Sword Spirit

Chapter 896: Apologize?

Ye Hao looked at the crowd and fought for the horror of the sword. While slowly sipping the fragrant scent prepared by the 瀚海阁, his face was very calm. The anger that was caused by Lu Xuan’s repeated shots has already been Completely disappeared, it can be seen that his city is quite deep, and almost has achieved the point where the mood is not indifferent.

At this time, the two followers who had left before returned, and one of them said to Ye Hao, "The identity of the person who has been in the room of the No. 9 package has been discovered."

"Which power is it?" Ye Hao put down the tea pot and asked faintly. During the speech, he has already flashed a lot of figures in his mind. He is a hindrance to his position as a leader. However, this follower has reported a name that Ye Hao did not expect.

"It is a young man named Lu Xuan. The specific identity is not clear. However, according to the management of the Bohai Court, this person holds a Jiuhua League elders order, so it will be arranged in the No. 9 private room."

Under the words, Ye Hao suddenly frowned, Lu Xuan? Elders?

For the name Lu Xuan, Ye Hao is no stranger and cannot be unfamiliar, because his only relative, his brother Lin Zeyu, was killed by this person. Although Lin Zeyu sometimes does something too much, he is ultimately his own younger brother. He does not look at the face of the Buddha, but Lu Xuan does not have the scruples to kill Lin Zeyu, Ye Hao’s list of killings. , has already included the name of this person.

Just let Ye Hao some people do not understand is, Lu Xuan where did he come from the Jiuhua League elders? The elders’ order of the Jiuhua League is not a general matter. It is not that the elders of the Jiuhua League can get the elders’ order. Only the elders among the elders, or those who have made great contributions, can get the elders’ orders. Lu Xuan will be invited to the No. 9 private room, the general elders may not have this treatment.

Ye Hao suddenly remembered one thing, Xuanbinge Zhao Ying, is the old love of his own father. Lu Xuan is the disciple of Zhao Ying. Is it true that Lu Xuan is relying on Zhao Ying’s identity to dare to challenge himself? Just like this. What are the benefits for Lu Xuan?

Thinking about it, Ye Hao finally locked the target on Lu Xuan's elders. I am afraid that behind Lu Xuan, there is a senior elder in the Jiuhua League. This time, the elder used Lu Xuan to fight his prestige.

Thinking of this, Ye Hao is more and more uneasy, he never had this feeling before, but since he knew that Ye has no trace of an old lover. He is beginning to feel this way.

He used to think that leaves are invisible and inhuman. Therefore, he has never married his wife and children, so he is the perfect choice for the future lord, and his performance has always been very good, almost a matter of nailing.

However, the appearance of Zhao Ying broke all his fantasies. Ye Wuxue and Zhao Ying are just a good old man. For the military, this age is really not big. Once the two return to good, it is not difficult to have children. At that time, how can one's own son compare to the other children's children?

The more I thought, the more gloomy Ye Hao’s face was, and the circumstance of the matter was clarified by him. He finally came to a conclusion, that is, this time, Zhao Ying was able to handle it!

Zhao Ying has a good thought with the leaves. In order to be able to successfully become a ally in the future, it is necessary to unplug this nail. Today, Lu Xuan is a piece sent by Zhao Ying, first attacking his prestige, once he concedes defeat this time, That would give people a signal that they are not enough to compete with Zhao Ying, so some elders who are now relying on themselves may move closer to Zhao Ying, and that way, their chances of winning will be even lower.

Ye Hao looked up and looked at the eyes of the No. 9 bag to become gloomy, and it was a good deal! It’s just that I’ve seen it now, and how could it make her succeed? Now, I can’t show the slightest embarrassment!

I have to say that Ye Hao’s imagination is very strong. However, the things that are not in the shadows are clearly understood by his future. Perhaps the dark people in the heart always like to think of others to the dark side.

Closed his eyes, a long sigh of relief, Ye Hao has already made a decision in his heart, for the fiery auction below, there has been no concern.

At this moment, the auction has really entered the end, the price of the stunned sword is getting higher and higher, and the price that can afford it is very low. Finally, when the price reaches 43,000 pieces of the best stone, Finally, the dust settled, and it was obtained by the people in the eighth room.

Looking at this price, Lu Xuan constantly screams, this is the power of the best, ah, his three pieces of the top quality goods, the highest price but also shot 2,500 pieces of the best Yuanshi, and Jinghong The sword of the gods was only one level higher, and the price was almost twenty times that of him.

Xu was very satisfied with the final price of the sword, and it was very successful to end the auction at such a high price. Although there were some unpleasant things in the middle, it was not clear.

“Thank you for your great support to our Bohai Pavilion. The auction will be completed successfully. After one year, we will gather again. The Bohai Pavilion will definitely search for various treasures for you to choose. Now, the people who bid for the goods Please go to the back hall and sit down and exchange the treasures with your wooden sign."

