
The name… As the name suggests, it’s easy to guess what it does.

It’s just-

If memory serves, the line of text I just saw does not have the skill of “Spiritual Vision”.

In other words, the ability of “spiritual vision” is most likely possessed by himself, and it should also be the reason why he was able to see those strange black fogs in the previous time.

Thinking about this, Mu Yusheng moved his mind again, and lightly clicked on the two words “Spiritual Vision” on the system panel in front of him.

The next moment, specific information about this skill came into view——

Skill name: “Psionic Vision”

Skill effect: You can see the ability of evil spirits/monsters, the upper limit corresponds to the strength level of the host, you can currently see the half-star evil spirits, and for the evil spirits/monsters whose strength level is higher than the host, there will be different forms of black fog

Note: In this world, only creatures/evil spirits/monsters whose eyes can see each other’s bodies can touch each other and cause harm

Sure enough, this skill was the reason why he was able to see those black fogs before.


This skill effect and the content of the annotations all support the worldview of this world, which is the ‘see child worldview’.

Speaking of which, perhaps the ability of this “spiritual vision” is not very strong, and it is even easy to attract the attack of evil spirits, but with the “spiritual power” of the +1 state, it is invincible.

You know, at most, you can only see clearly the appearance of evil spirits with the same strength level as yourself, but when you turn on the “power of idealism”, the strength level you can exert will always be a large level greater than your own strength level.

Using the strength of a large level of the other party, coupled with the “power of idealism”, which can be called bug-level power, isn’t this an alternative invincibility?

In fact, this is only the effect of the “power of idealism” guarantee, if you temporarily explode your own seeds, it is not impossible to slaughter gods and devour demons.

It must be known that the power of “idealistic power” has no limit.

It’s a pity that I was a one-hit killer to that evil spirit before, and I didn’t carefully experience the feeling of using the “power of idealism”.

If you have the opportunity, you have to find a few evil spirits to try your hand, and you can also improve your strength.

After all, in a world with evil spirits/monsters, strong strength is the most advantageous means of ensuring safety.

Anyway, for those who have a pseudo-‘invincible’ state, as long as they can see the evil spirit clearly in shape, they must be the evil spirits they can deal with, and they don’t have to worry about overturning.

But before that, it’s better to go home first.

In fact, since he joined the family, Ke Er will make dinner every day and wait for him to go back and eat together.

If she didn’t go back, she wouldn’t have dinner alone, so she still needed to go home as soon as possible.

Shaking his head, not thinking about these things anymore, closing the system panel in front of him, and stuffing the approval document in his hand into his pocket, Makuyu walked to a bus stop closest to the school gate and began to wait for the bus.



Hidechiin Gakuen.

Inside the Student Union Office.

Looking through the window in the direction that Makyu left, a hint of thought flashed in Shinomiya Kaguya’s eyes.

At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly opened, and at the same time came the voice of a certain changeable maid——


“This is the end of the matter with that book, or do I need to investigate further?”

“Let’s stop there!”

Hearing Ai Hayasaka’s question, Shinomiya Kaguya said without hesitation: “Although I have basically determined that this book was written by Maki-san, since I have promised him not to continue to dwell on this matter, then naturally I will not break my word.” ”

Speaking of this, as if she had thought of something, she turned to look at Ai Hayasaka at the door, and asked in a faint voice: “In other words, you should have heard the whole conversation between me and Mu-san, right?” Shouldn’t have heard anything strange? ”

That’s right.

Ai Hasaka has always been disguised outside the door and is not very far away from herself.

After all, as the eldest daughter of the fourth palace family, how could she really be alone in the same room with a boy who might have thoughts about herself?

Even if he has practiced Aikido himself, his combat power is not weak, it is impossible.

However, unexpectedly, his questioning of Mu classmates did not succeed, but there was a tendency to be suppressed by him.

In this case, this originally safe arrangement has become a very embarrassing thing for himself.

Especially when I was so frightened that I had that kind of reaction?!

How can it be repaired!

Obviously, at that time, the Mu classmate was not scared at all, but very handsome.

Then again, why did you feel this way when you think of the pastoral students themselves at that time?

Could it be a problem with your own physique?

With such doubts, Shinomiya Kaguya squeezed his legs slightly, not wanting something strange to come out.

The reason why she said such a sentence now is actually to make her forget the information she heard today.

It’s just-

At this time, seeing Shinomiya Kaguya’s subconsciously clamped legs, Ai Hayasaka instantly appeared a hint of an inexplicable smile on her face.


Sensing her rather meaningful expression, although Shinomiya Kaguya didn’t know what was happening, the feeling of shame bursting instantly surged in her heart, and it immediately made her make a nice whine——



“Don’t look at me with such strange eyes.”


Hearing Shinomiya Kaguya’s words, Ai Hayasaka nodded with a smile on his face and said in agreement.

It’s just that way, how perfunctory it looks, makes a red-eyed beautiful girl even more angry——


Seeing that the Shinomiya Kaguya in front of him seemed to be really angry, Ai Hayasaka suddenly straightened his face, and said in a serious tone: “Miss Kaguya, I didn’t hear anything strange. ”

Seeing this scene, Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief and asked another thing he cared about——

“Hayasaka, do you see if there is something over here?”

Saying that, the red-eyed beautiful girl pointed to the vicinity of the desk in front of her.

If Mu Yusheng was here, she would find that the location she was referring to was the location of the evil spirit she saw.

PS: New books are not easy, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for tips….

The specific additions start tomorrow, about one more chapter a day.

Other than that.

In order to ensure the sustainable development of this book, the redundant updates were put on the shelves and reissued as a 5,000-word chapter.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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