Sword Spirit

Chapter 955: Negotiate

Nan Gong Lie carefully swept Lu Xuan up and down, only to realize that it was indeed him who appeared here, and then he could not help but have some strange openings: "Lu, Lu Xiong? Why are you here?"

Lu Xuan heard that the voice of Nangong Lie was full of surprises. It is no wonder that although in the land of seals, he initially deceived him to say that he was the core of Jiuhua League, but later he revealed that he was just Xuanbing. The cabinet personally passed on the identity of the disciple, but who once thought that he was a slang at the beginning, now truly becomes the core of the Jiuhua League.

However, Yi Yong looked a little surprised because the young special envoy had never seen him, and the Jiuhua League did not have a detailed account of himself. He only knew that the identity of the special envoy was very important. I did not expect Nan Gonglie to know. The special envoy, so to say, the special envoy is really a bit of a source. The average person can not reach the characters at the level of Nangong Lie, not to mention Nangong Lie is also commensurate with his brother.

Could it be that this special envoy has cultivated a certain kind of practice, and it is impossible to return to the old age? Yi Yong couldn't help but think that although these exercises are scarce, they are not without, but they often have to pay a price.

Lu Xuan naturally did not know the various ideas in Yi Yong's heart. Hearing Nan Gonglie's initiative to say hello, he could not help but smile and walked forward: "Nan Gong brother, long time no see."

Nan Gong Lie Guangguang swept through Yi Xuan and Song Jianbai behind Lu Xuan, and immediately stopped at Lu Xuan’s body. A thought flashed through his mind and suddenly blurted out and said: “Lu Xiong, you are Jiuhua League. special envoy?"

Song Jianbai and Yi Yong Nan Gonglie are aware of each other. Several people are not the first to contact. Now Yi Yong and their two are looking forward to Lu Xuan’s first appearance. Then Lu Xuan’s identity is ready to go.

Lu Xuan smiled and nodded: "It is true, huh, huh, this identity changes quickly, I am almost unable to adapt."

Nan Gonglie understands that Lu Xuan said that he was the disciple of Xuan Bingge when he met last time. Now he is already the special envoy of Jiuhua League, but he is not the case. In just one year, a Nangong family collapsed and the big brother Nangong flames smashed. And I picked up the girders of the Nangong family.

"Compared to the change of your identity, your strength change is really amazing to me." Nangong Lie could not help but shook his head and praised him. He already knew that Lu Xuan’s strength was not disguised, then Now Lu Xuan’s five-fold strength is absolutely real. He will not forget that a year ago, Lu Xuan was just breaking through to the virtual world. He couldn't imagine what Lu Xu had experienced in just one year. Even broke through three realms.

"Don't say this. This time you will find the Nangong brother, you really have something to do." Lu Xuan smiled slightly.

Nan Gong Lie converged his mind and looked at Lu Xuan and asked: "What is the need of Lu Xiong, even though he has been told that I have received a message from the Guimeng lord, this meeting will fully cooperate with the Jiuhua League special envoy, but I did not expect this special envoy to be you."

Lu Xuan shook his head and said: "This time I came over, there are some things that will require your Nangong family to help, but not now. This discussion has nothing to do with my mission, but has a great relationship with your Nangong family."

Nan Gonglie slightly frowned: "Do you have a relationship with our Nangong family?"

"As far as I know, part of the inheritance of your Nangong family seems to remain in the Red Flame Palace. Although you have decided to go to the Jiuhua League, but have not taken away this part of the inheritance, you must not be reconciled." Channel.

Nan Gong Lie heard his eyes bright, and even said: "Is it difficult for the Yemeng lord to help us to recapture the inheritance of our Nangong family? If this is the case, then I am grateful to the Nangong family, and I will be grateful in the future. The life is from!"

Not allowed by Nangong Lie. For a family, especially the Nangong family, an ancient family with thousands of years of inheritance, it is the most important thing in the family. It is because of the inheritance that the Nangong family can be passed down from generation to generation. If he can regain his inheritance, Nan Gonglie is even willing to change his life, because he believes that as long as the inheritance is still there, Nangongjia will eventually be able to appear one after another outstanding descendants.

However, in the eyes of Nangong Lie's full expectation, Lu Xuan shook his head and said: "The Nangong brother is wrong. Although the lord really wants to help the Nangong family, the Jiuhua League is beyond the reach of the squad, and wants to follow the boundaries of the temple. The squad is confrontation, and the outcome may not be as good as it should be."

The hope that Nan Gonglie just ignited was extinguished. He also knew that Lu Xuan said it was the truth. After all, the Eight Temples were a huge thing. Although they left the house of the South Palace, the Eight Temples were shocked to some extent. After all, this is still the site of the Eight Dynasties Temple. Under the management of many years, if the Jiuhua Alliance Trade and Trade then come in, I am afraid that it will not be good.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan spoke again. I saw him smiled slightly: "Although the Jiuhua League can't send a strong man to help the Nangong family to regain the inheritance, they will still help each other in their ability."

