Sword Spirit

Chapter 855: One word

"The threat is not talked about, but it is just that you suddenly make this choice. It seems to be out of order." Fang Siyuan looked at Nangong’s faint road: "As a person in the temple, he has friendship with the people of Jiuhua League." And at this time, I don’t even stand on the side of the friendly army. Shouldn’t you explain it to Nangong Sanye?”

Nan Gonglie’s words from the other side were scornful, and when the next sneer, disdain, “I will explain it to you? If your family is here, I may be willing to speak one or two, but it’s true to you. No qualifications for me to explain!"

Fang Siyuan heard the words, his face suddenly became a bit ugly, and Nan Gonglie’s words were all said to mean that he was not enough!

"Very good." Fang Siyuan coldly smacked a face and gently nodded: "It seems that you have a secret to the Nangong family, or you have said that your Nangong family has directly defected to the Eight Temples, and nine Has the Huameng reached a conspiracy?

"Let's relax!" Nangong angered and screamed: "I am in the South Palace, but I can't turn around in your district to point out!"

Nangong’s heart is indeed very annoyed. If Fang Siyuan said it is true, but his Nangong family, and where is there any conspiracy with Jiuhua League, this is clearly Fang Siyuan’s deliberate planting, wanting to make a fuss about this matter. !

Fang Siyuan heard a loud laugh: "Don't you only let you do it, but you can't let others say it? Here, not only my family, but the Ma brother is a man of the Ma family. When you are responsible for the Eight Temples and clear the younger generations, you can't do something like eating and drinking like some people. Ma brother, are you saying this?"

When Fang Siyuan said three words and two words, he set the **** for Nan Gonglie’s behavior, and he was a small generation.

Seeing Fang Siyuan suddenly wants to express his own position, Ma Yuan slightly hesitated. Although the Eight-Party Temple is now the home of the Sikong family, the power of the Nangong family is not small. Otherwise, the Sikong family has already uprooted the Nangong family.

But now I want to be right and left. That is impossible. Since it is decided to report to the thigh of the boss, there is no other choice, one bite. Ma Yuan said: "Yes, I agree with my brother's opinion. Nan Gonglie's choice is really doubtful. I want to wash away the suspicions on you, unless you personally shot the nine Chinese League's kid. Otherwise, I and my brother, I must inform the owner of this matter!"

Listening to Ma Yuan’s saying, it is even more threatening to let Nan Gonglie personally take it. Fang Siyuan laughed and said, Ma Yuan said, it is exactly what he wants.

Lu Xuan looked at the three forces in the Eight-Party Temple with great interest. He thought that Fang Siyuan would directly start with himself, but he did not expect that he would like to borrow this matter to make a fuss, to pull down the Nangong family. However, Lu Xuan feels that Fang Siyuan is too naive. If the Nangong family is really so good, I am afraid that the position in the Eight Temples is not so stable. I want to rely on this unwarranted crime. The Nangong family won it, and it was too simple.

Of course, this is the internal affairs of the Eight Dynasties Temple. It has little to do with Lu Xuan. It is only curious that he will choose Nangong Lie.

now. Nan Gonglie’s gaze moved from Fang Siyuan’s body to Ma Yuan’s body, and from Ma Yuan’s body to Fang Siyuan’s body, he nodded and slowly said: “Very good, Fang Jia Ma’s home, it’s not empty. The faithful running dog, the way to bite people is the same."

Listening to Nan Gonglie’s public insulting himself, Fang Siyuan’s face sank and shouted: “Nan Gonglie, no more nonsense, don’t you do it? If you don’t do it, don’t blame me for making this thing clear!”

Nan Gong Lie's face is cloudy and uncertain, he does not want to do it. First, he hated the threats of others, especially by Fang Siyuan and Ma Yuan. The two of them were self-deprecating and were threatening him with the name of the empty family. If he compromised, then this is the right thing. Sikong’s compromise, for Nangong Lie, this can’t be tolerated.

Secondly, he is not sure about Lu Xuan’s strength. If he can really kill Lu Xuan, then it will be, and if it fails, I am afraid that it will form a strong enemy. For today’s Nangong family, this is absolutely the case. It is not a good thing.

At this time, a burst of laughter came and attracted everyone's attention.

"What are you laughing at?" Fang Siyuan turned his head and glared at Lu Xuan, who was laughing.

Lu Xuan did not pay attention to Fang Siyuan, but looked at Nan Gonglie and said with a smile: "Nan Gongxiong, it seems that your family is not very happy in the temple of the Eight Dynasties. Even if I dare to fox, Huwei threatens Nangong brother, I can't bear it. If Nangong brother can bear it, then it will be. If you can't bear it, consider my previous proposal."

A raccoon turned to look at Lu Xuan, his heart was laughing, Xuan Ge wanted to fool people, and provoked the separation.

