Sword Spirit

Chapter 903: Secret history of Yejia

Ye Wuxun looked at Lu Xuandao: "Xuaner, we have been rumored for tens of thousands of years. The position of the lord has always only passed on the Ye Family, and the most powerful forces on this continent are the longest. We, and the reason why we can pass on for so many years without being replaced, are benefited from the painstaking efforts of our ancestors. Since you are my son, that is the young master of the Jiuhua League. Some things should let you know. ”

After all, Ye Wushou stood up and said: "You come with me."

Lu Xuan Zhao Ying looked at it, Zhao Ying smiled slightly: "Go, there are many good things in Jiuhua League, this is what you deserve. For twenty years, I have not fulfilled the responsibility of being a parent." Naturally, I want to give you the best things."

Lu Xuan will not doubt Zhao Ying’s words. Jiuhua League is the oldest force on the Tianjian continent. The foundation is extremely rich. The accumulated resources may not be what he can imagine. Even Xuanbinge has the mysterious ice mystery. In this kind of place, Jiuhua League will not have some exclusive secrets.

"Mother, Xiaohan and Binger, please take care of you." Lu Xuanzhen said, Zhao Ying nodded, she used to be quite vocal about Lu Xuan, but now she knows that Lu Xuan is her and her own After the baby, the attitude immediately changed. I can't wait for my daughter-in-law to be as good as possible. It is best to regenerate a large group of dolls. The mother is naturally toward her own children.

Under the leadership of Ye Wuxun, Lu Xuan followed him all the way to the interior of Jiuhua League, while walking, Ye said without a trace: "When it comes to Jiuhua League, I must first tell you about my Yejia. The history of our Ye family is extremely long. It can be traced back to more than 30,000 years from the family record."

"Ye's ancestor was named Ye Tian. In the past, it was a shocking figure in the Tianjian mainland. After that, he flew to Tianyu, and he did not know where to go. The wife of the ancestors raised the son of the ancestors alone, and the practice of the ancestors. Wushu, achievements are also extraordinary. It is also to promote Ye Family..."

"But the establishment of the Jiuhua League was only 20,000 years ago. At that time, Ye Jiarui was in a family situation. For the time when a large force burned the temple, it was not allowed, and eventually the war broke out. The strength accumulated by the Ye family was far. The Super Burning Temple was expected. Not only did it fail to suppress Ye Jia, but it was destroyed by the Ye family. At that time, Ye Xiu, the master of the Ye family, chose to replace it and opened it in Jiuhuashan, known as the Jiuhua School."

"Ye Xiu Nai is another great shocking power after I was the ancestor of Ye Jiaji. It is because of the existence of Ye Xiu that it will make the Burning Temple create a jealousy to the Ye family. Launching the cofferdam of Ye Family. After the establishment of the Jiuhua School, he learned the lessons of the destruction of the Burning Temple. At the same time, the family was overwhelmed and suppressed. At the same time, many families chose to join the Jiuhua School."

"Therefore, Ye Xiu is changing the Jiuhua School to Jiuhua League. It has nine lobby doors. The position of the lord is inherited by Ye Jiaxuan, and the position of the nine lobby owners is controlled by the nine families at that time. There are elders in the middle. The size of the matter is decided by the Presbyterian Church, and the Owner has a veto."

Hearing this, Lu Xuan stopped talking and noticed Lu Xuan’s face. He couldn’t help but smile. “Do you think that this will decentralize the rights, but it will weaken our Yejia’s power, and the Nine Is the family more elbowed to Ye Family?"

Lu Xuan nodded, he really thought so, although the power of the lord was unparalleled. But it is also necessary to listen to the order in the nine lobby of the nine major families.

Ye has no trace of laughter: "This is the high-spiritedness of Ye Xiu. The ease makes people sink, and the adversity pushes people forward. As the saying goes, the millennial sect, the eternal holy land, can exist for thousands of years. It is already a holy place. This is to say that no matter how big the power is, there will be a day of extinction. Like the major kingdoms in the secular world, it will be divided for a long time.

"Only these constraints can make every successor of our family have a scornful heart. It turns out that the practice of Ye Xiu's ancestors is correct. Now we have established 20,000 in China Years do not fall, traversing the history of the Tianjian continent, the existence of Jiuhua League is the longest, so that the ups and downs of the Eight Temples, as well as the forces of the illusion of the gods, all learned from a certain degree the construction of the Jiuhua League the way."

Lu Xuan heard that he seemed to have some enlightenment and nodded. "It turns out that Ye Xiu's ancestors really are people with great wisdom. Children are taught. Children are in adversity from childhood, and their talents are not obvious. It is extremely difficult to cultivate. This is the achievement of the child's persevering mind, and later it has been repeatedly suffering, and several times of life and death, this will be able to achieve today's strength."

When I heard Lu Xuan’s words, Ye Wushao’s satisfaction nodded: “You have never been with your father since you were young, but you can reach the heights that countless military people can’t reach in their lifetime at a young age. You don’t say, as a father. It is not easy to know that you are going. But the reason why we have been able to inherit it until now, except for what the father just said, the most important thing is not this."

