Chapter 91: Drugged? 2/3 [Ask for full order, ask for self-order].

Hidechiin Gakuen.

Outside the Students’ Union office.

Eavesdropping on the voice coming from inside, Fujiwara Chika’s face was full of doubts. What is this situation?

Why is there no dialogue?

Although the sound insulation of every room in Shuchiin Gakuen is very good, I have personally tested that this place is a special point of the building structure, and I can overhear any sound coming from inside.

Even if it is a dialogue with a particularly small voice, it is at most only to make yourself unable to hear the content of the conversation of the people inside, and it is impossible to hear any sound.

That is to say, even if they choose to leave, is there a high probability that they will not have any dialogue at all? This?

Could it be that the relationship between them is not at all what he guessed? But it shouldn’t.

Today, Kaguya-san and Hanyu-san’s reaction is not very normal.

Is it just in the early stages of a relationship, embarrassed to have a conversation in a solitary room? No.

This is also impossible.

Can’t Hanyu-san dare to feed Kaguya-san directly, but dare not talk to Kaguya-san when he is alone in the room, right? Thinking about this, the pink-haired girl couldn’t help frowning, her eyes full of doubt.

But before she could analyze it outside, she heard what seemed to be a voice inside.

Without the slightest hesitation, Fujiwara Chika squatted a little more, wanting to hear the conversation inside more easily. Only the next moment, the words she heard made her instantly embarrassed.

“Hanyu-san, what do you think of Secretary Fujiwara?”

“People are good, what’s wrong?”


“Just thinking, if Secretary Fujiwara likes you, what will you do?”

“Kaguya-san, why did you say this all of a sudden?”

“Did you find anything?”

“Just now, I observed that Secretary Fujiwara has been peeking at you.”


“That’s right.”

“Even when she left the room, her eyes still peeked towards you, and judging from Secretary Fujiwara’s performance, she definitely liked you.”

Listening to these words, at the same time of embarrassment, Fujiwara Chika only felt that her whole person was a little stunned. What?

Do you like Hanyu-san?

Have you been peeking at Hanyu-san just now? How is this possible!

She Fujiwara obviously looks at two people, okay?

Why does Kaguya-san notice that he is observing Hanyu-san alone, but not that he is observing her? This is also outrageous, right?!

Almost subconsciously, the pink-haired girl wanted to explain a sentence or two out loud.

Only the next moment, considering that he was in a state of eavesdropping, Fujiwara Chika instantly calmed down. No way.

You can’t just expose yourself like that.

The consequences of directly exposing yourself to eavesdropping on this matter are more serious than being misunderstood or something. After all, the misunderstanding can be explained later, but eavesdropping on this matter cannot be cleared. What’s more, with Hanyu-san’s personality, it is most likely impossible to have that kind of idea for himself, and it is impossible to misunderstand his own thoughts like Kaguya-san.

Thinking about this, Fujiwara Chika leaned down slightly and listened carefully again.

Of course, this pink-haired girl didn’t realize that deep down she also wanted to see what Hanyu-san thought of herself.

However, to her surprise, the conversation in the office became very scary.

“Is that so?”

“Then Kaguya-san, what do you mean by that?”

“Even if Chika-san likes me, it shouldn’t have anything to do with you, right?”

“Of course it is.”

“As a neon prime minister’s family, the power of the Fujiwara family naturally does not need to be said.”

“Even if it is not as powerful as the Four Palace Family, it is only a first-line existence.”

“The most important thing is… Only three women of the Fujiwara family of this generation survive. ”

“In other words, as long as you take these three sisters, everything in the Fujiwara family will basically be inherited by you, and the most you will pay is to be a son-in-law.”

“However, with the personalities of Secretary Fujiwara and Fujiwara Moeha, it is naturally easy for you to control them.”

“Faced with such a one-step opportunity to ascend to the sky, don’t you really be moved?”

“What’s more–”

“You can also get Secretary Fujiwara, this beautiful girl…” Although I don’t want to admit it, her appearance, her figure, and her knowledge are all first-class in the entire Shuchi Academy Academy. ”

“And now it seems that Secretary Fujiwara really likes you, isn’t it a good opportunity?”

Outside the door.

