Sword Spirit

Chapter 920: Breaking out

At this moment, Lu Xuan had a wave of soul fluctuations, and he was integrated into the power of the soul in the big array. At this moment, he was all collected back, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"How?" When Lu Xuan woke up, Ye Hao quickly asked.

Lu Xuan looked up and said: "This big bang is indeed the core of the whole 10,000-foot mountain. It takes the road as the soul, the mountain and the stone as the flesh and blood, and the tens of thousands of bones as the bones, making the Wanshuang Mountain form a real In the world of the road, with our strength today, there is almost no chance of success."

“How can it be?” Ye Hao asked: “It’s hard that we have to be trapped here. It’s impossible. People who have been here before, although some people are unable to go out by their own strength, they are saved. But it is not that I have not come out myself."

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "It is certainly impossible to break the line. But if you want to go out, it is not only a way to break through. Now I have already understood the way the whole line works. I only need to give me some time to find out the big array. The way out is left."

After a pause, Lu Xuan also pointed to the law: "This big array is to teach people how to build a world of the road, I think you can take the opportunity to enlighten, it will be of great benefit to you."

Ye Hao smiled and said: "I have not been able to comprehend even now, and I still talk about what is the way to build a world... It seems that I am not destined to have this chance."

"Oh... if that is the case, then you can use this big array to comprehend the path. The core of this big battle is the way, and it keeps running. If you can understand it from a trace, you must be aware of it. It is not a difficult thing." Lu Xuan suggested.

Ye Hao heard loudly and said: "Really?"

"of course."

"Well, then I will understand here." Ye Hao is a little excited, and the characters are not separated. If you can comprehend the road, it will be beneficial to the formation.

I saw Ye Hao finishing the dress and sitting on the knees and knees, just wanting to understand, but suddenly looked up and looked at Lu Xuan, like a thirst for the voice: "Can you not go first? After I enlighten, take me away. Otherwise, I personally want to find a way to get out of here, I am afraid I don't know how long it will take."

Lu Xuanyi smiled and the wind and water turned. Now that you finally ask me to come up, he looks at Ye Wei with a smile and smiles: "How long have I been practicing?"

"Seven days." Ye Hao did not answer.

"If this is the case, then I will give you seven days. If you haven't realized success in seven days, then I will go first. There are still a lot of things waiting for me outside!" Lu Xuan looked up and stinked. The way.

Ye Hao bite his teeth: "Seven days in seven days, you wait, I will be successful in seven days, hehe!"

After all, Ye Hao no longer dared to waste time. No longer talk to Lu Xuan. Quickly immersed in the mind, began to look for opportunities to understand the way from the big array.

This time, it seems that Ye Hao did not notice his own change. Before that, she was also wary of Lu Xuan, for fear that the little thief took the opportunity to do something for herself. Now she is relieved to let Lu Xuan look at it. Entering the state of cultivation, this shows that in her heart, the feeling of guilty to Lu Xuan has been eliminated. And it has become a trustworthy person.

In order not to disturb Ye Hao, Lu Xuan went to a place far away from her, and began to deduct the exit left by this large array. Tiandao 50, Da Yan forty-nine, even Tiandao still has a go. First, the rest of the things are no exception, even if it is a powerful array, there will be its shortcomings.

Now Lu Xuan has been aware of the operation of this large array, only need to carefully deduct. It is possible to find out its flaws and get out of trouble. This process, for Lu Xuan, is also a process of consolidating his understanding of the Tao.

As time went by, Lu Xuan became more and more proficient in the control of the world, and the export of the big array became easier. When the time came to the seventh day, Ye Hao still had no movement, soul. The force slowly swirled around her, scattered and not condensed, apparently not yet successfully realized.

"Women's speech is not reliable." Lu Xuan muttered, and wanted to leave, but thought that he had boasted three days before, but spent seven days to successfully master the world of the road, think about it, or decided to wait for Ye Hao day.

Until the ninth day, Lu Xuan suddenly noticed that there was a clear fluctuation of soul force in the place where Ye Hao was located. He couldn’t help but blink suddenly. He only felt a huge soul force around the Ye Hao and began to rotate. At this moment, Ye Hao seems to become A huge whirlpool, no matter what the soul!

"Open the soul lake! Sure enough to break through!" Lu Xuan praised, Ye Yiyi feelings and convinced, immediately set about opening the soul lake, breaking through the magical division, apparently her accumulation is very rich, otherwise it will not be so fast.

Ye Hao’s breakthrough process lasted for more than an hour, and the speed at which she absorbed the soul slowly decreased until she disappeared completely, and finally she opened her eyes.