However, Nangong Liewen heard it, but it was a slight change of mind. From the performance of Fang Siyuan, it seems that Sikong has become more and more eager to start with the Nangong family. If the Nangong family is so passive and silent, I am afraid that there will be only one way to perish. They are different from Fangjia and other families. Because of the strength of the Nangong family, Sikong will never accept their attachment. Will not put such a big threat on their side, on the side of the couch, to let others sleep?

When he heard Lu Xuan’s words, Fang Siyuan was furious and turned his head and angered at the South Palace. “Sure enough! Nan Gonglie, you have already had contact with the people of Jiuhua League! It seems that the Nangong family is already plotting and rebelling. After waiting for me to go back, I must clarify the owner of the squad to show punishment!"

Nan Gonglie looked at Fang Siyuan and did not answer it. Instead, he looked at Lu Xuan and said with caution: "Lu Xiong, do you say that there is a suspicion of provocation?"

Lu Xuan smiled faintly: "Provocative distraction? I don't bother to do this. I just give Nangong brother more roads to go. Of course, you can not choose, I don't care."

Looking at Lu Xuan’s indifferent look, Nan Gong’s anger is even more entangled. He knows that he must make a choice. A crucial choice, either choose to start Lu Xuan, like Sikong’s show, or choose to follow Lu Xuan, in cooperation with Jiuhua League, strives for the support of Jiuhua League and fights against Sikong. His choice this time is not a matter of his own, but the whole Nangong family!

But this is not the reason for him to entangle. The reason why he is entangled is because if he chooses the former, I am afraid that Sikong will not accept their attachment. Instead, he will eat the whole Nangong family step by step, and if he chooses the latter... For the time being, he is still not sure whether Lu Xuan is reliable.

After some sinking, Nangong Lie finally had a decision. Once again, he looked at Lu Xuan and slowly said: "If Lu Xi is interested, at least he has to show a little sincerity. Until now, I have not seen Lu Lu. Your true strength."

Lu Xuan heard the words, and the heart was clear. Nan Gonglie has already been tempted by his proposal. The only worry is whether Lu Xuan can speak in the Jiuhua League. If Lu Xuan only relies on words, Nan Gonglie once Choosing to cooperate with Lu Xuan, that is to fall into a desperate situation!

For this, Lu Xuan is not worried. Although he is not the top of the Jiuhua League, he knows that the master Zhao Ying has a very deep relationship with the Jiuhua League, and the relationship between the Jiuhua League and the Eight Temples is the same. Water and fire, if it is able to win the South Palace League for the Jiuhua League, it is definitely a good thing, Jiuhua League will never refuse.

As for how to obtain the trust of Nangong Lie, this is not easy. In front of this, Si Siyuan and Ma Yuan are the best objects of Liwei. Thinking of this, Lu Xuan turned his attention to Fang Siyuan.

On the eyes of Shang Luxuan, Fang Siyuan suddenly smiled and raised his eyebrows. He looked at Lu Xuan and said: "Boy, look at you, do you want to take me?"

Lu Xuan smiled slightly and faintly said: "I have this intention."

Fang Siyuan sneaked a smile: "I really don't know the height of the sky, a kid who is too imaginary, and dare to use me to open the knife, then I will see where you come from!"

When the voice fell, Fang Siyuan shot it out. He didn’t even take out the weapon. It was just a big hand, and the strong fire system in the air suddenly condensed, and the surrounding air became very hot, followed by A burst of intense rain like a blast came from Lu Xuan.

Although Fang Siyuan’s attack did not use weapons, he showed the full strength of the virtual reality. Especially in this lava field, the concentration of the fire system is extremely high, and it is his trick. The power is exerted to the fullest and the power is very strong. His purpose is to use this seemingly understatement to directly annihilate Lu Xuan!

In the face of Fang Siyuan’s violent attack, Lu Xuan did not evade, and let countless flames come. Nan Gonglie has been staring at Lu Xuan. He wants to see what kind of strength Lu Xuan has. He thought that Lu Xuan would break Fang Siyuan’s attack with a sword, but he did not expect that Lu Xuan would not move.

For a time, Nangong’s grief could not help but raise a trace of bad speculation. Did Lu Xuan have been deceiving himself, really only the superficial strength of the surface? If it is only the strength of the Yuanyuan, the face of Fang Siyuan can not resist this move, it is better to stand and wait to die.

Just when this thought was flashed in Nangong’s grief, Lu Xuan moved, but he did not move his hands, nor his body, but his mouth.

"Disperse." A faint voice came from Lu Xuan's mouth.

As this word sounded, it seemed to be the usual way of saying that the endless flame of Lu Xuan was only three feet away from Lu Xuan. It was bursting, and the thick flame quickly disappeared into pure The fire system is back to the air. (To be continued~^~)

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