Chapter 149


The roar like a firecracker explosion resounded throughout the audience.

In an instant, the audience was silent.

Everyone looked at the stupid Katsumi in the arena in shock, whose fists faintly raised white smoke.

That voice just now… Was it made by Fool Katsumi?

“Such a powerful fist, what kind of punch is this?”

“It’s so loud, it’s like gunpowder exploding…”

“I think I’ve heard this voice somewhere, right! It’s like someone swinging a long whip again, and the last explosion! ”

“Yes, yes, yes! That’s the voice! ”

Where have the audience seen this kind of boxing technique, they immediately began to talk about it.

Compared to the spectators and the fighters in the lounge who were also alarmed.

Several people outside the arena looked at Mo Wen at the same time.

Kato Kiyosumi was surprised: “This move, isn’t it that fist technique of Mo Wen of you!?” ”

Once in Mo Wen’s villa, Mo Wen and Yudi 21 used this trick when they fought alone in a duel.

“And this trick of Mo Wen is more exquisite than that of Yu Di Keshen!”

Fan Ma said with a solemn expression, he was beaten miserably when he fought with Phantom Mowen because of this move before.

Now the body has not yet recovered.

Yu Di walked crossed his hands without speaking, he already knew this trick before, and Yu Di Katsumi had told them when he was in the hospital.

“Katsumi, it seems that the completion of karate will take a long time!”

Thinking that the fist technique used by his son was an immature version that Mo Wen had already performed, he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

It was he who took it for granted that his son could really complete karate.


In the arena.

Katsumi Yuji, who punched out the speed of sound, looked at the fist stopped in front of him, looking confident but with a touch of composure.

“Brother Huashan, this trick is me… Shiyun.? ”

Before he could finish speaking, the fist in front of him moved again, snapping and hitting him in the face.

However, because of the distance, the damage was not enough, but it bleed Yuji Katsumi’s nasal cavity.

But Yudi Katsumi completely ignored his nosebleed, but looked at the flat expression and the ancient well without waves in shock.

“Is it because the number of attacks is not enough, and the damage is not in place?”

Yudi Katsumi thought to himself, looking at Hanayama Fu who punched his fist again, his eyes flashed. Clench your fists again and place them on either side of your waist.

Cocktail brake !!! ”

He roared fiercely, and the force passed through his thumbs, ankles, knees, thigh joints, waist shoulders, elbows, and after layers of acceleration, a power beyond sound burst out from his fist.

Bang bang——!!!


Dozens of air-breaking sonic booms that exceeded the speed of sound exploded wildly in the field.

Everyone can feel how powerful the fist that surpasses the speed of sound really is.

“Brother Huashan! Because of Mo Wen, I understood how stupid it is to hide strength for fighting against masters! ”

“Let me use this last trick to salute you back!!”

Yuji Katsumi roared and threw out his sonic punches, each punch had the destructive power to easily burst the stone bottle, and all of these destructive forces were blasted into Hanayama’s body.

He could feel that Hanayama’s body was dented under his fist, and although the rock-like hard muscles and bones blocked his fist, all the power penetrated into Huayama’s muscles.

Just when Yudi Katsumi thought that Hanayama Fu who had hit this trick would fall directly to the ground, but the next second.


A dull sound like a hammer smashing on the human body stood out from the countless sonic booms, and at the same time all the sonic booms came to an abrupt end.

As if hit by a bright car, Yudi Katsumi flew out upside down and smashed on a wooden fence seven or eight meters away.

“… Wow……! ”

His body bounced to the ground after hitting the wooden railing, and a large mouthful of blood spat out of Yudika’s mouth.

“How… How could it be factory? ”

Yuji Katsumi’s eyes widened, he couldn’t think of why Hanayama Fumi, who had been hit by his sonic fist, could still attack him.

Compared to the concussion in his mind and the tragic situation after the distortion of the nose bone, he was more concerned about this matter.

Suddenly, a sharp pain came from his scalp.

Yuji Katsumi was forced to look up, and it was Hanayama who came over and grabbed his hair.

At this moment, the smoked purple lining of Huashan shattered, and dozens of fist prints left large areas of bruises and redness on his chest and abdomen.

At the same time, he spat blood in his mouth because his internal organs were severely damaged, and the situation was no better than that of Yudi.

But Hua Shan Fu can still move freely, and even takes the initiative to attack.

Looking at Huashan’s pupils slightly scattered, Yudi Katsumi understood that the other party’s consciousness had also appeared blurred.

But what he didn’t understand was why Huayama could still act.


Outside the arena.

Several people all looked at the two dueling with solemn faces.

Kato Kiyosumi suddenly said: “Why can Hanayama still move after withstanding that kind of fist?” ”

If it were him, don’t say move, he didn’t faint on the spot, he was already strong-willed.

Fan Ma Blade Tooth and Foolish Alone could not know, and shook his head at the same time.

At this moment, Mo Wen let out a chuckle: “Maybe 470 because. Hanayama became stronger in the two battles with me. ”

“What? Two duels with you? Fan Ma Blade looked at Mo Wen in surprise: “You and Huashan… Already fought twice ?! ”

Mo Wen smiled slightly: “The first time I duel with Huashan, I used this move to defeat him, but it didn’t take long for him to invite me over, and we fought again.” ”

“Although I won in the end, Hanayama held my first round of sonic fists, and even swung my fists with full strength under that intense attack.”

A smile appeared on Mo Wen’s face: “You know, Huashan Fu can resist my attacks with stronger strength, speed, and destructive power, so isn’t it natural to face Yudi Katsumi, whose destructive power is several chips weaker than mine?” ”

Mo Wen turned his head to look at the few people who opened their mouths and did not speak, and said with a light smile: “By the way, at that time, after Hua Shan Yan resisted my fist, he was no longer conscious, and he was completely relying on the instinct of the body, or faith. ”

“His will and belief are beyond imagination, and it is difficult for him to win.”

But under this oppression, Yudi Katsumi may transform, and maybe go further?

You must know that human beings are an animal that will exceed the limit.

Mo Wen had some expectations.


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