Sword Spirit

Chapter 893: Resurgence

Sure enough, under the words, Lu Xuan could not help but reveal a trace of surprise, he got the inheritance of Ye Tian, ​​which records the various treasures he naturally remembered in his heart, Dao Xin Yuan Dan, although the spiritual milk is not common, but Their preciousness, Lu Xuan is very well known.

Dao Xin Yuan Dan is a special method used by the military to forcibly separate the law of one's own sentiment and condense it in a Yuan Dan. If anyone can absorb this Tao Yuandan It is natural to realize the law of the law contained in the heart of Yuan Dan, and its preciousness can be seen.

Moreover, the success rate of the concentrating Tao Yuan Dan is very low, and it is almost nothing. Even more, if you want to condense the Tao Yuan Dan, you must condense when the military is in full prosperity, if the military is dying. Or, before the advent of the big limit, the success rate is almost equal to zero. If there is any warrior, will he be willing to separate one of his own rules when he is the most powerful? This is completely a loss of self-interest.

If Dao Xin Yuan Dan can also be artificially manufactured, then the soul of the soul is the real treasure of heaven and earth. It can be met and not demanded. The soul of the soul is made up of the power of the essence of heaven and earth. Physical fitness, whether it is Yuanli, the power of the soul, or the power of the body, can be greatly increased.

These two treasures alone are enough to make countless warriors crazy, and any one can make people feel like they are rushing, let alone, there is also a treasure in the end!

Although the treasures of the heavens are only one level higher than the treasures on the ground level, the difference is the response to the heavens and the earth, which is the difference between heaven and earth.

As far as the quality of the treasures is on the ground floor, as long as there is enough good material, it can be forged out with the strength of the five-pronged masters, and the heavenly treasures are not forged by the people of today’s Tianjian mainland. For example, all the heavenly treasures on the sword continent today are all ancient artifacts left over from the past. It’s enough to see the treasures of the heavens.

Compared with the origin of the heart can be artificially manufactured, the soul of the soul can be obtained by chance. The treasure of heaven is the real dish. So this time, the most precious thing is not the first two, but the third one - the treasure of heaven!

It’s just that compared to Lu Xuan, the treasure of the heavens is a chicken rib. There is a dusty sword and a black blood phoenix sword in hand, the heavenly treasure is really nothing.

"Where is the heart of Yuan Dan, which is the law? What order?" Lu Xuan asked, the different principles of the Tao Yuandan, the price difference is a thousand times, the path of the heart of the Yuan Dan. How can you compare with Daoyuan Yuandan of the highest way.

"After our appraiser's unanimous determination. What is contained in the Taoist Yuan Dan should be a tribute, and it is a four-star genius teacher." Bier answered very familiarly.

"It turned out to be a road." Lu Xuan muttered to himself, and this thing is actually a high road, but it is all-encompassing, is a complete world of the road, Lu Xuan now understands the way, but he I understand that I only see the tip of the iceberg, and there are so many sentiments waiting for him to discover. And the charm of each sentimentalist. It's not the same, it's not as clear as the rest of the rules.

However, even so, the heart of the road is also precious, at least a card can be found in the symbol of the nine-star spirits teacher, successfully opened the door of the road, successfully entered the realm of the gods, land Xuan believes that there are no tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands of pieces of the best Yuan Shi, I want to win this Tao Dao Yuan Dan.

Later, Lu Xuan again inquired about the news of the soul milk and the heavenly treasures. There are not many souls in the earth, only a small bowl. Of course, it is also possible that the Bohai Pavilion will pay the rest of the soul to the Shark Island, and only take part of it for auction.

On that day, the treasure is a long sword. The people of Wansha Island are good at making a knife and axe. This will bring out the rare treasures of the heavenly auction, and the Jiuhua League is in the top five. Among the doors, it is undoubtedly the one who makes the sword the most.

Carefully measured the role of these three pieces of finale treasure, Lu Xuan has already made a decision, he must at least get one of them. Continue to look at the next lot, although there are some materials Lu Xuan is somewhat tempted, but they are all stunned, these things are not what he needs, there is no need to spend money on it.

Although he is very expensive, he does not have the full grasp of the most fierce competition in the final competition. After all, he is alone, while the rest of the people have more or less Zongmen or family support behind them.

The competition is getting more and more fierce. The highest transaction price among many lots has exceeded 5,000 yuan, and as the atmosphere gets hotter, the whole auction has gradually come to an end.

