Chapter 61: The Evil Spirit in the Car 3/10 [Ask for full order, ask for self-order].


Above the car.

As if sensing something, Shinomiya Kaguya, who was sitting in the back seat, fought for no reason.

At this time, sensing the reaction of his eldest lady, Ai Hayasaka, who was sitting in front, quickly returned to his senses and asked out loud with a concerned face: “What’s wrong?” Miss Kaguya? ”

Hearing his blonde maid’s question, Shinomiya Kaguya did not answer immediately, but instead looked at the position behind his seat with a suspicious face.

A moment later.

After making sure that she really didn’t see anything, the red-eyed girl turned around and explained: “I always feel like there is something behind me, but I can’t see anything.” ”

Hearing Shinomiya Kaguya’s words, Ai Hayasaka also looked towards the position behind the car, and a pair of blue eyes were wide open, obviously observing extremely seriously.


She also shook her head and said softly: “Miss Kaguya, I didn’t see what you said, do I need to stop the car and check?” ”

Saying that, her eyes looked at a middle-aged woman sitting in the driver’s seat.

Obviously, this sentence is not only asking Shinomiya Kaguya, she is also asking for the opinion of this driver.

After all, as a driver and bodyguard sent by the Shinomiya family, this middle-aged woman is more responsible for the Shinomiya family, and when it comes to safety issues, her opinions with Miss Kaguya will not actually be taken by her.

Just like last night, they would normally be very obedient, but once the order passed on by Miss Kaguya or herself was contrary to the rules of the Shinomiya family, then they would not hesitate to implement the rules of the Shinomiya family, even if this rule was extremely disrespectful to Miss Kaguya.

Perhaps this is the helplessness of living in a large family… Not only herself, but even Miss Kaguya-sama was powerless. Thinking about this, a hint of helplessness flashed in Ai’s eyes.

Hearing Ai Hayasaka’s proposal, before Shinomiya Kaguya could speak, the middle-aged woman driver shook her head and explained: “It’s not very suitable for parking here, the only suitable place is still at home, so it’s better to go home directly and do another check, if there is really something behind the car, you can also rely on strong security personnel to directly suppress it.” ”

Hearing this, Shinomiya Kaguya, who was about to say something, sighed slightly and said one by one

“It’s okay.”

“Maybe it’s because I didn’t sleep well yesterday, so don’t worry too much.”

“But just in case, we’ll be there for a while…”

It’s just that this sentence has not been finished yet, as if she saw something, the face of this red-eyed girl changed instantly. Almost without hesitation, she directly said out loud.


“Be careful!”


“There are monsters!”

As soon as these words came out, Ai Hayasaka, who had just turned her head to the front, instantly reacted and dodged sharply, and the whole person shrunk half the height of the co-pilot’s seat.

Similar to Ai Hayasaka’s reaction, the middle-aged female driver also bent down instantly and made a dodging move.

But at the same time, the movements of her hands and feet did not stop, a galloping drift, instantly drove the car into a small alley on the side, and stopped.

It’s just that the original speed is not low, even if the vehicle quality is very high, but its braking distance is very long. Therefore.

Under the influence of inertia, brakes of this emergency nature are simply not enough to stop them safely. And so — the whole car unsurprisingly rammed through the alley. About ten seconds or so.

Under the various assistance in the alley, the car that had greatly reduced its speed stopped because it hit the side wall.

Due to the impact of the impact, the driver in front of the vehicle is already in a complete coma and cannot be completely restarted.

Compared to this driver, Ai Hayasaka, who is located in the co-pilot, is in much better shape, but due to the deformation of the vehicle, she has almost lost the ability to move.

In comparison, the best of the three is Kaguya Shinomiya in the back seat. This is also understandable.

After all, the vehicles of this brand are specially made with the first purpose of protecting the people in them.

Otherwise, changing to another car would not have been just a coma just now, at least the two people in the front row would have no possibility of survival.

Of course, if it is Tesla, I am afraid that all three people will have to explain it here. After all, Tesla is known to have no brakes at all.

Seeing the current scene, the expression on Shinomiya Kaguya’s face changed slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to say something.

Only the next moment, as if she thought of something, her face instantly turned pale, and she quickly pushed open the door that had been deformed a lot with all her strength, and quickly ran out of the car.

Slightly distanced, the red-eyed girl raised her head slightly and looked in the direction behind the car. But in the next moment, what she saw made her red pupils shrink sharply.

What is this?!

I saw that behind the car that had been completely deformed, a huge black monster like an octopus was attached, exuding a terrifying aura.

The monster’s body has one scarlet and black intertwined terrifying tentacle after another, which is spreading around from time to time, and it is about to touch Ai Hayasaka and the driver in front of the car.

Seeing this scene, Shinomiya Kaguya took a deep breath, summoned up the courage of his whole body and rushed to the front of the car instantly, and a pair of hands tried their best to pick up the deformed car door, wanting to save Ai Hayasaka.

Seeing this scene, Ai Hayasaka shook her head a little reluctantly, and said out loud: “Miss Kaguya, leave me alone, go quickly”

Although it is not clear what is behind the car, as the person who knows Kaguya Shinomiya best, Ai Hayasaka knows very well that her own Miss Kaguya is now in a state of extreme fear.

And the horror of Kaguya, who has always been calm, who has always acted calmly, can be imagined by the horror of what he didn’t see just now.

No matter how you think about it, the actions of their own Miss Kaguya now are too dangerous!

Although it is nominally a master-servant relationship, her relationship with Shinomiya Kaguya is far from being summarized by the words master and servant. To some extent, it is a complex complex complex of relationships between master and servant, girlfriend, friend and so on.

