Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 46: The fallen Avril, the decapitated Ye An!

"This feels like... the tide of galaxy spiritual power!!!"

"What? During the assessment, there was a galaxy spiritual power tide?!"

"It's over! There are many silver-level monsters in the assessment site. I'm afraid the tragedy from a hundred years ago has reappeared!"

"Headmaster, let's stop this assessment. We are willing to pay ten times the cost and rearrange the assessment venue!"

"Lord Headmaster..."

in the audience.

A group of people looked up to outer space.

Without exception, his face changed dramatically.

It's not that the psychic tides of the galaxy are destructive.

But the impact on the assessment site is huge!

During an examination a hundred years ago.

Just because of the emergence of the spiritual power tide between the galaxies, the three high-level silver monsters were directly promoted to gold.

The examination was nearing its end.

No one wants to give up on this.

So they united and prepared to deal with these three gold-level monsters.

The result is.

Just a momentary effort.

Of the more than 100 students who are still continuing the assessment, the remaining 10% are still alive in an instant!

And this 10% of the people were also seriously injured and chose to withdraw from the assessment.

at last.

Only one lucky person hid until the end of the assessment.

Be the only newcomer in that class!

There is a foreshadowing of that time.

In addition, this time there are more high-level silver monsters.

The number of monsters that can be promoted to gold has doubled!

No one can pass the test at all!

Even with the unyielding and arrogant character of these young people, there is a high probability that they will be killed in vain like a hundred years ago!

So much talent this year.

There are several mythical-level symbiotes alone.

No one wants to see the whole army of students who are assessed to be wiped out!

Especially among the students in the assessment, there are also geniuses recommended by them!

"Everyone, be quiet."

"Since the establishment of Tiangong College, I have made a lot of changes."

"But there are always a few rules that don't change!"

"For example, the rookie assessment!"

"According to the rules, once it starts, it must not be stopped unless the strong of the ten thousand clans attack it!"

"No matter what accident happens in the meantime, how many students will die!"

"This rule was also set by the first-generation dean, and it has not changed for thousands of years."

"What happened a hundred years ago is indeed a pity, but it is not without it in history."

"Our teaching philosophy is to be infinitely close to reality!"

"So everyone, don't mention it."

"If there is dissatisfaction, I am willing to bear all the cause and effect!"

said the old school principal.

His voice was gentle, but unmistakable!

Therefore, even if he withdraws his power, everyone can continue to speak freely.

But still no one said a word.

a time.

The atmosphere is terrifyingly depressing!

"Everyone, the journey of cultivation has never been smooth sailing, but full of surprises everywhere."

"I think many people have been to the endless battlefield. No matter what accident happens, it is normal."

"Ten years ago, our new army of one million people succeeded in the sneak attack of the lurking strong men of all races, and they were all annihilated in one breath."

"In contrast, these assessment students have the ability to withdraw at any time!"

"What's more, the invitation letter sent by my Tiangong Academy also stated the situation."

"Since you have chosen the assessment, you should have no complaints and no regrets!"

"It's better to watch patiently, maybe these newcomers can pass the assessment?"

At this time, the middle-aged man behind the old dean, the current vice dean, persuaded him.

After everyone heard it.

They all looked helpless.

The vice president of Tiangong College said so.

It's no use if they want to protest.

This rule of others can last for thousands of years, and even if they unite, they will not be able to make them break this rule.

I only hope that the students who I recommend to enter the assessment will understand the seriousness of the matter and withdraw from the assessment by themselves. Don't give your life in vain!

After all, even if they don't enter Tiangong Academy, they themselves have countless ways to cultivate talents.

Tiangong College is only the best choice, but not the only choice!


"It always feels a little dangerous!"

"Otherwise, you and I will join forces."

"When the time comes, I will slap the gold-level monster in the assessment site to death."

"How about you help me cover up the movement so that I have time to take action?"

Mo Liuli said to Liu Ruhua through voice transmission.

"It was because of you last time that I stayed in Zuxing for more than ten years."

"Do you want to trick me this time?"

"My students are cautious, and they will quit as soon as they find out that something is wrong."

"Why should I accompany you?"

Liu Ruhua glared at Mo Liuli, and the sound transmission replied.

"But my apprentice is not careful enough!"

"I know Avril's character, she is not willing to give up the assessment easily."

"Even if it's a gold-level monster, she has to fight."

"But silver to gold is a big threshold in the early stage. Even angels and dragons can't bridge this gap at all!!"

