Forty-Five: Hands-On

“What’s coming?”

Natsume Yuu’s whisper made Haruhime look confused, and looked up at the boy beside her.

However, he was soon led by Natsume Yu and continued to walk forward.

Looking down at the hand she was holding, Chun Ji’s face flushed instantly, and her tail wagged uneasily behind her.

It looked extremely alluring under the shining of the setting sun.

“Are you from the Apollo family?”

Kato Megumi reacted quickly, and his eyes became sharp.

After several days of killing, her heart was stained with blood.


With a smile on the corner of her mouth, Natsume Yuu responded softly.

“Then what should I do?”

Forced herself not to look, not to feel the feeling from her hands, Chun Ji raised her head and asked quietly.

In the past few days, she has been following the two to the dungeon.

The dungeon that exists only in the imagination and listens to other people is very dangerous.

But for these two people, it’s like watching the scenery.

A monster that is difficult to match, but in front of a girl who is almost the same age as him, he is no match at all.

Even she, after Natsume Yu crippled the monster completely without the ability to move and counterattack, attacked with a weapon.

After a few days, the increase in ability value was completely beyond imagination.

It is precisely because of this that the courage in her heart has also improved a lot.


While talking here, a playful female voice came from afar.

The girl in emerald green clothes came running with a smile on her face.

The silver-gray single ponytail is running and swinging, looking extremely youthful and pleasant.

Beside the girl was Lyu with a cold face.After seeing the three of them, the elf girl’s expression softened.

“Follow them first, I’ll play with those guys and exercise a little bit.”

Looking at the two people who came, Natsume Yu said to the two people beside him.

The gaze behind her was extremely piercing, and she hardly had time to look away.

Then he realized that the other party’s target was only himself.

“Well, have fun.”

A smile appeared on the calm face, and Kato Megumi did not intend to stop it.

“Come back early for dinner, Mr. Yu.”

Chun Ji also said in a low voice.

She doesn’t know how strong the boy next to her is, but there are monsters who seem to be very strong deep inside.

It was just a few random blows and he was beaten to the ground, and then brought back for her to practice.

So she wasn’t worried at all.

“Lyu and Hill, I’ll go first.”

With a slight smile, Natsume Yu nodded and said to the two who came to him.


Hill raised his head in astonishment, not quite understanding why he said that.

Lyu, who used to be an assassin, noticed a few people who seemed to be picking things in the distance.

But the eyes looked at this side, and the heart understood.

“Do you need help?”

Looking at the imprint of the Apollo family on that person, Lyu withdrew her gaze and asked worriedly.

Although I’ve heard recently that the couple in front of me and the man and woman I saw in an inappropriate place are unexpected.

But I have never heard of the rumors of the teenager making a move.

In the face of adventurers who might have LV:, Liu Xin couldn’t help feeling a little worried.

After a few days, she could also see that Hill had special feelings for the boy in front of him.

Therefore, in order to repay her kindness, Lyu must not let him have an accident.

“No need, it’s just for fun, you guys go first.”

Gently waving his hands, Natsume Yuu walked in another direction.

“Let’s go first, too.”

Looking at the gradually receding figure, Kato Megumi walked towards the stronghold.

Hill beside him followed with a sweet smile.

It’s a pity that the odr that I finally met was destroyed.

“They separated?”

The people following behind him, a short man looked at the people who suddenly separated, he was taken aback for a moment and then showed excitement.

“Could it be fraudulent? Didn’t they suddenly separate in the past few days?”

Someone asked with a worried look.

The original plan was to divert the girl’s attention first, and then quietly take her away.

Now it seems that they are out of line.

“No matter what, follow up and talk first, as long as you don’t let him chant the mantra.”

Unmoved, the short man put down the apple in his hand and followed quickly.

The people behind them looked at each other and had no choice but to move their legs.

After several people left, Lyu in work uniform quietly appeared, hanging several people from a distance.

She was still a little worried, so she bid farewell to several people and returned.

As they walked around, the members of the Apollo family found that the flow of people around them gradually decreased to nothing.

The young man in front of him also came to an alley, and several people walked out.

“It’s too arrogant for you to lead us here on purpose.”

Yaxingtos, who had already met with several people, said in a deep voice to the back in front of him.

It was nothing at first, but later I discovered that Natsume Yu was looking for remote places to go. It’s strange that he hasn’t found out.

Therefore, when he appeared, his body sank, and he put his hand on the long sword at his waist.

As long as the opponent starts to chant incantations, he can attack at the fastest speed.

Even the teammates beside him took out weapons that could be thrown at any time.


Natsume You turned around, raised his head and glanced at the roof, and then looked down at the corners of the mouths of several people.

“Found me!?”

Lyu, who was hiding on the edge of the roof, quickly retracted her body, thinking in surprise.

Although he is not a professional assassin, he was able to defeat several dark factions by himself a few years ago.

How could her hiding technique be so simple.

However, even without doing anything now, she was shocked to be discovered by others.

“Forget it, beat him to the ground.”

The calm smile on the other side made Yacintos frown, and he didn’t have the mind to ask.


A few people around responded, with playful smiles on their faces, and quickly rushed out with weapons in hand.

A distance of tens of meters is just a breath away for even an LV: adventurer.

One of them arrived first with a figure like the wind, slashing out with a long sword in his hand.

But because of Olalie’s rules, he still has a bit of a sense of proportion in how many shots he makes.

It’s just waving at places that aren’t vital.

Even if it is broken, it is still no problem to take out the recovery potion in time.

Before the long sword arrived, a hand appeared in front of his eyes, and then the man felt his eyes go dark.

The body that was attacking quickly was pressed against the wall beside him by that hand.


A dull voice sounded in the alleyway, and a pool of bright red blood suddenly appeared on the wall.

The hand in front of the forehead was loosened, and the man who had lost consciousness fell down softly.

“It’s your turn.”

Natsume Yuu’s eyes fell on the several adventurers who stopped abruptly, and he smiled.

Whispers like demons rang in the ears of Jie and the others.

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