In this case, if nothing else, she must not be put in danger because of this kind of thing, but only by the relationship of friend and master and servant.

And so — with this thought, the blonde maid said what she had just said.

It’s just that to her surprise, hearing her own words, Shinomiya Kaguya did not give up, but seemed to overcome the fear in her heart and worked harder.


Seeing the actions of the red-eyed girl in front of him, Ai Hasaka was very touched in her heart. But the more so, the more she couldn’t let Shinomiya Kaguya get hurt because of herself.

No way!

Gotta find a way to get her out!

Even if… Even if such words are spoken.

Thinking about this, a hint of pain flashed in the blonde maid’s eyes.

Immediately after taking a deep breath, Ai Hayasaka lowered her head and said in a serious and low voice: “Miss Kaguya, I am actually an undercover agent sent by the Yellow Light of the Four Palaces, and I have to tell him your every move every day…” This kind of person like me is really not worth what you do, really not worth it. ”

Hearing these words, Shinomiya Kaguya couldn’t help but be slightly stunned. Hayasaka?

Four houses of yellow light?

Only the next moment, as if thinking of something, she shook her head sharply and said one by one


“You’re too good at lying!”

“I did several things before that damaged the fourth house… There were no surprises with them. ”

“What’s more–”

Speaking of this, the red-eyed girl took a deep breath, and the movements on her hands became a little harder.

“Even if that’s the case, you are an indispensable existence around me!”

“Che… The door is open! ”


For the first time, it has always been noble and beautiful Shinomiya Kaguya who said such a relatively vulgar word. However, hearing these words, Ai Hayasaka did not correct it as usual, but instead showed a line of tears on her face.

As if sensing the emotions of the maid in front of him, Shinomiya Kaguya did his best, and even his entire face became a little red due to the running of qi and blood.

It’s just that in the absence of a skill similar to [Idealistic Power], it is difficult for a simple human willpower to resist the cold laws of physics.


No matter how hard he tried, Shinomiya Kaguya only moved the deformed door on a small scale, but this level of movement was impossible for Ai Hayasaka to come out.

Damn it!

It would be much easier if you had the tools.

Gritting her teeth, the red-eyed girl was ready to continue her efforts.

Only the next moment, the tentacles that were close at hand caught by the afterlight from the corner of her eyes made her involuntarily stop the movement of her hand. This distance… There is no escape!

That is to say, is one going to be gone?

Is your life coming to an end?

But he has not been with Mu classmates, nor has he responded positively to his hundreds of thousands of words of love letters, and he has not even confessed to each other.

If you think about it, you have really failed in this life.

I can’t help but live under the control of my family all the time, most of the things that ordinary people can do are not allowed to do, and they have been restraining themselves, not even once.

Although I didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with this kind of life before, after getting along with Mu before, I really felt very unwilling.

However, I don’t regret it myself.

If you leave Hayasaka alone and run away, that’s something you really regret. Thinking about this, the red-eyed girl’s mood calmed down.

In any case, as the eldest daughter of the Four Palace Family, she must die with dignity even if she dies.

With this thought, Shinomiya Kaguya straightened up and tried to make his expression look very calm. Only the next moment, a fierce wind hit, making her subconsciously close her eyes.

Opening his eyes again, Shinomiya Kaguya saw a familiar figure blocking in front of him. This is?

Shepherd-san? Did Mu come to my rescue? But how is this possible?

According to normal circumstances, Mu should be on his way home now. What’s more, the two of them are not on the road, no matter how they think about it, it is impossible for him to save himself. So–

“Is it a dream?”

Mumbling on her lips, the red-eyed girl’s eyes showed a slight loss of concentration. However, immediately afterwards, the wind feeling on her face made her instantly come back to her senses.


“Not a dream!”

“It’s a real Mu-san!”

After realizing this, Shinomiya Kaguya’s heart couldn’t help but show a little joy, and a smile appeared on her face, but in the next moment, thinking of the danger she was facing now and the monster located behind the car, her face instantly turned pale.

No! Nope!

Such a big monster, no matter how you think about it, you can’t defeat it empty-handed.

If you want to solve this monster, it is estimated that you can only use weapons of mass destruction. Now that the pastor is coming, he can only let one more victim here. Damn it!

All blame this abominable monster!

If it weren’t for its existence, I would have a future worth looking forward to with Mu classmates, right? At this moment, this red-eyed girl couldn’t help but have a trace of regret in her eyes.

If he had just run away directly, I am afraid that he would not have put Mu in danger. However, she also understood that she could not do such a thing as leaving Hayasaka behind.

Today’s events seem to be an accident, but in fact, because of everyone’s personality, it is already an inevitability. It’s just — what should I do now?

Resist with all your might, and then both of them will be killed by monsters? No way!

Don’t give up!

Since this is the case now, he must find a way to delay Mu for some time, so that he can quickly run to a safe place, and absolutely not both of them die here.

Thinking about this, Shinomiya Kaguya took a deep breath and shouted loudly with all his strength: “Mu-san, run, leave me alone, I will buy you some time to buy it!” ”

While speaking, the red-eyed girl raised her feet and prepared to run to Makuyusheng’s body. This is the moment.

The expression on Shinomiya Kaguya’s face was almost the same as the expression on Ai Hayasaka’s face just now, the only difference was that her face was about to add a touch of determination!

After all, as a person who could see the existence of this monster, she was ready to die when she said this.

It’s just that Xu is too worried about the safety of the teenager, and Shinomiya Kaguya actually ignored the tentacles that were close to him just now, and did not think about why the teenager was able to stand in front of him unharmed.

PS: The third change on the shelf, please complete the order, ask for self-order.

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