Sword Spirit

Chapter 878: No short board

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After several consecutive failures, Lu Xuan stopped and practiced. It is not a hard work. Sometimes death will have a certain effect, but blind death will not work. Thinking and understanding are necessary. Otherwise, as long as there is great perseverance, anyone can become a strong person. Otherwise, there will not be so many people who are stuck in the bottleneck and are depressed.

The wind is a very flexible element. It is free to shuttle between heaven and earth. It is unrestrained, even if it is blocked with a solid wall, but as long as there is a gap, it can easily pass through.

Lu Xuan couldn't help but think of his own days in Feng Jianzong. In order to cultivate and ride the wind, he stayed in the five elements of the cave for a long time, feeling the power of the wind again and again, and it was during this period of cultivation that Lu Xuan had a great understanding of the wind, and even felt the artistic conception of the wind.

As the saying goes, blocking is not as good as sparse. This is a good fit for the wind. A breeze blows. If you let it so lightly blow it, it is still a prestige, but if you force it, only Leave a small hole to let it pass, then when it blows through the hole, it will become a strong wind.

Heaven and earth, the law, there are traces to follow, and how to control the wind, Lu Xuan is the link to the way, how can we use the power of runes to show the power of the wind.

After some thoughts, Lu Xuan felt that perhaps the "turn" character used on the hurricane gods would have a miraculous effect.

When I thought of doing it and reinvigorating my spirit, Lu Xuan once again began to extract the power of the hurricane essence. With the power of a trace of essence, he continued to consolidate the hurricane, but this time. Lu Xuan no longer uses the power of the soul to forcibly lock the power of the hurricane, and gradually changes the runes, no longer let the force of the hurricane follow the runes. Instead, let the runes change with the power of the hurricane.

A rune of the road fell, this time the rune became extremely smooth, Lu Xuan is almost arbitrarily portrayed, once the force of the hurricane some want to break through the signs of runes. He engraved a character and re-directed this power back.

Gradually, this one-star hurricane gods pattern has already been completed 80%, this **** pattern, almost completely natural, Lu Xuan did not have the power to bind the hurricane. Instead, let it play by itself. Lu Xuan has only played a guiding role in it, which is to clear it, not to block it.

Soon, the blue light flashed, this one-star hurricane pattern is a smooth and concise success, and the smoothness is too much. The whole line of the gods is extremely smooth, and the force of the hurricane continues to flow in it without any hindrance. But it is successfully locked in this **** pattern, the wind is flexible, but it is not tough, only if you give it enough space, it can be left at your disposal, not like Like Geng Jin Shen, it has great destructive power and penetrating power. You don't want to hinder it. It can break the sky.

The formation of a star hurricane pattern has not brought any magical power to Lu Xuan. Lu Xuan did not have any accidents. At the time when Lei Zhen was formed, he did not provide any magical power to himself. Until the second star Lei Zhen Shen appeared, he got a blast.

Now that he has mastered the key points of depicting the hurricane gods, Lu Xuan naturally does not delay the time, immediately began to depict the two-star hurricane gods, the power of the eyes of the hurricane is very sufficient, Lu Xuan wants to make a bang to raise the hurricane to the four-star level .

The two-star hurricane pattern, the Samsung hurricane **** pattern succeeded successively, but when Lu Xuan portrayed the four-star hurricane **** pattern, it failed because of insufficient soul power, and even the soul power in this space could not be supplemented. Xuanben thought that he could condense the four-star hurricane in a single pass, and eventually it was a little worse. For the time being, he could only be put on hold.

It does not live up to Lu Xuan’s high hopes. As one of the special **** lines, the hurricane gods also provide Lu Xuan with two wind powers. A magical power is called defensive magical power, which is formed by the power of the wind. An enchantment force can be used to trap the enemy, and can also be used to resist attacks for self-protection.

For this magical power, Lu Xuan is very happy. As a sword repairer, he advocates attack, or attack and attack, so his defensive martial arts is almost no, only one element of armor, except this In addition, it is a move in the Dragon Seven Swords to see the dragon in the field.

In the defense of the magical powers, there is a wall of thorns, there is a mysterious turtle in the spell, but the two defense power is too weak, can be ignored, so Lu Xuan is often used to protect the body only elemental protection A can play a role, now has the wind and enchantment, and finally there is another body care supernatural powers. If it was before the fight against Sikong Tiancai and others, there would be a wind and frost enchantment, maybe he would not hurt that. Heavy, almost even the power to break through the blockade of Dong Ruyi is gone.

The second wind is supernatural, which makes Lu Xuan happy. He does not know when he is specializing in the special gods. He feels that Shentong is based on what he thinks, but he thinks that it may be based on the power he has, because this The second wind system is also a magical power, and its name is called wind and lightning.