Opening up the soul lake and breaking through to the magical teacher is a sublimation of the soul. At this moment, the leaves are full of radiance, and the appearance is very quiet and beautiful, beautiful and incomparable.

I closed my eyes and felt it. Ye Hao took a deep breath and looked at Lu Xuan. He said happily: "I broke through!"

"Congratulations, the soul of the lake, the strength of your strength has not been small." Lu Xuan congratulated.

When I heard Lu Xuan’s words, Ye Hao smiled even more brilliantly and said happily: “This time, I should have been ahead of Ye Hao.”

"Do you know Ye Hao?" Lu Xuan asked.

"That is of course, when he broke through to the virtual world before me, I decided to break through to the miracle before him." After a pause, Ye Hao was blinded by Lu Xuan: "He has been Pursue me."

"Hey, let's congratulate you, Ye Hao is a young lord. If you become a young lady, you can be a million people in the future." Lu Xuan said.

"Hey, you are not jealous? Are your men's possessiveness not very strong? I am so beautiful, don't you be tempted?" Ye Haoqi said.

Lu Xuan said without words: "I have nothing to do with you, why do you want to be jealous? Speaking of it, I have kissed you before him, and I have taken advantage of it."

"You!" Ye Hao hated the tooth itch: "You take advantage of it, it is also cheap for me. It doesn't matter to him. I don't want to be a little lady. Oh, he doesn't necessarily have any good thoughts." ”

"How do you say this?" Lu Xuan did not understand.

"Ye Ye is said to be a minor ally, but he is not a Ye family. If he wants to be a ally, he has to have a more reasonable identity. Only if he smashes me, the children in the future will have the blood of the Ye family. He is qualified to become the head of the Jiuhua League."

Lu Xuan smiled, and Ye Hao’s words were used before. I’m afraid it’s useless now. Ye Wuxun wants to pass the position of the lord to himself. Even if he doesn’t want to be, it will only It’s my turn to be my son, Ye Hao... I’m afraid there is no hope.

"You are Ye Jiaxuan? It seems that your identity is not low, no wonder the family is so rich." Lu Xuan out.

"Want to set my identity? Hey, I won't tell you." Ye Hao shook his head and said: "Unless you ask me, you will ask me if you ask me."

"I am not interested. If I say that I am good, I will only wait for you for seven days. As a result, you have practiced for nine days. I have already delayed my two days. You can’t go now? If you don’t leave, I will leave."

"Go, of course! But you can wait for me for two more days, but let me look at it."

"Hand, give it to me." Lu Xuan reached out and gestured to Ye Hao to hold him.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Hao's face was red and red. This guy just said that he was not interested in himself. Now he still wants to take himself?

A look at Ye Hao's face, Lu Xuan knows that she wants to smash, and turned a white eye: "This big formation is very sophisticated, and unpredictable, I am afraid that you can't keep up with me, you don't want to take it, it doesn't matter, But when you can't keep up, I will go out and leave what you left, don't blame me."

Listening to Lu Xuan’s words, Ye Hao sighed, but was slightly lost. He took the initiative to put his hand in Lu Xuan’s palm and said, “You will not make it clear, who knows if you want to deliberately take advantage of me.”

Lu Xuan had no idea. I heard Ye Hao say this, and immediately grabbed two of her tender little handkerchiefs. I still don’t forget to look at her. The meaning of the words is obvious. I am taking advantage of you. What can you do?

Ye Hao can only succumb to Lu Xuan's arrogance, let Lu Xuan be indecent, who told her to ask for help.

Converging my heart, Lu Xuan's soul power spread out, once again into the big array, carefully feeling the trajectory of the big array, after a short time, he suddenly shouted: "Go!"

Ye Hao was so slammed by him, and he hurriedly followed. Lu Xuan was extremely fast. Although he had already performed countless times before this time, this big battle no longer changed, and he wanted to get out of trouble and could not make a mistake.

I noticed that some people were smashing, and the big moments were reacted. A few thunder suddenly smashed down to Lu Xuan. This is the power of a Thunder array in the mountains. This is the big bang. At the core of the Wanshang Mountain, naturally, the power of the entire Mount Wanshan can be removed as much as you like.

However, all this has long been promoted by Lu Xuan, and it is not anxious to cross two steps, just to avoid it, but it is not under the control of Ye Hao, a Thunder fell to her and scared her, Lu Xuan quickly Pulling it hard, pulling Ye Hao to a safe position, Ye Hao was in the midst of a shock, but felt that his body suddenly flew up. The next moment, she actually found herself in Lu Xun’s arms.

PS: The first is even more. (To be continued~^~)

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