Sword Spirit

Chapter 932: Hiding

With the help of the **** of water, the inexhaustible flame of blood repairing Luo has not played much effect on Ye Hao. I saw that he was crazy in a time, and a long sword was shot in succession. In all directions, the blood is repaired and sternly trapped in the sword.

Although Ye Hao’s swordsmanship is not as sharp as Lu Xuan’s, but he is victorious and changeable, he has completely restrained the blood Xiuluo by his own power. Nowadays, this situation is exactly the same as Lu Xuan and Ye Wei. He came to contain the blood repair, and Lu Xuan will kill him. Although there have been various situations during the period, there is no influence at present.

"Xuan Di, look at you!" Ye Hao shouted out loudly, and made all the stops, always let the blood repair Luo out of trouble.

Lu Xuan heard the words, but it lifted the dusty sword again. The endless force came from all sides. A sky-high sword suddenly broke out from him. I saw his body violent and angry. , quite a sword straight out!

"Heaven and Man!"

A force of heaven is directly locked in the body of Xue Xiuluo. The blood is like a sense of sorrow. The heart is even more eager. The sound of screaming and screaming again and again, the strength is all out. At this moment of life and death, finally a burst of extremes Strong power, a blow, and forced Ye Hao to forcefully repel.

But at this moment, a bright sword light is lit in front of it, and the sharp sword tip is instantly enlarged!


The dust-sworded sword runs through the blood of the skull, and countless gravels fly out. Followed by it, the headless lava body crashes to the ground, blood repairs, Fuxi, unprepared, heaven and man united Strength is not what it can resist.

Seeing the blood and repairing the commandments, Ye Hao, who was repulsed by the blood in the distance, took a sigh of relief. He couldn’t sit up on the ground for a while. Just to trap the blood, he also spent a lot of effort, almost All of the things I learned were displayed. Fortunately, there is Lu Xuan, otherwise, once he is not able to catch. Sooner or later, it will become the soul of the blood of Xiu Luo.

Lu Xuan took the sword and stood up. This time, Ye Hao helped, and it was not too difficult to deal with the blood repair, and he pulled the body of the blood. Sure enough, Lu Xuan’s expectation, also found two red and red spar, the flame power contained in it is obviously more intense than the general fire.

"Two, one person." Lu Xuan threw a flame spar to Ye Weidao.

Ye Hao did not speculate, directly received. He had long known that this magical body had this precious flame spar.

"Xuandi. Your strength is far stronger than I thought. If you don't kill the group of ordinary sorcerers, otherwise the result is really two. The strength and speed of the blood repair are somewhat beyond my expectations. And there are so many strange flames." Ye Hao praised.

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "You are not bad, if you are not trapped by it, I am not so easy to succeed."

"Then you and I don't have to hold each other." Ye Hao laughed, but even a smile. Put on a sighful face: "I am afraid I can't leave this Shura Mountain."

Lu Xuan stunned, not waiting for him to open, Ye Hao continued: "I have been in this Xiuluo Mountain for more than three years, and experienced all kinds of difficulties before I came to this half of the mountain, but if you have to help, I Still can't beat this blood repair."

Ye Hao smiled and looked up at the sky. He said: "Before entering the Shura Mountain, the mountain guards of the mountain had warned me. But I was full of ambitions and thought that the strength was good. After some hardships, I was sure to be able to If you leave, you can become a strong person, but unfortunately..."

Ye Hao shook his head. Obviously, he has already recognized the reality. For more than three years, just walking halfway up the mountain, it is enough to make him discouraged. If you want to finish this latter half of the mountain, who knows how long it will take?

"Shuluo Mountain, this is a place of tempering. If it can be easily walked out, it will not become one of the last two mountains of Jiuhua Mountain. Why should you be discouraged, if you have perseverance, try to improve your strength, sooner or later I can leave in one day," Lu Xuan said.

Ye Haohe smiled and said: "It is easy to talk about it. I have a wife and a child in Jiuhua City. When I went up the mountain, the child was just one year old and very cute. I was thinking about spending a year in the Shura Mountain and earning for the child. The better cultivation resources are now empty. Now that the child is over four years old, he can talk and walk long, but he does not know when he can see his father..."

Speaking of this, Ye Hao’s eyes are faintly revealing tears. He regrets it. As early as this, he will always be with his wife and children and enjoy the warmth of the family.

Lu Xuan’s voice was low: “In fact, I also have a confidante outside, but she has the viciousness of Sikong’s family. No one can save it. If she wants to save her, I can only go to Sikong’s house myself, but I am not strong enough. Therefore, I have to go ahead and want to improve my strength in the shortest possible time. I must go out."

Ye Hao slightly stunned, but did not expect Lu Xuan to suffer more than himself, although he could not go out, but at least know that his wife and children are good, just can not meet, and Lu Xuan does not even know the life and death of the confidante.

"I have no hope, but you are different. You are young and have a high growth rate. I think that you have just dealt with the strength shown by the blood repair, even if there is no pressure to deal with the blood alone, I am very optimistic about you." Ye Hao comforted.

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "I think so too, things are artificial. If you want to go out, you and I may wish to continue together."

Ye Hao waved his hand: "I know that you want to help me, but I will not drag you down. You and I will have to face more difficulties than you alone. I may not help you." Busy, it’s just to increase your burden."

Lu Xuan really wants to help Ye Hao, but Ye Hao said that it is also the truth. One person may be able to reluctantly come over. If you want to deal with double enemies, I am afraid it is difficult.

After a moment of silence, Lu Xuan suddenly thought of a way to look at Ye Weidao: "Hey brother, I thought of a way. I will hide you and take it out. If I can go out, you will naturally Follow me out."

"Hidden? How to hide?" Ye Hao looked at Lu Xuanqi Road, although the storage ring is large, but there can be no one in it.

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "There is a natural way, brothers, don't resist my strength."

I saw Lu Xuan take out a big tripod, and then a big hand wave, a force is shrouded in Ye Hao, Ye Hao said that Lu Xuan Shi, only feel a whirlwind, then came to an extreme Empty place. (To be continued~^~)

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