Chapter 78: Aren’t You Husband and Wife? 1/3 [Seek full order, ask for self-order].


Hearing this, Mu Yusheng couldn’t help but be slightly stunned, and asked out loud with some doubts: “How do you know?” ”

Even if he is a ghost beast with a style of acting, he will treat this kind of old man with a trace of respect. This is nothing else, but an inevitable result of the education received.


After saying two words like this, this grandmother did not, looked at the four palaces Kaguya on the side, and said with a smile: “Madam, you can hold this talisman directly, don’t want money.” ”


Hearing this title, Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly blushed shyly, quickly waved his hand, and subconsciously said: “No, no, we are not married yet, not that kind of relationship.” ”

Only the next moment, considering the existence of the teenager beside her, she added: “At least not now. ”

“Aren’t you two husband and wife?”

“That’s really my eyes.”

Although she said this, the smile on this grandmother’s face was even greater.

Obviously, she had seen the girl’s feelings for the teenager and the teenager for the girl, and she just nodded helpfully.

After all, from the simple appearance, their age is not young, and then such a vague mutual liking is estimated to delay a lifetime, as if thinking of something, she looked at the two in front of her with a pair of slightly cloudy eyes, nodding her head uncontrollably, but there was a trace of memory in her eyes.

At this time, it seemed that he was extremely shy by the eyes of the old man, and Shinomiya Kaguya quickly pointed to the talisman he had just selected, changed the topic and said: “This one doesn’t need money, so how can it work?” ”

“That’s why I said you are not locals.”

Coming back to her senses a little, this old lady took a few talismans that she had just selected by Kaguya in the fourth palace and explained: “This is our custom here, probably a super festival, in order to sacrifice the legendary mountain god here. ”

“And this–”

Saying that, she handed the two amulets in her hand forward, and added in a loud voice: “This is a souvenir prepared for the festival in the city, as long as it is a person who sees it, you can take one back for free, and generally locals take one directly, at most they will say a few words, not like you guys to pick and choose.” ”

Hearing the grandmother’s explanation, Mu Yusheng and Shinomiya Kaguya did not delay, so they reached out and took the talisman on her hand. Seeing that the two took the amulet, this grandmother couldn’t help but nodded gently.

Then, as if thinking of something, she pointed to the dark place in the distance and said everything out loud

“That place… This is where every festival is officially held. ”

“In fact, the reason why I am here now is also to perform the ceremony.”

“The whole festival is a three-day process, today is the night before the first day, and the festival will officially start at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.”

“In this process, the previous generation of witches of the shrine on the mountain must immediately present amulets to pedestrians here to pray for the smooth health of everything in the coming year.”

“The witch of the previous generation?”

Hearing the grandmother’s words, Shinomiya Kaguya couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.

The next moment, understanding what she said, the red-eyed girl couldn’t help but say out loud with a shocked face: “So, you are the witch of the previous generation? ”


The grandmother nodded, and her eyes revealed a hint of memory.

Then, as if she had thought of something, she pointed to the talisman that the two had already obtained in their hands, and said with a smile: “This kind of talisman that will be issued immediately is much more precious than the talisman at tomorrow’s official ceremony, and I hope it can bring you good luck.” ”

“Thank you Jiyan.”

After thanking the grandmother, the two did not say anything more, and left the stall with the amulet in their hands and walked deeper into the street.

Of course, considering the special attributes of this world, Mu Yusheng also took the time to use the system to check the specific information of these two amulets.

Naturally, nothing was found in the matter, it was just an ordinary mahogany amulet.

It seems that not everything related to gods and demons is really related to real gods and demons. Halfway through.

Looking at the talisman in his hand, Shinomiya Kaguya, who inexplicably became a little silent, suddenly spoke up and said: “Hanyu-san, it seems that it is not easy to be a witch, it is clear that the grandmother is so old, but she still has to come to the ceremony at this time in the early morning.” ”


Hearing this, Mu Yusheng nodded, but shook his head again, and said with a sigh in his tone: “But for the clergy, maybe their ideas are different from ours. ”

Speaking of this, as if he had thought of something, he pointed to the talisman on the girl’s hand and proposed: “When you go back, you give me your talisman, and I will see if I can add spiritual elimination techniques to it, so as to protect your safety to a greater extent.” ”


Hearing the young man’s words, the heaviness in Shinomiya Kaguya’s heart was swept away, and he felt warm in his heart. A moment later.