"In case she is slapped to death by a gold-level monster..."

Mo Liuli hasn't finished speaking yet.

The tide of spiritual power between the galaxies came suddenly.

A strong surge of spiritual power instantly erupted in the entire audience.

Mo Liuli's face changed greatly!

Even Liu Ruhua clenched his fists.

Because at the moment when the tide of spiritual power arrives, they can see it.

Avril in the picture has not yet been promoted successfully!


Just as the people in the audience discovered that the tide of galaxy spiritual power was coming.

in a meadow.

The roasted meat in Ye An's hands has already exuded a charming taste.

According to his experience, he had to catch birds and roast them because he couldn't afford to eat and was hungry all the year round.

It should be fully mature in a little while.

And Avril at this time.

It's also a critical moment.

The speed at which the surrounding spiritual energy gathers has become wind pressure.

With her at the center, the surrounding grass formed a vortex visible to the naked eye.

"As expected of a mythical symbiote, the spiritual power absorbed by this promotion is comparable to my previous strengthening sequence!"

Ye An not only sighed.

After sensing the surrounding situation, I found that there were no traces of monsters for a few miles.

Continue to start roasting with a serious face.

"Should be familiar."

After two minutes.

Ye An stretched out his hand and broke off an ostrich-like bird's leg.

Just about to taste it in your mouth.

Suddenly a powerful force erupted.

Unprepared, Ye An was directly blown ten meters away.

Even floating in the air.

Fortunately, a mycelium broke out from the ground and grabbed Ye An firmly.

"what's the situation?"

"Successful promotion?!"

Ye An said in surprise.

Not knowing the specifics, his first reaction was that Avril had been promoted successfully.

But immediately reacted wrong.

The power just now was a pure torrent of spiritual power.

Just like the tide of spiritual power, but the power is not a breeze.

But the eighth-level gust of wind...

The current Avril can't have such a huge spiritual power!

"Could it really be the tide of spiritual power?"

"If it is so powerful, it is definitely a spiritual tide between galaxies!"

"That means..."

Ye An suddenly thought of something.

His eyes showed a dignified color.

Then he looked at where Avril was.

It was found that the Avril people were also gone.

Close your eyes and follow the induction of the hyphae.

It was found that Avril was thrown into the grass 100 meters away.

"It's over..."

Not to mention that the tide of the galaxy's spiritual power will make the monster be promoted to gold in a few days!

The current Avril was suddenly shocked.

If the promotion fails, then there will be a big problem!

He has no friends or relatives since he was a child.

Now I finally have a good relationship and a beautiful junior sister.

He naturally didn't want to see Avril's accident.

Just when Ye An was about to go over to check on Avril's situation.

Avril suddenly stood up.

A pair of white wings grows from the back, as if wanting to fly.

But the body was less than three meters off the ground, and the wings were torn and shattered instantly.

Blood and flesh spilled all over the place.

People also fell to the ground.

"It's over..."

see this scene.

Ye An frowned tightly.

My sister-in-law has indeed been promoted successfully.

But... the problem is even bigger!

Because, she was bitten back by the symbiote and degenerated!

Not to mention the change in her physical appearance.

Just the violent spiritual power in her body.

Ye An was 100 meters away, and he could clearly feel it with his own body.

This kind of violent spiritual power is not normal at all!

"This goddamn galaxy spiritual power tide!"

Ye An not only cursed.

Why did Avril fall.

He would know if he thought about it.

It must be the final promotion juncture, when the restrictions are completely released to absorb spiritual power, and it is about to succeed.

The psychic tide of the galaxy suddenly appeared.

The absorbed spiritual power instantly exceeded the safe upper limit of the symbiote's origin.

Coupled with the rapid growth of self-cultivation.

It caused the symbiote to be completely unstable, thus triggering a backlash and finally degenerating!

"In addition to growing a pair of wings, other conveniences have not changed."

"And it has just fallen, and there is still the possibility of salvation..."

"Although the assessment will fail, I have to send her out quickly."

Ye An said with a solemn expression.

Just when he was ready to act.

Suddenly, an afterimage appeared in front of him.

Ye An subconsciously stepped back.

Several hyphae protruded from the ground, before it had time to wrap the afterimage in front of him.

It was instantly cut off by a sword.

"So fast!"

"Fortunately my reaction can keep up!"

Looking at Avril, who was holding a sword in front of her with a tyrannical expression and who did not recognize her six relatives.

Ye An said happily.

