Sword Spirit

Chapter 898: Ten swords

The two huge momentums rose from the body of Lu Xuan and Ye Wei. At one time, the strength of the two people’s body was within the limits of the hundred feet. The crowds were forced to be forced out of the area.

His eyes fell on Ye Hao, and Lu Xuan did not dare to have the slightest meaning. Although in the land of seals, he had already played against the strong players in the middle of the realm of the emptiness and even the late period of the virtual world, but it was just a treasure. Power is gone. Really want to fight, Lu Xuan may not be the opponent, and Ye Hao seems to be only too imaginary, but Lu Xuan will not be stupid to compare Ye Hao with the ordinary too virtual four weapons.

Ye Hao is undoubtedly the pride of the heavens in the Jiuhua League. The true genius warrior is the one who has the same level of combat capability as himself.

Ye Hao did not despise Lu Xuan. Since he learned that Lin Zeyu died in Lu Xuan’s hands, Ye Hao had a detailed understanding of Lu Xuan, a boy born in the secular world, in a short time, The strength is all the way to sing and slam, the more orderly fighting is like a common meal, luck is even better to be scary, such a person, can not allow him to despise.

This is the first time that Lu Xuan has fought against the true genius of Tianjian. In the past, his opponent or strength was much stronger than him, or he was not an opponent at all. Only Ye Hao, a genius standing at the top level of Tianjian mainland, It is his best opponent.

Ye Hao took out the long sword, Lu Xuan also took out the dust sword. Ye Hao’s sword looks like a sense of lightness. The sword is smooth and new, and there is no trace of it. It is obviously the best of the treasures on the ground.

"Who is this kid, dare to conflict with Ye Hao in Jiuhua City?"

"Who knows, I haven't seen it before, but the young age has the power of being too virtual, obviously not the average person."

Many warriors whispered at the side, and they were extremely curious about Lu Xuan, an unidentified but powerful man.

At this moment, Ye Hao took the lead, and under the force of force, I saw him raise his hand in an instant, when people have not responded. A very fast sword gas is bursting out, and the sword is broken, it is silent. In an instant.

However, compared with the fast sword, Lu Xuan is not empty at all. Although Ye Hao’s sword is fast, Lu Xuan has long been prepared to make him succeed. The dusty sword suddenly appeared in front of Lu Xuan, and the sword body stabbed straight out. It was also a sword gas spit out, it was a sword.

The two swords rushed together accurately, accompanied by a roaring sound, all of which disappeared invisible.

Ye Hao’s sword is just a test shot. Although it is just a short sword. But let Lu Xuan and Ye Hao both see each other's realities.

"You have also realized the kendo." Lu Xuan said: "It seems that the kendo you understand is the fast sword."

"You are also good. In a short period of time, the strength has doubled. Now you have reached the limit of being too imaginary. As long as you are willing to go with me to worship Zeyu, I can write off the previous matter, and I have taken it before. The soul of the soul, I also sent you, how?" Ye Hao faint. He actually moved the heart of the recruitment. Lu Xuan is a disciple of Zhao Ying. If he can pull Lu Xuan together, it will definitely have an unexpected effect. What's more, Lu Xuan is a good genius.

After listening to Ye Hao’s words, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but laugh, and then smiled and said: “Let me give Lin Zeyu a sacrifice, no way!”

This world. Lu Xuan most hated three people, one hates cold autumn, he is not there, almost put Xia Chenxi to death; second hate Lin Zeyu, the cold behind the curtain behind the scene is Lin Zeyu, he not only makes himself in the Emperor Palace, he is more It’s the case that Feng Jianzong has been turned upside down. If Yang Yi and others are desperately rebellious, I am afraid that Lin Xinyi and others have already slept in the ground. Even so, Peng Xu and Xu’s elders are still no longer possible to live. As for the third, hate is Sikong Tiancai, if it depends on death, is something that Lu Xuan can't forget in his life.

Now cold and clear autumn and Lin Zeyu Fuxi, Sikong Tiancai was abandoned to the body of Long Boming disposal, now let Lu Xuan to worship Lin Zeyu, it is absolutely impossible!

Lu Xuan said so decisively, Ye Hao just under the spurt of the rise is gradually extinguished, Shen Sheng: "Since you toasting does not eat and drink fine wine, then I can only leave you, personally sent to Zeyu The grave is over."

"As long as you have this ability, I have no words to say." Lu Xuan coldly smiled.

"Then let you see and see, Jiuhua League's stunts!" Ye Yuyin chilled out, the voice fell, the whole person vacated, accompanied by a violent drink, the sword slammed down.

"Golden sword!"

Only when I heard Ye Hao’s anger, countless sharp swords burst out, and Lu Xuan completely enveloped it. This is a killing move. Once Lu Xuan can’t resist it, he will be attacked by this sword. Break into pieces.

Seeing this sword, Lu Xuan could not help but blink, is this martial arts? Just how can it become a trick for the Jiuhua League?