Towards the position pointed by the grandmother just now, she muttered with a stunned expression


“I really haven’t seen it.”

Seeing this scene, Mu Yusheng couldn’t help but smile slightly, and asked softly: “If you want to see it like this, Kaguya-san, do you want to come and see it together tomorrow?” ”

Hearing this, a hint of anticipation instantly appeared in the eyes of the girl named Shinomiya Kaguya. Only the next moment, as if she thought of something, she shook her head again and said-

“There will be a lot of work in the student union tomorrow, and I won’t be able to come out during the day.”

“Is that so?”

Hearing Shinomiya Kaguya’s scruples, Mu Yusheng shook his head and explained out loud: “In fact, most festivals are held at night, and eleven o’clock and twelve o’clock in the morning and even two o’clock in the morning are the most lively times. ”

As Mu Yusheng’s words fell, Shinomiya Kaguya’s eyes instantly lit up. Immediately afterward, she stopped and looked at the teenager in front of her expectantly.

After a slight hesitation, she took the initiative to speak up and said, “Hanyu-san, can you also take me out tomorrow to watch the festival?” ”

Although he knew that the boy meant that he wanted to help himself, he still couldn’t simply guess when he didn’t get confirmation.

In addition, it is also because going to the festival together has a special meaning in neon culture.

Since too many men and women of age confess to each other at the festival, this event has evolved into a prelude similar to confession. As for why Kaguya, who is obviously in love with Xiaobai, Shinomiya Kaguya knows this hidden meaning.

That is naturally the result of the daily passive infusion of a pink-haired girl who is known as a love detective.

In other words, Shinomiya Kaguya, who said this, was actually taking the initiative to confess to Makyu.

Obviously, this red-eyed girl was able to take the initiative to say such words, and she had already made her best efforts. After saying this, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the boy in front of him nervously, waiting for his answer.

Perhaps she still had some concerns about who confessed first, but after experiencing the incident that she encountered the evil spirit boy who quickly rushed over tonight, she completely gave up thinking about these things that were superfluous.

After all, the initiative in the process of love, how can this kind of thing be comparable to really dating Hanyu-san? If you can formally communicate with Hanyu-san, it is not impossible to be weak.

Xu was too concerned about it, this red-eyed girl actually forgot about the “love letter”, so that now her heart is extremely nervous, and her mind is also thinking about the next development possibilities and corresponding coping methods, at this moment.

Seeing the actions of the girl in front of him, Mu Yusheng was also stunned.

Although he didn’t know exactly what this hidden meaning of inviting to watch the festival together, he knew very well about Kaguya’s current mood changes and changes in his feelings.

Has it come to this point?

He sighed slightly in his heart, but there was no surprise on his face. After all, not counting the time in the student union office, he has already rescued her twice, and in order to let her scatter and fly out dozens of kilometers away, coupled with the original good feelings, so that there is no way to get to this step, that is the strangest place. It’s just — it’s not my own expectations.

In fact, he originally planned to have roughly solved Keer’s problems before coming to the showdown with Shinomiya Kaguya to have his idea of “all wanting”.

However, in the current situation, he must tell her about this in advance.

Fortunately, it is not she who confesses to herself now, otherwise she really does not know what to do. Of course, despite thinking this in his heart, he also knew that now was not a good time to talk about it. After all, the girl came out for the first time, and he still had to give her a perfect memory.

It’s better to say this kind of thing tomorrow when you go to school, so that you can also avoid directly escalating your feelings to the point of uncontrollable during the festival.

If tomorrow she feels acceptable, then naturally she can move on to the next thing. If she feels that she can’t, then she can only use some extraordinary means.

As for whether this is excessive? No way?

No one really thinks he’s a good person, right?

In fact, confessing this matter before the festival, to some extent, he already had the intention of secretly coercing the girl with what she expected.

It’s just that it’s impossible for me to gamble on the girl’s festival and my relationship doesn’t improve. If that happens, then he will be even more scumbag. So, after all consideration, Mu Yusheng nodded lightly and said, “As long as you want, I can bring you here for the next three days.” ”

Saying that, considering his plans for tomorrow, he added: “When school ends tomorrow, you stay in the office first, don’t leave, I have something to find you.” ”


After receiving an affirmative answer, a full smile instantly appeared on the red-eyed girl’s face, almost jumping up.



As for what the teenager said about being in the office tomorrow?

Since he said that it was tomorrow’s matter, he would definitely not tell himself today, and it was better not to ask about this useless work.