Listening to Shinomiya Kaguya’s voice as if persuading, Fujiwara Chika couldn’t help but widen his eyes. Terrible.

It’s terrible.

Kaguya-san, he could come up with such a terrifying plan!

Although I know that the people of the Four Palace family are cold-blooded, I didn’t expect that you, who are already friends, would be so cold-blooded. Kaguya-san, you are no longer my good friend.

For a moment, this pink-haired girl couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

But the next moment, with a deep breath, she calmed her mood.

Kaguya-san’s affairs are left aside, what will Hanyu-san think about this matter? Directly seize everything from yourself and even your own home?

Probably not.

With Hanyu’s personality, he should not be able to do such a thing. Similarly, I don’t want him to be able to do such a thing.

After all, I really don’t want to lose two friends on the same day, I really don’t want to. Fortunately, the next words of Makyu did not disappoint this pink-haired girl.

“What do you do with this kind of thing?”

“If I really come together with Chika-san, then the next thing will naturally be relatives.”

“If I don’t have that fate with Qianhua-san, then power or money has nothing to do with me, and thinking about these is too utilitarian.”

Hearing these words, Fujiwara Chika’s face couldn’t help but show a relaxed expression. It’s you, Hanyu-san!

You really are my angel!

Now it seems that everyone’s ideas are still closely related to the education received, like the kind of education received by the four palace classmates from the fourth house family, which can obviously only shape a very cold-blooded existence.

Thinking about this, the pink-haired girl couldn’t help but sigh slightly. To be honest, she is not very strange Shinomiya Kaguya.

After all, she was born in the neon high-level, and she also knows the situation of her family very well, and she also understands the situation of the fourth palace family. But even so, this kind of betrayal by friends is still difficult to let go.

Fortunately, Hanyu-san did not have such an idea, so that he would not have a very failed high school life. It’s just that she didn’t wait long to relax, and the voice of Shinomiya Kaguya coming from inside really made her eyes widen one by one

“I can help you match, and let you win Secretary Fujiwara in the fastest time.”


“Teach me how to pursue her?”


“Pursuing this is too time-consuming and has too much instability, so it’s not the best option.”

“In fact, there are other means to take down Secretary Fujiwara faster and make her absolutely obedient.”

“Such as?”

“For example, Secretary Fujiwara will drink hot water in the office every day, for example, I have medicine to make people sleep for a day, for example, I can make her not go to class for a day in the name of the student council and not attract much attention…”


“You can do whatever you want.”

“Just don’t forget to take photos and videos while you’re doing it.”

“The next thing is simple.”

“Just take the photo and video of Secretary Fujiwara to threaten, whether it is Secretary Fujiwara himself or… Moe Ye’s child should not refuse, and the probability of abundance is the same. ”

“At best… There will be some small resistance, but with your appearance and means, plus the threat of taking photos and videos of them when doing things when the time comes, presumably all problems will be properly solved. ”

“So desperately trying to help me, what do you want?”

“If I want to get rid of the control of the main family, I naturally need the help of the Fujiwara family.”

“There are only three girls in the Fujiwara family’s generation, as long as you take them all, then you will basically become the son-in-law of the Fujiwara family in the future… Master. ”

“Even if the Fujiwara family is not as powerful as the Shinomiya family, it can give me a certain amount of freedom.”

Speaking of this, it seemed to be mentioned casually, and the faint voice of the fourth palace Kaguya came out again

“You said… Will Chika-san eavesdrop on our conversation at the door? ”

Hearing these words, Fujiwara Chika, who was squatting at the door, instantly turned pale, and sweat could not stop flowing. No.

No way? Was this discovered?

If it is discovered at ordinary times, the most you can do is to find a way to apologize. Now things are a little different.

Based on what I just overheard, I was at least photographed in various poses when I was discovered, right? It will definitely be, right?

Even if Hanyu-san didn’t want to do this, then under the threat of Shinomiya classmates, it is estimated that he could only obey.

After all, it was an existence born in the cold-blooded place of the Shinomiya family, and there was no way to resist Hanyu-san’s words alone.

Almost subconsciously, this pink-haired girl wanted to escape the place of right and wrong in the student union. Only the next moment, as if she thought of something, she abruptly suppressed this thought.