Lu Xuan looked at the leaves without traces, and some doubts, only seeing the leaves without revealing a sense of self-confidence, reaching out and holding the fist: "Supporting our Ye family for thousands of years, that is strength!"

"Tianjian mainland, strength is respect, those mentioned before are just to let Ye family maintain the constant pursuit of strength. The father is only four or nine years old, but has reached the peak of too virtual, this is the Why is it that I can lead the Jiuhua League and say the real reason?"

Lu Xuan heard that there was a slight glimmer of light in his eyes. He knew that because of the enchantment of Ye Tianbu, the people of Tianjian mainland could not break through the extraordinary situation on the Tianjian continent. The peak of the virtual world is the strongest realm. The leaves have no traces for less than 50 years, and they have reached the peak of the virtual world. It shows that their talent is extremely strong, and they have no doubt inherited the excellent talent of leaves without traces.

There is no trace of the leaves, laughing, and taking a picture of Lu Xuan’s shoulder: “The talent you show is better than that of the father. The father is using the power of the Jiuhua League and enjoying countless resources to achieve the strength of today. However, if you rely on yourself, you will now achieve a double virtual reality. In the future, you will be stronger than your father."

"I want to tell you that the purpose of these is just to tell you that in addition to creating the Jiuhua League, Ye Xiu's ancestors also left a real treasure for our Ye family. This is the end of our Yejiaqiang, and the inheritance of 20,000. The real reason for the year is not waning. Even if one day, the 9th China League is dead, as long as there is such a treasure, our Ye family can rise again."

Lu Xuan couldn't help but hear some heart, treasure, mystery, and inheritance. These things are extremely powerful for the temptation of the warriors. As a result of the 20,000-year-old Ye Hua, who inherits for 20,000 years, how can its inheritance be worse? ?

"When the old ancestors of Ye Xiu were founded in Jiuhuashan, the establishment of the Jiuhua League, Jiuhuashan was included in the private forbidden land of Yejia, and later it was a life of poverty, creating Jiuhuashan, making nine Huashan has become an excellent place to experience. Before Ye Xiu’s ancestors flew to Tianyu, he left a sentence. Those who inherit the lord must make every effort to build Jiuhua Mountain. This is the foundation of my Ye family heritage. The foundation of the children and grandchildren."

"So, the secret of Jiuhua Mountain is the real treasure of our family, the place to achieve family strength?" Lu Xuan asked.

Ye nodded nodly: "Yes, after Ye Xiu's ancestors flew to Tianyu, everyone who inherits the position of the lord, all of them follow the instructions of Ye Xiu's ancestors, and spend a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources to build Jiuhua Mountain. The means are endless, and it is necessary to know that the Jiuhua League has been passed down for so long. The ancestors of the past generations have mastered the methods, so today’s Jiuhua Mountain is almost the brainchild of countless ancestors for so long, and all the essentials have been included. Jiuhuashanzhong."

Lu Xuan listened with great enthusiasm. With Ye Xiu alone, naturally, it was impossible to create an unparalleled inheritance. But for 20,000 years, all the ancestors who inherited the lord’s position came to contribute to Jiuhua Mountain. This is a bit horrible. No wonder Jiuhua League The 20,000-year-old catastrophe, even the catastrophe of 10,000 years ago, failed to make the Jiuhua League dying. It must be known that the sects of the Eight Orthodox Temple and the Magical Priest began to appear only after the catastrophe thousands of years ago. It was because other forces at the time died, which made the forces such as the Eight Temples have a living soil.

At the time when Lu Xuan’s heart was stirring, he heard a sigh of no trace: “It’s a pity that Jiuhuashan has not changed for almost a thousand years. What we can do is to spend a lot of resources to maintain Jiuhua Mountain. The original state."

“Why?” Lu Xuan wondered, according to Ye Wuxie, every lord has built Jiuhuashan as his life goal, and Jiuhuashan should become stronger.

Ye has no trace of bitter smile: "Because this century, our Ye family has never seen anyone who surpassed the ancestors, and there are many people who are shocked and brilliant, but they are too imaginary in any case. Daokan, even the extraordinary situation can not reach, talk about how to transform the blood of the ancestors?"

Lu Xuan stunnedly, it turned out to be like this. He suddenly showed a bitter smile, so he couldn’t blame others. Whoever made this result is the ancestor Ye Tian, ​​and Ye Tian is also thinking about the whole Tianjian mainland, otherwise the soul of the Mozu army will come. Even Tianjian mainland can not save, but also say what Yejia.

However, Lu Xuan did not rush to break this matter. This matter is of great importance, not only related to Ye Jia, Tian Jian mainland, but even to the entire Tianyu Terran. Before he reached the super-world, breaking the Tianjian mainland seal, the land Xuan is not prepared to confide this secret.

PS: Sorry, there was something going on during the day yesterday. I couldn't have time to update it. Xiaobao is filling up yesterday's code with the code, the first chapter, and the second chapter. (To be continued~^~)

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