"Brother stinky, you really took my tool man!"

in swampy areas.

Avril scolded angrily.

Seeing that the special treasure chest disappeared before, she left to find a place to chat with Ye An.

As a result, a foot slipped suddenly... No accident was tied up by Ye An and sent away.

Recovering her vision again, she has come here.

This attitude is very obvious that her senior brother just made her a tool.

However, when she was unhappy, Avril still held her sword and ran towards the beam of light to continue her work.

It didn't take long for the special treasure chest to arrive.

With her powerful fighting power, and the mentality of most people eating melons.

The special treasure chest was swept away by Ye An without anyone seeing it.

Overall, no stress!

that's it.

With the perfect cooperation of Ye An and Avril.

the next hour or so. .

All the treasure chests are all in the bag.


Avril couldn't contact Ye An anymore.

"How dare you play me!"

"Thank you for believing in you so much!"

"Don't fall into my hands in the future, or I will have to avenge this revenge!"

Avril knew that she was deceived by Ye An.

Immediately, he stomped his feet.

She wanted to find Ye An theory.

But all along, she didn't even know where Ye An was.

Coupled with Ye An's bizarre means of transporting people.

There was no way she could find it.

Of course there is another important point.

That's because she knows that she can't beat Ye An at all...

The strange binding speed and firmness.

She couldn't break free at all!

So Avril decided that it would not be too late to take revenge in the future!


"This small incense burner seems to speed up the training."

"If the efficiency is improved... 150% for the current me?"

"It seems to be pretty good too!"

"Although I can't use it, it should be sold for a good price."

"This Lingzhi-like thing contains a lot of spiritual power!"

"Yes, I like it!"

"And this... stable source?"

"That's rubbish!"

After about eight hours.

The movement of the special treasure chest completely disappeared, and the lock of the treasure chest also automatically fell off, and it became possible to open it.

Ye An also fetched special treasure chests for the first time and opened them one by one to check.

"...Well, overall it's not bad!"

"In addition to the materials from the ordinary boxes released in the second round, I can strengthen the ability sequence two more times."

"Of course, awakening a few new skills, or improving your cultivation base seems to be good."

Ye An showed a satisfied expression.

Then he thought of Avril.

After all, she is her junior sister, and she also agreed to work with him.

Is it really okay to just kick her away like that?

Ye An was lost in thought.

His non-existent conscience seemed to be aching.

Finally, he remembered Liu Ruhua's advice.

So Ye An suddenly felt at ease.

My dearest teachers let me not have to share good things.

Then there is no need to share!

"No, it's about being trustworthy!"

"Even if the teacher said it, it doesn't matter."

"But I made an agreement after all, and what if she doesn't let me tie it up next time?"

Ye An suddenly fell into deep thought.

This is a big problem.

So Ye An walked to the box that was just opened.

He shoved the things he didn't use into the treasure chest.

These are items that increase the speed of cultivation and stabilize the source.

For Ye An, the only value is to sell it for money.

But he is not short of money now.

So Ye An felt that it was good to give him this junior sister.

And the storage space is almost full.

In doing so, it just freed up space.

After things are ready.

Ye An sent it directly to Avril.

At this time, Avril was sulking with anger.

Ye An kept cursing in his mouth.

Suddenly I saw a treasure box smashed over.

Avril slashed subconsciously.

Then countless materials fell.

"Original Cordyceps?"

"Meditation furnace!"

"Qi Linghua!"


"Is this a spirit gathering stone?!"

"There are so many good things..."

Avril looked at the supplies that fell on the ground.

Suddenly dumbfounded.

She has a good family.

Although it is not a superhero family.

But also the nobles of the Western Federation.

belong to the upper echelons.

But so many materials are in front of the scene.

It was also the first time she saw it.

so many supplies.

Inventory of her entire family.

Probably less than half!

"These resources are more than enough for dozens of people!"

"How can there be so many resources in a special treasure chest!"

Avril said in surprise.

Although no one told her who gave these things.

But don't think too much about it.

No matter how beautiful she is, no one will give her so many supplies in order to pursue her.

And when it was delivered, I saw the goods but no one was there!

So it can only be her mysterious senior brother Ye An!

"No matter how much Senior Uncle Liu Ruhua loves me as a senior brother, he won't put so many training materials for him."

"So these are the things that Senior Brother got himself..."

"Treasure Box!!!"

Suddenly Avril thought of something.

The examination is open now.

The biggest thing that ever happened.

It's not a battle for a special treasure chest.

Instead, all the treasure chests were stolen by some mysterious person.

So much so that the Academy had to put in a new treasure chest!

Who the mysterious man was, no one knew from beginning to end.

Look now.

The mysterious man who stole all the treasure chests.

Definitely his senior brother Ye An!

"It looks like my senior brother."

"The strength is far more terrifying than I imagined!"

Avril sighed.

Originally thought that Ye An's means of transporting people was very powerful.

But compared to stealing all the treasure chests in a short period of time.

It can really be described as magical!

She didn't even understand.

The origin of the symbiote that everyone integrates at the same time.

The source of mythical creatures that the world envy is what I fuse!

It can be said that it is a special existence selected from tens of millions of people.

Why is there such a big difference in front of this senior brother? !

"Fortunately, he is my senior brother."

"Otherwise, I don't even want to get any supplies!"

Avril suddenly rejoiced.


When she began to happily collect the cultivation resources scattered all over the place.

Suddenly realized a very strange problem.

The materials Ye An gave her seemed to be to aid her cultivation efficiency and stabilize her origin.

It's like the kind of material that contains a lot of spiritual power, can absorb a short period of time to enhance the strength, and even use it to impact the realm level.

not even one!

"Could it be that Senior Brother wants to tell me that cultivation should take it slow?"

"He sees that my angelic origin is not so stable?"

"Or are you just worried about me?"

Avril was a little puzzled.

Although a little moved.

But she always felt that her senior brother was not purely good-hearted.

Instead, it was more like he threw the things he didn't need directly to himself.

Otherwise, why have to wait until the special treasure chest is opened.

Just give yourself something?

Why can't it be earlier?


Avril shook her head suddenly.

He pinched his face hard.

What are you thinking about!

Even if you don’t need it, no one would have a bad mind and give so many cultivation materials to others!

This must be a piece of kindness from my brother.

Taking care of her junior sister!

And she is also in great need of cultivation items that stabilize the origin of symbiosis.

The instability of the source has made her afraid to use items containing a lot of spiritual power to quickly improve her cultivation.

You can only increase your cultivation by relying on your own spiritual power.

Therefore, the supplies Ye An gave her were the things she needed the most.

"I'm used to intrigue within the family."

"Always think things are bad."

"This kind of ideological problem, it seems that it needs to be corrected!"

"Senior brother didn't contact me before, maybe there is any trouble."

"After all, it shouldn't be easy to suppress the movement of the special treasure chest."

Avril was picking up supplies.

On the other hand, he muttered a little remorsefully. *

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