Sword Spirit

Chapter 861: Shocking conspiracy

However, the loss of such branches is nothing to do with the tree demon. Followed by it, a large wave of huge branches are overwhelming. The power is extremely fierce. When the branches are broken, there are bursts of whistling. The voice, like a ghost, crying, and stunned.

Seeing this scene, the ice spirit in the back couldn't help but shouted: "Lu Xuan, be careful!"

The voice did not fall, and the ice spirit mentioned that the Xuan Bingfeng blood sword was rushing forward, although she is not as strong as the past, but more or less can help Lu Xuan.

However, the speed of the tree demon is indeed too fast, and the endless giant woods around it seem to be controlled by it. The branches extend from all directions, and the Lu Xuan group is surrounded by the inevitable, and the ice spirit is also this way. The branches of the tree were blocked, and they couldn’t get in, and the ice spirit was in a hurry.

A raccoon rushed forward and slammed the body with a solid dragon scale. The sharp claws were constantly waving. In front of its claws, the hard branches were extremely fragile and broke. But unfortunately, although the attack of A raccoon is fierce, the branch of the tree slayer is too much. In a short time, it cannot be broken.

Ice Spirit and A raccoon are eager to rescue Lu Xuan. Lu Xuan is in the middle of the tree cage at the moment. His heart is calm and his face is calm. He wants to kill him. This power is not enough!

Seeing the rapid accumulation of the branches of the branches, it seems that Lu Xuan will be completely bound in the next moment, but at this time, Lu Xuan once again waved the dust sword.

A daylight suddenly emerged from the cracks in the branches of the branches, and then the daylight became more and more shining and hotter.

"The next day!" Lu Xuan screamed, the dusty sword suddenly slammed, a huge imaginary sun, suddenly condensed out, followed by only heard a loud bang, endless strong sunlight from the branches The center of the cage exploded! A heart-rending power. Unreserved outbreak!


Endless flames!

The power of destruction is extremely strong!

However, in the blink of an eye, the branches of the branches that hit Lu Xuan actually burned in this moment. A shrill screaming sound did not know where it came from, but Lu Xuan knew that this must be the tree demon.

His trick has definitely caused unimaginable damage to the tree demon. Fire wood, not to mention the sun to the heat of the fire, the strength of the strong branches, it is also afraid of fire.

Suddenly burning up, the tree demon did not dare to continue to attack, and quickly pulled back a branch. The power of the road emerged from the source of the tree demon. Quickly extinguish this flame.

Feel the power of this, Lu Xuan could not help but think of it, this is ... the power of life!

Just as Lu Xuan wanted to find out, the many trees that had just been fascinating suddenly suddenly died, as if they suddenly changed from living things to dead objects.

Lu Xuan couldn't help but feel a sinking. The tree demon, I am afraid it was running. At the moment, he did not believe in evil and several swords lingered in the nearby trees. A few trees that were held by three or four people were broken, but there was no unusual reaction.

"It should be running, and then not running, it will be burned by your fire." Ice spirit said at the moment.

Lu Xuan raised his sword in his hand and said: "This is a loss of fire. If it is not it, I will never be able to play this power for the next day. It is even more impossible to repel this tree monster." ”

This tree demon is able to instantly put Yu Chenghua's powerful presence, Lu Xuan's current strength. A positive confrontation is not necessarily its opponent, but the existence of the fire is just restrained. Lu Xuan now understands, how powerful the spirit is compared with the treasure!

Wen Yan, the ice spirit slowly shook his head: "It is not an ordinary tree demon."

Lu Xuan gave a slight glimpse, and immediately said: "Of course it is not ordinary, its strength is comparable to the mid-to-late powerhouse."

Ice Spirit continued to shake his head: "I don't mean that the strength is not ordinary, but that its identity is not ordinary. If I guess well, it should be the tree of life, or it is an incarnation of the tree of life."

When this statement came out, Lu Xuan couldn't help but **** a cold breath. What he just started to do is the tree of life? ! But isn't the tree of life not bound by the array of ice spirits, how can it come out as evil, and how does the tree of life produce intelligence?

"Don't you, the sister of the tree that you left behind, has grown into a real tree of life? Otherwise, how can it produce intelligence?" Lu Xuan suppressed the shock of his heart and asked.

Bingling frowned and shook his head after a long while. "I don't know, the tree of life is not so easy to grow. The tree of life can only have one. When the spirits spent a lot of time." If you fail to cultivate a tree of life, how could it grow in this lower bound, but from the breath it just showed, it is definitely the breath of the tree of life."

"The things are a little weird..." Lu Xuan couldn't help but sigh. This wood land, I am afraid something happened that they didn't know.