The dazzling lights illuminate, and the entire auction site shines like a white scorpion. A group of warriors have risen up, leaving without a harvest, and people who have taken the items go to exchange treasures.

"We also go, this time is a small gain." Lu Xuan stood up and said to Chen Xiaohan, he took a total of three items, namely the inner sea of ​​the deep sea giant, a pair of yin and yang, and the A heart of Yuan Dan. Under the leadership of Bier, a group of three people walked to the back of the porch.

Ye Hao did not go to the back hall. In his capacity, someone had already sent things to him in advance, and did not need to queue up to exchange treasures with others.

However, Ye Hao did not go far. After leaving the Bohai Pavilion, he was casually looking for a tea house nearby. It was a window-by-door location. From here, you can see every person who came out from the Bohai Pavilion. He is waiting for someone.

Lu Xuan is one of the winners of the last three finale treasures. Bohai Court naturally prioritizes Lu Xuan’s affairs and throws out four wooden cards representing the lot. Naturally, some people check the price.

However, the person who came out to receive him, but unexpectedly Lu Xuan expected, I saw the big treasurer of the Bohai Pavilion, Xu Xiaoxiao walked out.

When I saw Lu Xuan, Xu’s shopkeeper was laughing and joking: “The old man deliberately came to see exactly where the young Yingjie was, and he was able to win one of the three finale treasures among the competitions of many powerful players.”

Lu Xuan seems to be a little confused, he just shot a Tao Yuandan, and the first bag has received the soul of the soul, the eighth bag has got the stunned sword, Xu shopkeeper does not call those people, How come you are here. When I think about it, Lu Xuan can only attribute the reason to Long Boming’s elders’ order. Perhaps Xu’s treasurer is coming to the elders. After all, Long Boming is also the number one in Jiuhua League.

"Xu's shopkeeper said it was heavy, but he was lucky to succeed." Lu Xuan arched the hand.

Xu Zhang counter shook his head: "Dare to eat in the mouth of Ye Hao, but it is not a fluke. But this time, the Bohai Pavilion has inherited your love, the old man is the master, some of the treasures you auctioned, the Bohai Pavilion does not take the text, the photographed things , will be discounted at 10% off."

Lu Xuan heard the words, this is a big deal! The four things he auctioned were worth 9,900 pieces of the best Yuanshi. According to the reason, the Bohai Pavilion should be drawn into five percent, which is nearly five hundred pieces of the best stone. Among the things he photographed, the deep sea giants and the yin and yang smashed the soul, the price is not too high, but the Taoxin Yuandan is the 162,000 pieces of the best Yuanshi, nine The discount is that there are less than 1,600 pieces of the best Yuanshi. The sum of the two is enough to buy an excellent top grade.

Xu Xuan cabinet this inexplicable kindness, Lu Xuan did not dare to accept it easily, and quickly asked: "What is the meaning of Xu shopkeeper? As the saying goes, the power is not safe, this money kid can get some hot."

Xu Zhanghai haha ​​smiled and said: "If you have twice raised the price with Ye Hao twice, the loss of my loss of the Haige Pavilion far exceeds the money that I helped you to reduce, which is considered a thank-you for the old man."

Lu Xuan heard it this time. It turned out that the price was raised, which made the heart of Yuan Dao and the spiritual milk of the earth take a high price. This also makes sense. If it is not for himself, Dao Xin Yuan Dan and Earth Mind Milk will It was taken away by the price of 10,000 yuan Yuanshi in the first bag, but what is this leaf?

Since I thought of it, Lu Xuan asked it.

This time, it was Xu’s turn to look at the shopkeeper. He looked at Lu Xuan and asked: "You don't know who Ye Hao is? Then you don't know if you are sitting in the first room?"

"I don't know underneath." Lu Xuan shook his head.

The face of Xu’s treasurer has become extremely exciting for a time. Is this unbelievable? It is no wonder that Lu Xuan once again fought with Ye Hao, and inadvertently gave Ye Hao a crime of death. Lu Xuan could have suffered a big loss this time!

Xu shopkeeper constantly shook his head: "You have caused a lot of trouble this time. Ye Hao is the righteous son of the current Jiuhua League. The person is called the little lord. You are embarrassed in this public time, and the trouble in the future is not small. However, since you are holding the predecessor of the Jiuhua League and want to come to the younger generation of the important figures in the Jiuhua League, it is worth mentioning that the old man is giving you an idea.

"After going back, you called the elder who is close to you, and sent the yin and yang to the soul of the yin and yang to Dan, and then apologize. If you want to come, you will be able to settle. According to the old man, the leaf He is always a steady person, and he is not overbearing. This is too much because of the embarrassment that you made him embarrassed."

PS: The first is more (to be continued ~ ^ ~)

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