At this time, the audience was already excited and shouted: "Look, it is the unique martial arts of Jiuhua League - Ten swords! It is said that it was the martial arts passed down by the ancestors of the nine Huameng thousands of years ago. It seems that Ye Hao The second is to move the real anger, and the shot is this martial art."

Lu Xuan didn't have time to listen to other people's noises. He didn't have time to think about why Ye Hao would have ten swords. At the moment when Jin Jinjian shot, Lu Xuan's dusty sword was already waving. For a moment, Lu Xuan's body circumference was surrounded. Endless swords, the defense is not leaking.

The sword of the golden sword slammed down, and the swordsmanship of the two sides immediately began to meet with each other. The sound of the collision of gold and iron continued to come, but all the attacks by Ye Hao were blocked by Lu Xuan, and they were not allowed to enter.

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly, and he couldn’t help but whisper: “The field of sword?”

"A little insight, although the attack is very strong, but since you have not understood the law of gold, the power is greatly reduced." Lu Xuan sneered: "Come and not, indecent, then you try me Martial arts!"

Passive beating, never his character, the dusty sword suddenly pointed to the sky, then suddenly swayed, this sword seems to communicate with the nine-day star in general, a pound of swords instantly from the sky, the power is pressing!

"falling stars!"

This sword came very fast, as if it had crossed the space, crossed the time, and carried a glimmer of power from the heart, as if the sword was everywhere, everything would be destroyed.

Ye Hao's face changed again. He didn't expect Lu Xuan's attack to be so fierce. In this move, he actually realized at least three rules, namely time, space and destruction.

If it is an ordinary person, I really can't cope with this sword, but Ye Hao is a person who has realized the fast martial art. Although the style of the falling star is very fast, it is not enough to beat him.

"Wooden sword!" Ye Hao screamed and threw a golden sword. Instead, it was the swordsmanship of countless green colors. The endless swords circling in the air, based on Jianqi, was actually established. A huge network of thorns, and at this moment, the fall of the stars suddenly struck.

The infinite power lingers on this giant net. In a moment, the swords that make up the giant net are broken down, but the swordsmanship of Ye Hao seems to be continuous. Once the sword is broken, there will be a new sword. On the contrary, it was hard to block this move.

"Give me away!" Ye Hao roared, the giant network suddenly issued a rebound force, and instantly defeated Lu Xuan this type of falling star.

Seeing Lu Xuan martial arts was broken, Ye Hao did not hesitate in the slightest, the giant network instantly flipped, and suddenly the overwhelming expanse of Lu Xuan came over, as if to make Lu Xuan a net.

"Crack!" Lu Xuan screamed, the soul lake surging, a mysterious force suddenly played on this giant net, it was a moment to completely shred this giant net!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. What is this power, Lu Xuan can not tear the attack of Ye Hao without a sword?

However, some insights have seen the clues of the points, and then the attack on Lu Xuan is even more amazing. This unknown boy seems to be more powerful than they think.

"Fushu!" Ye Hao stared at Lu Xuan slowly: "Are you still a mistress?"

Ye Hao himself also cultivated the soul, and as a member of the Jiuhua League, he was very knowledgeable. Naturally, he immediately recognized that Lu Xuan had just used the power of the charm, and after the sentiment, the attack of the mistress The way is no longer as simple as the sympathizer, and it is necessary to rely on the charm to fight. For the oracle, the power of the soul is their root, just like the power of the warrior, with the power of the soul. It is enough to open a mountain crack.

"What you don't know, there are still many things." Lu Xuan smiled and said: "Come on, let me see how your ten swords are powerful. Next, should it be a fire sword or a thunder sword? Or blood. The sword is not as good as the sword and the soul sword that you directly use to display the sword."

"Do you know the ten swords?" Ye Hao Shen Shen, the more he looked, the more he felt that Lu Xuan had a different purpose with his own embarrassment, the sword of the ten swords, Lu Xuan actually knew clearly, although this is not What a big secret, but a disciple of a four-product Zongmen knows these things, and definitely has a deep investigation into the Jiuhua League.

"I don't only know this, I also know that the five elements of the tone of yin and yang, the blood of the soul of the soul, the wind and the sky thunder, the world is desperate." Lu Xuan smiled.

Lu Xuan smiled happily, but Ye Hao was very vocal. Lu Xuan said that although it is only part of the ten swordsmanship, it contains the essence of the ten.

"How did you know?!" Ye Hao asked in amazement, was it that the righteous father handed the ten swords to Zhao Ying, and then Zhao Ying passed it to Lu Xuan? That said, Lu Xuan will also be a sword? No, it is impossible. The righteous father said that the ten swords were passed down by the ancestors of the Ye family. Only the direct descendants were passed. How could they teach Zhao Ying?

Lu Xuan heard a cold cry: "I haven't asked how you know it, you asked me?"

Speaking of this, Lu Xuan suddenly squatted, Ye Hao, leaves no trace, and ... Ye Tian!

Lu Xuan’s heart suddenly violently jumped, and he seemed to have noticed something incredible.

PS: Keke, ten swords, these four sentences Xiaobao 瞎 edited, really not good at such things, **** unreasonable things also took a long time to come out. (To be continued~^~)

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