Otherwise, the sword just now.

It may break in your neck.

Although not dead.

But definitely not bad.

"Have a quick fight!"

Ye An clenched his fists.

Start to take the initiative to attack Avril.

But it was easily avoided by Avril.

Although Ye An's reaction is not slow, his movement speed is not as fast as Avril's.

This situation was also expected by Ye An.

So when Avril was dodging.

Under her feet, numerous hyphae protruded again and wrapped around her feet.

While Avril was about to cut off the mycelium.

Ye An also rushed over.

Hold Avril with strength.

Just when Ye An was about to teleport away from the assessment site with Avril and give up the assessment.

Suddenly a golden light shone.

Those hyphae of Ye An were instantly incinerated by the golden light.

The clothes on his body also turned to ashes in an instant.

Even the body was burnt to a large extent.

Avril was also in the light, and her strength increased instantly to get rid of Ye An's suppression.

"Gan, you rascal!"

The burnt flesh exuded bursts of fragrance.

I was still grilling the beast just now, but I didn't expect to be teriyaki now!

But Ye An didn't care about that.

Instead, he found new clothes with embarrassment and quickly put them on.

Avril on the side did not attack.

Instead, he looked at Ye An with vigilance.

It seems to be jealous of Ye An's powerful power.

Ye An also looked at him without showing weakness at this time.

The burnt parts of the body are also peeling off layer by layer.

Just ten seconds.

Ye An's body was restored to its original state.

Look at the shards of skin all over the place.

Ye An was aching and envious for a while.

The flesh hurts because it's burnt.

Envy is the envy of the power of the mythical symbiote.

As soon as he was promoted to the silver level, his awakened ability instantly scorched himself.

And she bathes in it herself, and her strength seems to be improved!

If it weren't for his powerful recovery ability.

Just with this scorched body, even if Avril stopped shooting, it would be good for him to save his life.

"Her ability should not be used repeatedly in a short period of time."

"Since that's the case, it's good to repeat the old trick!"

After the body has fully recovered.

Ye An thought for a moment, then gave up looking at each other.

But rushed up again.

But this time Avril was obviously much more vigilant.

While quickly dodging Ye An.

Waving the long sword in his hand, he slashed directly to the ground.

A golden sword qi was stimulated.

The underground mycelium shattered instantly!

Then there was another sword, swung towards Ye An.

Facing Avril's attack, Ye An wanted to dodge subconsciously.

But suddenly his heart sank, and he went up to him directly.

Avril's long sword slashed Ye An's left arm.

In an instant, Ye An's left arm was cut off neatly.

But Ye An also successfully took this opportunity to manipulate the mycelium to wrap around Avril again.

He stretched out his right hand and firmly suppressed Avril.

"I won't let go now!"

Ye An gritted his teeth and said viciously.

At the same time, the mycelium wrapped around his fallen left arm, then lifted it up and spliced ​​with his body.

After about ten seconds.

The hyphae wrapped around the left arm recede.

Ye An moved his left arm, and after confirming that there was no problem, he was about to activate the ring to exit the assessment.

But right now.

A roar sounded that made the earth tremble.

Ye An's brain went blank for a moment.

Although he didn't realize it for a second, he immediately woke up.

But Ye An found out that he was already in a different place!

"Get ready to do it!"


in the audience.

Liu Ruhua couldn't bear the sound transmission any longer.

The spiritual power in the body began to gather continuously, ready to release the big move at any time!

Mo Liuli nodded immediately.

She had already wanted to do it.

But Liu Ruhua kept making her endure, just to see if Ye An could send Avril's uniform.


Liu Ruhua saw the most unforgettable scene in her years.

my favorite student.

For the junior sister he just met.

The head directly fell to the ground, and the head was in a different place!

Even if her arm was cut off before, she felt nothing.

Because of being reborn from a severed limb, it is not a problem for a person of her level!

But the head fell, and at Ye An's level, the only way to end is death!

Then within a few hours, the soul will completely dissipate.

Start now, collect the soul, reshape the body and save it.

Wait until the soul completely dissipates.

Ye An is really dead!

But at the moment when the two immediately started.

An unparalleled force directly suppressed Liu Ruhua and Mo Liuli.


I felt that the spiritual power that had just condensed in the body suddenly collapsed.

Liu Ruhua asked unwillingly.

"You really dare to break the rules of the assessment..."

"If I don't take action, then the one who takes action will be the head of the academy!"