The wind and thunder change, as the name suggests, this magical power is like a golden flame, and it needs the power of two great gods to exert the strongest effect. However, it is a coincidence that Lu Xuan has both the hurricane and the thunder. . Once the wind and thunder are changed, it can be transformed into a wind and thunder, which can greatly increase the speed and make it extremely flexible. The thunder and lightning are the explosive body, while the wind and thunder is the continuous body. The Thunder can catch the enemy by surprise, but if you use the wind and thunder, you can make the enemy unable to touch his own figure. Lu Xuan made up his mind to make these two magical powers to practice well, and the skills were not to be crushed.

Lu Xuan feels that he is more and more like a refiner. If he does not master the magical skills of Tianjian and Jiuzhong, and feels a variety of laws, Lu Xuan believes that his refining strength at this moment is far better than the strength of refining God. Speed ​​has speed, there is an outbreak to break out, and defense must be defense.

The newly-recognized treasures of Jinshui Fenglei have all been mastered by Lu Xuan, and these four gods have been upgraded to the four-star level in addition to the hurricane. Lu Xuan looked at the demon in front of the raccoon, and there were already ten fewer, indicating that the time has passed ten days without knowing it, because the digestive speed of the raccoon is very stable, one day, the next day is still the same. In operation. In ten days, it was only half an hour before the outside world, and there was plenty of time for Lu Xuan to digest the rest of the treasure.

Stretch your hand across the storage ring. Congenital supplementation of Dan is in the hands of Lu Xuan, three congenital to fill the Dan is to go to the ice spirit, and now there are two, one innate to make up the Dan is to enable the ice spirit to greatly enhance the strength . Taking out the four treasures from the vast land of seals is enough to see that it is precious.

A congenital complement to Danshun's throat slides down Lu Han, a cool feeling is coming, very comfortable. Although Ye Tian did not indicate what kind of medicinal herbs were congenitally supplemented by Dan, but since he dared to take the name, Lu Xuan knew that this is also a rare Dan who made the world. The way of heaven. The loss is more than enough to make up for it, the heavens make you lack, but the innate complement of Dan can forcefully make up, showing that he is overbearing.

Lu Xuan slowly urged Taiyi to return to Yuanxiao, speeding up the play of medicine. In a short time, a trace of pure vitality was escaped. Under the guidance of Taiyi Guiyuan, he was sent by him. In the middle of Dantian.

I saw that the **** of the dynamism in the Lu Xuan Dantian was attached to the past. The feeling of refreshing into the bones suddenly came. The Yuanshen is the foundation of the strength of the military. Under the power of congenital complementing Dan, Lu Xuan can clearly feel that there are still many defects in his own god. This is like a porcelain that looks like a beautiful one, but it is full of pits and pits, and it is extremely uncomfortable to see people.

However, with the infiltration of this silky force, these defects were gradually smoothed out, and Lu Xuan’s Yuanshen seemed to become more and more full of brilliance. The breath has become more and more sturdy, Lu Xuan has not been able to achieve perfection, and the innate complement of Dan is trying his best to make up for him.

The first innate replenishment of Dan's medicinal power was completely opened. The power contained in it was far more than Lu Xuan expected. Under the nourishment of this medicinal herb, the little gods not only compensated for the defects to a certain extent, but also It also seems to have grown a little, this innate patch of medicinal properties has not completely dissipated, Lu Xuan will swallow the last medicinal herbs, although the medicinal herbs are precious, but the use of their own body is real.

The appearance of the Yuanshen became more and more clear, more and more like a real person. Finally, when the power of this congenital complement Dan was digested by 7788, Lu Xuan’s body was surging, relying on The effect of these two medicinal remedies, Lu Xuan is actually a sigh of enthusiasm into the virtual world!

If you let Nan Gonglie and others see it, you will inevitably be surprised by the big teeth. They are watching the eyes of Lu Xuan breaking into the virtual world. But in such a short time, ordinary people may only be able to barely consolidate the realm, but Lu Xuan has already Got a floor. It is a pity that only the raccoon can see this scene, but the raccoon is still asleep, and does not know that its Xuan Ge strength has taken another step.

It took a little time to consolidate the realm, and the Taiyi Guiyuan was fully operated for nine big Sundays. Lu Xuanfang stopped, although the strength was improved, but it was based on the power of the medicinal herbs, even if it was congenitally replenished. It is a tonic, and the harm is extremely low. However, he does not dare to have the slightest wish. The strength reaches this level, and a little embarrassment will affect the future achievements.

Then the second kind of medicinal medicine fell into the hands of Lu Xuan. It was Taiqing Yushen Dan. After coming to the land of this seal, Lu Xuan’s strengths in all aspects have been improved, but the power of the soul has changed little. It is still the level of the two-star miracle, but during this period he swallowed up the soul of several souls, and he has already played a good disciple for promotion. Lu Xuan is trying to use the power of these three Taiqing jade souls. Go up one floor.

If it is the achievement of the Samsung Rune, for Lu Xuan, there will be no shortcomings in the three spirits of refining the soul and refining the soul. The three are united and the strength is extremely strong! (Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you to take! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - enter qdread), immediately participate! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to qdread WeChat public number!) (To be continued~^~)

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