Shaking her head and suppressing many thoughts in her heart, the red-eyed girl quickly and completely regained her previous vitality, and even became more pleasant.

Bouncing along the way, even under the buff of existence, it still attracts many people’s eyes, which shows how happy she is.

After turning around like this for a while, the strength of the two people was also consumed….. Or more accurately, Shinomiya Kaguya’s physical strength is exhausted a lot.

I found a ramen restaurant and sat down, ready to eat instantly to replenish my energy.


Inside a ramen restaurant.

Makyu and Shinomiya Kaguya sat opposite each other.

Looking at the price of ramen noodles that started with several hundred neon coins on the cooking list in front of him, Shinomiya Kaguya’s face showed a hint of embarrassment.

Then, after a slight hesitation, she raised her head slightly and said to the young voice in front of her: “Hanyu-san, I came out in a hurry, and I didn’t bring money.” ”

Hearing this, Mu Yusheng shook his head lightly, and said out loud with a smile: “It’s okay, I have.” ”

“Okay then.”

Hearing Mu Yusheng’s words, Shinomiya Kaguya nodded gently, and his heart was slightly relieved.

If neither of them has money, it is estimated that they can only sit here and rest, and they will most likely be regarded as rude and rude people who only know how to take advantage, but if that is the case, it is inevitable that some faces will not be passed.

Although I don’t care about this kind of thing, since I came out with Hanyu-san this time, I naturally don’t want to be thought of like this…

Speaking of which, I am still too immature and lack the experience of coming out alone, otherwise it is impossible not to bring a little money. When it comes to tomorrow’s festival, I must bring a lot of money and invite Hanyu-san to eat well.

Shaking her head and suppressing many thoughts in her heart, the red-eyed girl said in a grateful tone: “Thank you, I borrowed you this time, and I will return it to you when I go to school tomorrow.” ”

Seeing the unfake expression on the face of the girl in front of him, Mu Yusheng couldn’t help but smile a little dumbly, and said: “A bowl of noodle money, there is no need to be so real.” ”

Just unexpectedly, Shinomiya Kaguya replied with a serious face


“Feelings that do not involve money are the purest.”

After saying this, without giving Muyusheng a chance to shirk, the red-eyed girl lowered her head again and looked at the ramen menu in front of her.

Just looking at it, Shinomiya Kaguya’s face showed a thick tangled color. A moment later.

She raised her head, handed the cooking list in front of her to the teenager in front of her, and said in a loud voice: “Hanyu-san, how about you help me order one, I haven’t eaten this kind of dish outside, and I don’t know the taste of each one.” ”

“Is that so?”

Hearing Shinomiya Kaguya’s explanation, Makyu did not hesitate and took the ramen menu directly from her hand.

After a little thought, he said out loud: “I can tell from your cuisine that you prefer the light one, so order this clear soup ramen.” ”

“It’s the same with my words, I don’t have much appetite to eat in the middle of the night, this is the easiest for my stomach to accept.”

Saying that, he said to the middle-aged female boss who was located inside the counter: “Boss, let’s have two portions of clear soup ramen, the taste is lighter, and we will mix the seasoning taste ourselves.” ”


With a word of approval, the middle-aged woman turned and walked into the kitchen, apparently to make ramen dishes. The waiting time is always long, in order not to be bored, the two took the initiative to stir up the topic and talk to each other.

“Speaking of which, Secretary Fujiwara is very fond of ramen, and it is said that he has tasted most of the ramen shops near the school, and he is considered to be the nol in the ramen world.”

Hearing Mu Yusheng’s words, Shinomiya Kaguya’s face suddenly showed a strange look. Secretary Fujiwara?


Can these two words really be put together?

It’s just that Hanyu-san will definitely not deceive himself, and this information is naturally true. It’s really incredible.

Secretary Fujiwara like that, he actually likes it… Or more accurately, you can enjoy the ramen outside. Envy.

There is a little, a little envy of billions.

From this point of view, the Fujiwara family is indeed great, even the Shinomiya family is not as good. Immediately afterwards – in order not to let the teenager in front of her see her envious emotions, she just sighed and said: “I really didn’t expect it”

“··· Secretary Fujiwara, she actually likes ramen so much. ”

PS: Today’s first change, please complete the order, please customize the 5,000-word chapter.

Once again, this book is knifeless and can be read with confidence.

After this paragraph is laid out, basically the festival will determine the corresponding relationship with Kaguya and…

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