"If he moves his hand, not only will people not be able to save him, but you don't want your cultivation base!"

A voice sounded.

It was an answer to Liu Ruhua's question.

Liu Ruhua was speechless.

But he couldn't sit back and watch Ye An die in front of his eyes!

Even if it is suppressed by a stronger force.

But the spiritual power in her body was still gathering little by little.


Mo Liuli is the same.

This pair of friends and sisters.

At this moment, they made the same choice in a very tacit understanding.

"I said, you are courting death!"

"The whole academy, who doesn't know the temper of the two of you, everyone is waiting for you to do it!"

"Let me negotiate."

"It should be able to keep the souls of these two children, although it is destined to be an ordinary person and spend this life ordinary!"

At this moment, Liu Ruhua's master sighed.

Liu Ruhua and Mo Liuli looked at each other.

And very tacitly gave up the idea of ​​​​hands-on.

As long as they can save their lives, it is enough for the two of them.


"Maybe... I don't need to negotiate!"

at this time.

The two masters suddenly withdrew their power.

Liu Ruhua and Mo Liuli looked at the screen in confusion.

Wondering what happened.

I saw Ye An in the screen at this time.

Although the head is different, it does not seem to be dead.

Instead, the body stood up and walked towards his head.

see this scene.

Whether it is Liu Ruhua or Mo Liuli.

Or other spectators on the field.

All were amazed!

Just reborn from a broken limb.

The head has been cut off, but he can still move? !

If it is a high-level extraordinary person, or some heaven and earth.

They can still accept it.

But Ye An is only at the silver level!

The silver level uses such a powerful vitality, and it is not afraid of death at all!

They even doubted whether Ye An had also fallen into a demon and thus awakened the ability of immortality.


"If you're not careful, it's almost over."

"Fortunately the head wasn't damaged."

"Otherwise, you can only survive by parasitizing your consciousness on others."

in the examination area.

Ye An held his head in both hands.

Put your head firmly on your neck.

The ability of cells to repair is activated immediately.

After a few seconds.

His head was reconnected to his body intact.

In fact, in terms of Ye An's current ability.

It won't take long for a simple separation of the body and the head, and the brain will die without blood.

But his mycelium is powerful enough!

The transport ability brought by the [Growth] sequence allows his hyphae to connect the blood vessels of the brain and the body.

This is used to transport blood to ensure an adequate blood supply to the brain.

Next is the nervous system brought about by the [perception] sequence.

After the hyphae connect the brain and the body, he can transmit nerve signals through the hyphae to make his body move according to his own will.

It's a little sluggish, but overall it's fine.

Finally, let the body pick up the head and reinstall it.

Of course, there is no problem in directly tying the body and head with mycelium and then installing them on each other.

However, he felt that it was more ritualistic to perform it with his own body.

"That roar just now, it should be him!"

"But what is this?"

"Humans are not human, and monsters are not like monsters... Where did the strange species come from?"

Install the head.

Ye An twisted his neck, after confirming that there was no problem.

His eyes began to look into the distance.

Where there is an ominous, tyrannical body that exudes from all over.

A figure with a humanoid body, but covered in scales and sharp barbs.

After observing for a few seconds.

Ye An finally saw the remaining half of the other's face.

"Zhao Long? This guy really degenerates..."

Ye An said without any surprise.

Judging from Zhao Long's previous character performance, he was definitely influenced by the origin of symbiosis.

In other words, he has a tendency to degenerate.

Now completely degenerate, completely expected things.

And Avril's degeneration was purely accidental.

Galactic spiritual power tides that appear only once in hundreds of years.

She even met her on the way to silver.

Just really unlucky.

"This Zhao Long, who is degenerate, wants to come and fight Avril."

"It's good, not only have to control Avril."

"I have to prevent Zhao Long from making trouble for me!"

"It looks like I can only be more serious!"

Ye An took a deep breath.

Looking at the two figures fighting not far away.

His eyes sharpened instantly.



"According to my will, I should be able to deduce the next battle."

Ye An asked inwardly.

"As you wish!"

"Ding, the real-time battle deduction is on!"

"It is tentatively estimated that the host will be able to resolve the battle within fifteen minutes while retaining his strength!"

"It is now recommended that the host attack the degenerate Zhao Long with the martial art "Eighteen Fist of Dragon Subduing" after three seconds..."

After getting the answer from the system.

Ye An immediately began to charge up.

After three seconds.

Raise your fist.

He launched an attack directly towards the fallen Zhao Long! *

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