This nasty guy! !

Ying Lili’s shoulders trembled, and she clenched her fists tightly. She really wanted to punch Qianye, but she held back after thinking about it… If she really punched hard, she couldn’t imagine the result…

Chiba was eating the bento Saeko prepared for him beside him, and the aroma instantly overflowed…

Ying Lili’s throat moved slightly…

You know, she didn’t bring a bento… nor did she prepare lunch… because in order to finish the drawing, when she left home, there was not much time left for her to go to class.

Chiba’s sensitive perception naturally discovered the strangeness of Ying Lili, and her eyes became interesting.

He picked up a piece of sushi and put it in his mouth, making a crunching sound on purpose. It tasted delicious, and it made people feel delicious just by looking at it!

Ying Lili turned her head away immediately, she didn’t want to look at Qianye anymore, out of sight and out of mind, naturally she didn’t think about those things.


The scent couldn’t be hidden. As the breeze diffused, soon, the already very fragrant smell became thicker at the tip of Ying Lili’s nose.

“No way!”

Qianye raised her head, swallowed the bento, and let out a long breath of admiration! !

Ying Lili is even more difficult…

Damn guy, it must be on purpose! !

At this moment, Ying Lili’s stomach growled unbearably…

Coo coo coo ~

This embarrassing voice immediately made Ying Lili show an ugly expression.

Qianye also looked at Yinglili and asked as if she had discovered a new continent.

“Has Sawamura-san not eaten lunch?”

Ying Lili immediately quibbled.

“How is it possible, I’ve already eaten it!”


The cooing sound immediately silenced the atmosphere between the two, and an expression called embarrassment immediately appeared on Ying Lili’s face.

Qianye also raised a smile of unknown meaning…

Seeing Qianye’s expression, Ying Lili turned her head directly, her golden twin ponytails flung out beautiful arcs in the air.

“If you don’t eat, you won’t grow tall.”

“This is a bad habit.”

Facing Qianye’s words, Yinglili’s eyes moved restlessly, and the corners of her mouth muttered:

“I’m only sixteen years old now, and I can still develop…”

But soon Chiba said something that annoyed her again.

“At your current height, if you weren’t wearing a school uniform, others would have thought you were a primary school student.”


“Who are you calling a primary school student!!”

“I clearly…”


Ying Lili immediately turned her head and became furious, but before she could finish speaking, Chiba gagged her mouth with a piece of sushi!

“No no no…!”

Yinglili was stunned for a moment, but she still resisted immediately, but Qianye directly blocked her mouth with chopsticks and made her eat it forcefully!

Ying Lili swallowed, the humiliated expression on her face, as if she had been fucked a hundred times by someone…

However, a very nice smell of juice was lingering in her mouth. It was the taste of sushi carefully prepared by Saeko and made with a lot of rich ingredients!

Food that has been carefully prepared will never taste bad. What’s more, Saeko’s cooking skills are also excellent, which adds extra points to this sushi!

“How is it? Is it delicious? Do you want another piece?”

Chiba asked with a smile.

After regaining her senses, Ying Lili immediately made an expression of vomiting, her face blushing.

“don’t want!”

“I’ll kill you and I won’t eat your food!”

“It’s disgusting!!”

Qianye’s eyes became sharper, his chopsticks froze in mid-air, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!

“Although Tsundere is cute…”

“But being too arrogant is not a good thing…”

Ying Lili’s face immediately turned crimson, like an old steam train, with puffs of white steam coming out of her head…

“Cute… cuter?!”

“No… no! I’m not Tsundere…!!”

However, Qianye got closer and closer, with an unknown smile on the corner of her mouth. In Yinglili’s eyes, she looked like a devil!

She stepped back along the bench, with a forced calm and terrified expression on her face, shouting.

“You… what are you doing!!? Don’t come here!!”


“Your familyPartner! ! ”


“Well… don’t stuff it anymore… Hey, it’s a shrimp…!”

Ying Lili’s voice is getting softer…

In the end, Qianye looked at Ying Lili, who was half-slumped on the chair, with cheeks as big as a ball, and showed a nice smile.

“This is, as your punishment for being rude.”

3.0 Ying Lili’s mouth is full of food, her eyes are dull, her fingers are jumping irregularly…

Seeing Ying Lili’s appearance, Qianye clapped her hands, packed up the lunch box, and left slowly…

Oh… It’s worth mentioning that he took pictures of Ying Lili’s beautiful picture with his mobile phone. As a souvenir, this time, he really took pictures…

Qianye left, and there was only Yinglili who was lost and weak on the rooftop…

In those lifeless eyes, there seemed to be a voice that kept saying…





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