Without him.

This sentence of Shinomiya-san’s is obviously just a guess, and if you run away now, it is the real sense of not fighting yourself. Although running away can solve the current dilemma, it will definitely cause great trouble to the future self.

You know, with the power of the fourth palace family, even if they know the thoughts of the fourth palace Kaguya, it is impossible for the family to do anything with the fourth palace family, at most they can only make themselves careful.

However, human energy is limited, and thousand-day thieves will definitely be stolen. What’s more–like a general neon school, the authority of the Shuchi-in Academy Student Council is very large, and I am afraid that she will be taken away by her for various reasons in less than three days.

It is precisely for this reason that exposing oneself is the most inferior approach.

The best thing you can do now is to stay here for a while and let the people inside the door think that they are not here. In this way, you only need to pay attention to avoid suspicious water and food in the future.

Thinking about this, Fujiwara Chika complained in an extremely low voice with an indignant face: “Kaguya-san, it’s really excessive!” ”


“Isn’t it too self-aware for people squatting in the doorway to eavesdrop on others saying that others are excessive?”

Hearing these two words, this pink-haired girl subconsciously shook her head and said-


“Compared to me eavesdropping on such a small thing, Kaguya-san’s thoughts are the most terrifying.”

“It really makes people recommend Hanyu-san to do threatening and intimidating things”


Shouldn’t the corridor be just yourself? How could anyone talk to themselves?

Also, how is this voice so familiar? Is it difficult?

With a snort in her heart, the girl named Chika Fujiwara slowly raised her head, and what she saw was the door of the student union who did not know when it was opened, and Kaguya Shinomiya inside the door.

“Hui… Kaguya-san?! ”

Almost subconsciously, the pink-haired girl was ready to get up and flee to the outside of this building. It’s just that a sudden shift in the center of gravity is extremely easy to cause instability.

So, before she ran a few steps, she naturally fell to the ground. Finished!

You’re going to catch up, right? Definitely!

With this thought, seeing the shadow behind him, Fujiwara Chika, who understood that he had no hope of escape, quickly hugged himself and squatted down, and said in a quick and pitiful tone-


“No, don’t threaten me by taking strange pictures of me.”

“If you like it, can’t you pursue it well? Again, I don’t absolutely disagree. ”

“I’m very good at chasing, as long as I work hard, it’s easy to do this kind of thing.”

Makyu: “…..”

Sighing slightly, he looked at the red-eyed girl beside him, and said out loud quite speechlessly


“I said it would freak her out?”

Hearing this, Shinomiya Kaguya shook his head, and said in a vicious tone: “Who let her eavesdrop outside the door, how to think that she is immoral first, right?” ”

“If she hadn’t eavesdropped outside the door, I wouldn’t have been able to scare her like that.”


Hearing the conversation between the two, Fujiwara Chika, who was originally trembling, was instantly stunned.


“Scare out?”

“You guys… Is it scaring me? ”

“That’s right.”

Hearing Fujiwara’s question, Makyu nodded lightly and explained, “That’s what you think – in fact, since we knew you were eavesdropping, Kaguya-san communicated with me in a special way, wanting to teach you a lesson for this eavesdropping guy.” ”


Hearing this, Fujiwara Chika subconsciously wanted to vent loudly. Thinking of these words that the teenager overheard, he held back the seizure. No way.

Carefully calculate, this matter is still its own problem.

If he hadn’t eavesdropped, Hanyu-san wouldn’t have followed Kaguya-san to scare him, and naturally nothing would have happened.

It’s just — if you don’t say anything, you really can’t help it. After all, he was so surprised.

So, the pink-haired girl took a deep breath, organized the language slightly, and complained and said one by one

“Kaguya-san, you’re terrible.”

“He even said that kind of excessive words.”

“Even if I really heard something, I wouldn’t really say it.”

PS: Today’s second change, seek full booking, seek self-ordering thousand flowers line slowly advancing.

Begin tomorrow morning to end quarantine and do your best to resume normal updates.

But what is more funny is that I just finished my quarantine period, and the school said that I could go back, and I was ready to organize people to go together, which was outrageous.

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