Finally, when the last ordinary lot was sold with 4,400 pieces of the best stone, the lights of the entire auction venue suddenly disappeared, and the atmosphere suddenly became one of them. Everyone couldn’t help but sit up straight, Lu Xuan also No exception, everyone knows that the best time is coming.

Those who come to the three pieces of the finale have already prepared for the fierce bidding, and those who are not financially strong are spirited and ready to appreciate the next financial "fire".

A ray of light hit the body of Xu's treasurer, sorted out the clothes, and Xu said with a light cough, revealing a smile: "Well, for this moment, I must wait for everyone to be impatient. The previous lot is all The best treasures, but also can not be called the real Qizhen, the reason why the Bohai Pavilion has the courage to hold this auction, will invite all the guests, it is because there are three pieces of Qizhen Zhibao to come to the finale. ”

"Xu treasurer, long story short, take the treasure up, stronger than anything!" Someone shouted under the audience.

Xu Zhang counter suddenly laughed: "That's good, since you can't wait, then you will smash everyone's wishes, see treasures, than to listen to old Xu said a hundred words are useful, come, please have the first treasure!"

The eyes of the people moved with the lights, and soon they fell on the side of the show car. The two girls slowly stepped forward and the four strong men guarded them. On the exhibition car, there is a slap-sized jade box. The jade box is quietly lying with a longan-sized Yuandan. Under the illumination, there is a faint glimmer of light, which is extremely attractive.

"Dao Xin Yuan Dan, I think you are no stranger to this term, but the people who really see the aisle of the Yuan Dan are afraid of a handful, good, this first piece of the finale treasure is a Tao Yuandan!" The voice of Xu’s treasurer rang in the darkness.

"In this Tao Yuandan, there is a complete sentimental sentiment, which is condensed by a four-star genius. It only needs to absorb this heart, so it will be natural. Comprehend the understanding, step into the world of the world, become a true miracle!"

"For the sympathizer, this is simply the best, whether it is to absorb it yourself, or to give it to the younger generation, it is a very good thing. With this Tao Yuandan, you can almost Any spirit teacher will be sent to the realm of the gods!"

Xu's treasurer's voice continued to come, after a pause, and finally came out: "Now start to bid for this Tao Yuandan, starting price... no!"

There is no reserve price, which means that this lot is an invaluable treasure. Such a treasure, for everyone present, any reserve price is a joke, the price of the transaction will definitely be very high, far more than all the previous auctions.

Sure enough, Xu’s shopkeeper fell into a word, and a voice was the first to offer: “One thousand yuan stone.”

It is the first private room!

The martial artists who were just ready to bid for the price were all misfiring. The highest price of the previous auction was only 5,000. I didn’t expect this Tao Yuandan to come out. The first one directly reported the price to 10,000 yuan. The height of the stone is almost twice that of the previous one, and his move is undoubtedly a manifestation of his must-see for this heart.

Xu shopkeeper is also somewhat helpless. The first one is so troublesome, it is undoubtedly a pressure on the people, but fortunately, the person in the first room is still kind, directly reporting the price of 10,000 yuan Yuanshi, although he is more than The expected price is still much lower, but it is not too bad.

However, Xu shopkeepers are still not eager to announce, holding a trace of hopeful results to see a group of warriors, to see if someone will come to the tiger, after all, the heart of Yuan Dan is still very difficult to see.

I am dying, two interest rates, three interest rates, no one has spoken yet, Xu shopkeeper has already died, sighing, and helplessly lifted the auction hammer, a plain voice sounded: "One thousand and one thousand yuan stone."

Xu Zhang counter suddenly stunned, lifted the auction hammer, but actually someone actually raised the price? Also, not everyone knows who is among the first private rooms, and those who do not know are naturally not afraid.

The quote is for the 9th private room. Xu’s shopkeeper’s impression of this private room is still relatively deep, because the first lot of the auction was for the No. 9 private room. In addition, the person in the No. 9 private room also took the photo. A pair of yin and yang breaks the soul, and it is unfortunate that the yin and yang broken souls are also taken from the No. 1 private room in the No. 9 private room. It seems that the No. 9 private room does not know the identity of the first guest.

Xu shopkeeper does not expect the No. 9 room to be able to die with the No. 1 package. As long as it can help raise the price several times, that is enough.

He immediately said: "The number of rooms in the 9th package is 11,000, and which one is higher?"

With the sound of Xu's shopkeeper sounding, there was a loud voice in the auction room. Many warriors curiously looked at the No. 9 private room, one by one guessing which power to sit in, one at a time. I don’t want to have a face in the first place. Don’t you want to mix up in the Jiuhua League? Or is it that Jianglong is coming elsewhere? (To be continued~^~)

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