Ice Spirit nodded. "It is true. The tree of life is the root of the wood. The temper is gentle. It is reasonable to say that it will never be so violent. I can't figure it out. We are careful, you are now helpless. Even if the tree of life wants to start with you, it will not be so easy to succeed."

Lu Xuan sighed and immediately looked around, and saw the body of Yu Chenghua. He really died. He did not die in the hands of Lu Xuan, nor died in the hands of Dong Ruyi. Instead, he died. The tree of the tree of life.

Moreover, the death is very ugly, the whole person seems to be a dry corpse, not only the force of life is taken out, but even the blood is absorbed clean.

At this moment, without knowing how far away from Lu Xuan, a young man slowly opened his eyes and flashed a slight painful look in his eyes, but then followed by a force of life from his hand. The branch rushed out and quickly entered his body. His face flashed a touch of calmness and returned to normal.

"Sikong Tiancai, how is it?" A female voice asked the voice, this person, it is actually Dong Ruyi!

This young man turned out to be the surname of Sikong. There is no doubt that it is definitely the person in power of the Eight Orthodox Temple and the Sikong family. Moreover, Sikong Tiancai’s identity in Sikong’s home is not ordinary. He is the son of the empty division’s main division, Kong Qing!

Sikong Tiancai looked at Dong Ruyi with a sigh of relief: "Yu Chenghua, the traitor of your fantasy god, has been killed."

"What about Lu Xuan?" Dong Ruyi asked again.

"This kid, as you said, it is a bit tricky." Sikong Tiancai sighed, and immediately stunned Dong Ruyi: "Why didn't you tell me that this kid is still good at the power of fire, almost let me eat big? deficit!"

Wen Yan, Dong Ruyi was also taken aback and said: "He is also good at the power of fire? It has never been shown before."

Immediately afterwards, Dong Ruyi’s mind flashed and he was shocked: “Is this kid getting a treasure in the land of fire, which has the power of the fire system?”

"You ask me, who do I ask." Sikong Tiancai said with some intolerance,

Dong Ruyi snorted: "No matter what, this kid must be removed, his talent is too strong, and he will definitely be a strong enemy in the future."

Sikong Tiancao couldn't help but laugh out loudly: "Is the talent strong? Is it still impossible for me to be strong? I am Sikong Tiancai! However, since he dares to break into my territory, then his life, I naturally have to accept it! I am a hunter, who dares to break into the land of this wood, who is my prey!"

At this time, another low voice sounded behind Sikong Tiancai: "You are a hunter, I am also a hunter. Don't forget our agreement. The power of life is yours, the power of the soul is mine."

Sikong Tianzhu turned his head and looked at the person who spoke. He saw his body in a translucent form. His eyes burned two groups of flaming souls. This person turned out to be a soul!

"Chur, you can rest assured, although you are a soul, but I don't care, as long as you can follow the agreement, help me to be the real master of this heavenly sword!" Sikong Tiancai.

Chur heard that the two groups of souls in the eyes twitched slightly, and immediately said: "Small one is a sword in the mainland, I have not put it in my eyes, as long as you can let me restore the strength of the past, let me contact the Heavenly Soul, I can even take you to Tianyu!"

Sikong Tiancao heard a sneer: "If Tianyu really is so powerful, why should I go, wait for me to become the master of this Tianjian mainland, say one thing, isn’t it better than going to Tiantian? A little **** is coming faster?"

"Then choose with you." Chur whispered.

On the side of Dong Ruyi, she showed a trace of color: "Now my illusion gods have been assisted by the soul family, and you have got this wood treasure, which is able to sweep the entire seal. The people of Jiuhua League and Wansha Island are all Have to kill!"

"Someone broke in, it is the people of Jiuhua League, the strength is a bit strong, Chur, you hurry past, cooperate with me to kill them!" Sikong Tiancao suddenly came out.

Just as Lu Xuan controlled the chaotic soil and could perceive the entire desert land. Now, Sikong Tiancai has mastered this tree of life. He is also familiar with the situation of the whole wooden land. He does not know what method to use. It is possible to control the tree of life, and together with the soul group, I don’t know how many people have been killed.

Lu Xuan did not know that the illusion of the gods, the eight temples, the souls, these three forces have joined hands, and even thought about killing all the people of Jiuhua League and Wansha Island in this seal. There are a lot of strong people coming in to seal the land. If they are really conspiring by them, it will definitely be a huge blow to Jiuhuameng and Wansha Island, and the Eight Temples may have a chance. Uniform Tianjian mainland! (To be continued~^~)

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