Sword Spirit

Chapter 836: The body of the seven spirits (first more)

Lu Xuan looked around for a moment and asked: "Sister, what are we here now? What was it? Before I was forced by the people of the illusion, I could only escape into the desert sea. I was almost killed by the power of the devour, but I finally came here with hard support."

Bingling smiled faintly: "Here, it is the array that I laid down in the past, in order to prevent the souls from recuperating in this 10,000 years, and to grow stronger, one day to break through this seal, and then to blame the mainland."

After a pause, Bingling continued: "I must know that the Soul cultivation is unable to rely on the power of heaven and earth. For them, only soul power is the foundation of cultivation."

Lu Xuan nodded: "I understand this. In fact, I used to deal with a soul in the outside world. He said that because of the environment in the seal, they have not only not improved their strength, but have fall back."

Ice Ling heard a slight frown: "Has the soul family already escaping?"

"Yes, they have set off an incomparable beast on the Tianjian mainland, but now they have been suppressed by several major five-category gates. In order to prevent the existence of the souls, the Jiuhua League will lead. The people who are too imaginary are leading some of the Yuanyuan martial arts to enter the seal of the land, and want to take the initiative to encircle the souls." Lu Xuan explained.

Ice Ling gently nodded: "It seems that the ally of the nine Chinese alliances is still a bit of a force. The seal I left has lasted for 10,000 years. It is normal for power to disappear. In fact, I did not I thought that it would be so long for the formation. I was planning to wait for the strength of the Souls to be reduced, and then to kill them. Unfortunately, something happened later."

Lu Xuan knows that Bingling is talking about Du Honghong's affairs. Even the ice spirit itself is almost degraded. What about dealing with these souls?

"Well, I don't say so much. Before I said to give you a meeting, it was here." Bing Ling smiled slightly.

"Here... Is there any treasure?" Lu Xuan was curious.

"Of course." Bingling took two steps. Pointing to the top of the finger: "If I guessed it well, should we be a desert land above?"

"It is true, the environment here is extremely bad. Just recently, I just experienced a great sandstorm."

"That's right." Bingling nodded. "In fact, a thousand years ago, it was a beautiful place."

Lu Xuan stunned, before when he was experiencing sandstorms. He thought that it might be a time of tens of thousands of years, after a long period of sandstorms, turning those mountains into deserts, but never thought that it was not even a desert here thousands of years ago. It is a place with a great view. It’s hard to be done, is this all done by Ice Spirit?

Ice Ling understands that Lu Xuan has some confusion in his heart. He once again said: "When I was sealed this year, I was worried that the souls would break through the seal and escape, so I used seven treasures. This land of seals is divided into seven major areas, transforming all the forces in the land of this seal into all the pure power of heaven and earth. While not allowing the souls to cultivate, it is also the power of these heavens and the earth. Warm up these seven treasures so that I can take them later."

Lu Xuan heard that he couldn't help but widen his eyes and asked: "You mean, like the desert world above, there are six more?"

Ice Ling nodded: "Yes, the power of swallowing that you have felt before. It is provided by the above-mentioned array of methods. It absorbs all the available power, and all of it is injected into the eyes. Treasures."

Eyes? Lu Xuan looked around and looked around for the array of eyes. Soon, he saw the ground on his own, not far from the ground. He had a seemingly ordinary soil.

"Sister, what is the treasure you said, is that piece of earth?" Lu Xuan pointed at the piece of mud.

"Well, however, this is not ordinary soil, but a chaotic soil. It is extremely rare. It contains the power of a very pure earth system. I can’t get it with my own skills. This is the year of Master. Give it to me," explained Ice Spirit.

Lu Xuan was secretly shocked, the domain of chaos, the name was extraordinary, let alone this, but Ye Tian gave the ice spirit, Ye Tian that is such a powerful existence, how can he send his hand, how can it be worse Got it.

"What is the magical use of this chaotic soil?" Lu Xuan asked again.

Ice Ling smiled lightly: "The magical use? Its magical use can be great. If the weapon is mixed with a trace of chaos, the solidity will suddenly multiply. No matter what martial arts you use, you can have a hint of earth power. However, This is only the most succinct use, and for you, its greatest use is when you break through the supernatural."

"Extraordinary and extraordinary, what is extraordinary? That is the detachment of the body, take off the gas, re-condense the body! If you re-solidify your body, you can join this chaotic soil, your body after re-condensation will become Extremely powerful, it is the true spirit of the earth! You can control the laws of the earth without feelings!"