Nan Gong’s heart was in the middle of a move. Since Lu Xuan mentioned this matter, he wanted to come and not aimlessly. He immediately asked: “What is the solution?”

Lu Xuan slowly said: "Today's Chiyan City is in the hands of Fangjia, and Fangjia is also coveting the Red Flame Palace. What is just right is that one of the underground forces of the Jiuhua League has succeeded. It’s mixed into the house, and with him, the matter is very promising.”

Listening to Lu Xuan said here, Nangong Lie was shaking his head and interrupted: "Lu brother, you are saying this, in fact, we also buried chess pieces in Fangjia, but later they were removed by Fangjia, and the rest If you are so simple, then we have already acted, because there is not enough chance of winning, so we have never shot, so as not to stun the snake."

Lu Xuan smiled and smiled: "Why should the Nangong brother be so impatient, listen to me not to be late, the identity of the strongest of the nine Chinese alliances in the Fangjia is not a dispensable person, but... Fang’s foreigner is elder.”

"External elders?" Nangong Lie suddenly widened his eyes. The infiltration of the other side of the Jiuhua League is really thorough. Even the elders of the surnames are mixed into their own people. The elders are not ordinary people, even if they are strong. Home, that is not an elder, at most it can only be a offering, that is, to take money to do things, usually give a certain support, and when you need to use, you will want these offerings. The elders are able to grasp the rights of the family, and their closeness is far from being comparable to the offering.

"Now the Nangong brother still feels that things can't be done?" Lu Xuan smiled faintly. He did not say that Yi Yong was the elder who was surnamed. This is also for the safety considerations of Yi Yong. For undercover, identity leakage is the worst thing.

"If we can get help from the elders, we may have a chance." Nan Gonglie said with some enthusiasm: "But it is necessary to discuss it at this time. Our chances are only once, we must have a success, otherwise we will be amazed, then It will be even harder to get things done in the future."

At this time, Yi Yong, who has never spoken, said: "In fact, this kind of thing is nothing more than four words. It should be external. Just consider how it can be achieved."

"Yitang master can have a high opinion?" Nan Gonglie asked Xiang Yong to ask, he had dealt with Yi Yong several times, knowing that Yi Yong is quite capable, Jiuhua League can operate in the underground forces of the Eight Temples. So good, has a great relationship with Yi Yong's ability.

Yi Yong took the first two steps: "Our undercover is an opportunity to get close to the Red Flame Palace, and it can take one or two people into it. Without suspicion, this is already the limit, so Your Nangong family must provide the most suitable candidates to cooperate with them."

Nangong Lie frowned: "Two people, this is really too difficult. Even if you add your undercover, there are only three people. Three people want to make trouble in the Red Flame Palace, not optimistic. ""

Having said that, Nan Gonglie also knows that Yi Yong is telling the truth. At this critical moment, there are two more faces, which are very doubtful. It is absolutely impossible to bring more people into it.

But at this time, Lu Xuan suddenly said: "I will hand it over to me. I only need to take me alone when I go."

"You?" Nangong Lie screamed: "I know Lu Lu is very powerful, but he has a lot of cards, but it is not easy for you to get something out."

Yi Yong also said: "The Nangong family's main words are justified, so that your identity is important, you can easily take risks, and it's good to give them to us."

Lu Xuan shook his head: "No one can do anything except me, because only I can bring enough people into the Red Flame Palace."

"what do you mean……"

"I accidentally got a treasure, but it didn't have much effect, but it was OK to use it. The only drawback is that this thing can only be used by me." Lu Xuan underestimated the way.

Nangong Liewen’s words were very happy, and he repeatedly asked: “You mean, can you bring more people into your treasure?”

"Yes, I only need to go in alone. When I am acting, I can release all of you. When a group of strong people breaks out in the Red Flame Palace at the same time, I think I am afraid that Fangjia is absolutely too late to resist, even Can give them a heavy blow!" Lu Xuan is extremely confident.

"Okay! Just do it!" Nangong’s slap in the palm of his hand, this is a seamless plan. The undercover strongman of Jiuhua League can enter the Red Flame Palace with Lu Xuan’s unconsciously. By Lu Xuan releasing a large number of strong, Nangong Lie could not think of any reason for this to be unsuccessful, which is more perfect than all the plans he has ever done.

Lu Xuan said: "Although the plan is the same, but the Nangong brothers, the real hands-on people, you also need to send your Nangong family, and we have not many people in the Jiuhua League here."

Nangong Lie said with a ticket: "This is nature. You have helped us a lot. Without your undercover strongman, without you taking us in, this plan will not work at all. If so, then Human resources are coming out of us."

Seeing Nangong’s quick decision, Lu Xuan also showed a smile. With his own strength and Yi Yong’s strength, even if there is a mistake, there should be an escape force. It will not cause any loss to the Shadow Hall. After the plan is formulated, A few people then began to discuss some of the details. (To be continued~^~)

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