powers to forcibly open a passage to the Tianjian continent. Because of the anti-seismic force above the enchantment, the stronger the strength. People, the stronger the anti-earthquake attack will be, the strongest of the demon and the holy level of the soul can not withstand such a strong attack, but those who respect the level of the spirit of the demon, borrowing all kinds of treasures, can barely Resist it down."

"Therefore, a group of souls and demon statues, the Emperor of the Emperor, went through this channel to the Tianjian continent, Tianjian mainland, after all, only the lower bound, the human race is limited, so many souls and demon statues come, they How can they resist? There are countless deaths and injuries.” Bingling gently shook his head. Although her body was an ice phoenix, she was a demon, but she followed Ye Tian from an early age and used herself as a human race.

Hearing here, Lu Xuan said: "I understand, I spy on the scene from the memory of a soul race, and the next thing, there are actually some records in the Jiuhua League, just me. I have never known how the Soul Mozu came, but now I know that it was the King of the Kings."

At the moment, Lu Xuan said everything he heard from Wen Zhiyuan.

Ice Ling nodded and said: "Yes, these things, I don't know what you know, because I didn't come to Tianjian mainland at the time."

Lu Xuan couldn't help but utterly said: "According to the records of the Jiuhua League, after the Souls repelled the Mozu, when the Terran was slaughtered, the strong people from the Tianyu came to save the Tianjian continent and the waters. Are you a younger sister, you are in this group?"

Ice Spirit smiled lightly: "Yes, I just officially came to Tianjian mainland at this moment, but one thing you said is wrong. The original one was not a group of people, but only two."

Lu Xuan’s heart, two people, one of them is naturally ice spirit, the other one...

Ice Spirit understood Lu Xuan’s eyes and nodded: “Yes, the other person is the shameless betrayal, paragraph, red, dust!”

Now, Bingling has restored all the memories. When she mentioned the words of Duan Hongchen, even if she was indifferent, she could not help but reveal a bit of hatred. As a human race, she even murdered her own master and murdered the hope of the rise of the Terran. The Emperor of Heaven, trapped in the human race and infinite danger.

Confirmed the news from the ice spirit mouth, Lu Xuan heart sinks, Duan Hongchen actually came, I am afraid, all the next things can not be separated from him, the sword is missing, the ice spirit almost completely died.

Bingling resumed his mood and continued to say: "The enchantment left by the master was built by Ethereum B., and I was a disciple of Duan Hongchen as a master, although I could not learn all the Taiyi. But the former part, we also know, so we can resolve some of the anti-seismic forces caused by the enchantment, so even if we are strong in the Holy Land, we can still enter the Tianjian continent."

"Although the enchantment has restrained our strength to a certain extent, it is still a breeze to deal with the souls of the souls in the holy place. So we launched the pursuit of the souls, but the means of the souls is indeed Surprisingly, when they knew nothing, they fled to a place where a soul-respecting soul group used a certain secret technique to hide all the remaining souls, even me. With Duan Hongchen's search and display of all kinds of means, I still can't find them. In the end, in order to prevent them from continuing to come into trouble, I have spent a lot of effort, laying a seal and sealing them completely."

Upon hearing this, Lu Xuan suddenly stunned. He learned from Wen Zhiyuan that the woman who made the seal was a woman. Now it seems that the land of this seal is actually made by Bingling!

"Snow spirit sister, you said, this seal land, you made it?" Lu Xuanyuan looked at the ice spirit with a big eyes.

Ice Spirit showed a smile and pointed to the law that she and Lu Xuan were in: "It’s just this seal land, it’s this array of law, it’s all I have laid, it’s because of this With my breath, I can wake up and restore my memory."

Lu Xuan felt a little dizzy at the moment. All of this was all made by Bing Ling. He didn’t know whether he was crying or laughing. It was because of this method that he almost lost his life, but it was Because of this method, he survived.

Seeing Lu Xuan seems to have another question to ask, Bingling shook his head: "Don't worry, the land of seals, and the array here, I will talk to you later, your kid is a big bargain, however, Just as a sister, I will send you a meeting with this younger brother."

Big cheap? Lu Xuan’s eyes are bright, and what kind of characters are the ice spirits? That’s the strongest in the holy place, Ye Tian’s disciple, even she said that it’s cheap, and the benefits are definitely small.

Ice Spirit sorted out his thoughts and continued the previous topic: "I sealed this place to ensure that the soul family could not come out after a long period of time. It was with Duan Hongchen and went to the place where the Emperor Palace was located, but it made me feel strange. Yes, Shi Zun actually placed an enchantment on the periphery of the Emperor's Palace. Even me and Duan Hongchen could not enter it. I didn't understand it at the time. Later, I realized that Duan Hongchen was a traitor. Just to prevent Duan Hongchen from coming to take away the inheritance, unfortunately, when I knew the true face of Duan Hongchen, I only had one master, otherwise it would not be."

Bing Ling sighed with a sigh of relief, apparently regretting the failure to see the true face of the red dust.

After a pause, she continued: "Although we can't enter the Temple of Heaven, we can perceive the breath of the sword in the Emperor's Palace. The importance of Tianjian to the Terran, of course, I and Du Hongchen know that this trip is impossible. Bringing the Emperor's Palace back to the Terran, as long as you can bring the Sword back, it is also a great achievement."

"Unexpectedly, the red dust told me this time, let me communicate with Tianjian and take out the Tianjian. I was still wondering why he didn't communicate on his own. Later, he realized that he knew that Tianjianjianling knew he was a traitor. He showed his breath, and Tianjian decided not to take the initiative, so I was so stupid on him." (To be continued~^~)

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