After listening to the ice spirit, Lu Xuan’s heart was amazed. My singularity, when I re-condensed my body, joined this chaotic soil, and I was able to become the body of the earth, and I could master the law of the earth without feeling. Isn't this the equivalent of the natural blood of the demon family? And the soil system is the main defense, using the body of this chaotic soil, how strong will the defense be?

Looking at Lu Xuan’s look, Bing Ling smiled and added a fire to Lu Xuan: “You know, what is the body of the earth?”

Lu Xuan shook his head, although it sounded like this thing was very powerful, but he could not tell why.

"The human race is the first to learn from the spiritual family, and the reason why the spiritual family is very suitable for practicing the refining of the gods is that they are born with spiritual spirits, and when you achieve the spiritual spirit of the earth, then you are equivalent With the body of the spiritual family, from now on, the practice of refining the gods will make the road smooth and smooth."

Lu Xuan’s words are even more shocking. It turns out that this is the spirit! Naturally suitable for practicing the body of the refining god!

Such as the soul family, the natural soul, so they are unique in the refining of the soul, no race can compare, so they are one of the top races in the Tianyu; such as the Mozu, the natural magic, with the strength of the body, the body automatically The birth of magic lines, power is unparalleled in the world, they are also one of the top races.

Lu Xuan took a deep breath and digested the shocking feeling brought by the words of the ice spirit. It turned out that this small piece of soil, which is so insignificant, is so powerful and precious.

However, Lu Xuan smiled bitterly again: "Sister, listen to you saying that it seems that the body of the earth is more suitable for practicing the martial arts of the soil system, but I am not."

Bingling glanced at him and said: "The teacher's creation of Taiyi is to the Yuanxiao, but it is the master plan of the collection of thousands of exercises. I think you have already felt it. The strength of the Taiyi that you have gathered is enough. There is no conflict between the various forces, let alone, who says that you can only condense the spirit of the earth?"

"Re:, still?" Lu Xuan’s eyes widened, and a soil spirit was enough to shock him.

Ice Spirit reveals a trace of pride: "Don't forget what I just said. In this land of seals, I have left seven treasures to build seven different worlds. Now we are in this world of earth, Just one of them, the other six worlds are gold, wood, water, fire, wind, and thunder. If you can get all these six treasures, then all these seven treasures will be integrated into the body. At that time, you are the body of the seven spirits! With your talent, plus such a spirit, the future achievements will be limitless."

Being said by the ice spirit, Lu Xuan’s heart is extremely hot, and the body of the seven spirits does not need any sentiment. He is naturally in control of the seven laws of Jinmushui and the wind and thunder, and he cultivates his corresponding martial arts skills with half the effort and power. It is extremely powerful, and I can’t help but feel excited.

After a long while, Lu Xuan calmly excited first, out of the channel: "You are said by the sister-in-law, I can't wait to achieve an extraordinary situation, condense the body of the seven spirits."

Speaking of this, Lu Xuan suddenly remembered one thing and said in a row: "To the sister, since these seven treasures are the things that condense the body, can you help you to regain your body?"

Ice Spirit can only bend into the blood of the Xuan Bingfeng blood sword as a sword spirit. If these seven treasures can make the ice spirit re-solidify the body, then Lu Xuan would rather not the body of the seven spirits, but also let the first Ice Ling first regained his body.

Ice Spirit shook his head: "No, it's too little, unless you can find a chaotic soil like yours, maybe it can be used to help me regain my body."

Lu Xuan looked at the chaotic land that only had a big palm, and suddenly a bitter smile, how to do it, even Ye Tian only got such a small piece of chaos, want to get the body-sized chaos The difficulty of this kind of soil is terrible.

Seeing Lu Xuan's frustrated appearance, Bingling suddenly smiled: "Your kindness, my heart is leading, even if there is such a big chaotic soil, you can't help me to condense the body, because your strength is not enough to do these things, now I Only those who can trust, only you, so only if you work hard to improve your strength, can you really help me regain my body."

Still strength, strength is not enough, many things can not be done. Lu Xuan’s heart sighed, but also resolutely nodded: “Whether for the wishes of the ancestors, or for the sisters, I will definitely fight for stronger strength.”

Ice spirit smiled and nodded, saying: "Since you have entered the seal land to surround the soul, then there is no need for this law. I will help you to close this chaotic soil and put it away. Chaos is the only way to get rid of this array and leave from here.” (Want to know more about the dynamics of “Sword Spirit”? Open WeChat now, click the “+” sign at the top right and select Add Friends. Public number, search for "Qidianzhongwenwang", pay attention to the public number, never miss each update again!) (To be continued~^~)

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