Chapter 171

When Fan Ma Blade heard Mo Wen say that several people had become friends.

My heart suddenly felt cold.

Strangers who had obviously only met a few times before have now become friends.

The speed at which the relationship progressed made Fan Majian feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

But soon, Fan Ma Blade reacted, after all, his two female classmates chased all the way here, just to know more about Mo Wen.

The three became friends, and that was inevitable.

The most important thing now is that he must show his charm and reverse Wujiang’s mind before Wujiang confesses to Mo Wen.

From the previous conversation with Mo Wen, Fan Ma Blade has made it clear that this guy will not take the initiative to confess to the girl at all, but wait for the girl to tell him~.

According to Mo Wen, only in this way can you take the initiative in a relationship, and you don’t know if it’s true.

But whether it is true or not, Fan Ma still has a chance now, and there is still the possibility of regaining the heart of Zhang-Jiang Fang.

“Wujiang, I will definitely make you change your mind!” Fan Ma clenched his fists and said silently in his heart.


In the audience, Xia Hui, her lover who was foolishly alone, sat in the crowd.

Looking at her husband below, Xia Hui folded her hands on her legs, her expression full of worry and nervousness.

“Solitude, my… Superman! ”

“You must be safe…”

Xia Hui thought pleadingly in her heart.


In the arena.

Yudi Dubu and Tianyu stood face to face.

“The great snake martial name that devours people, I have heard about it since I was a child!” Tian You looked at Yu Di walking alone, with a leisurely smile on his face.

Yudi looked at Tianyou expressionlessly, and did not react.

Tian You didn’t care either, and continued: “The name of Yudi Dubu is the most envious and worshipped object of our Martial Arts Blade, but ironically…”

“Tonight, I want to be like this with that great senior…”

Just when Tian You seemed to want to remember, or sigh with emotion the scene of fighting with Yudi alone, he saw Yudi Dubu suddenly shouting behind him: “Xia Hui ————”

Tianyu suddenly choked.

Foolishly looked at his worried-looking wife in the audience, and shouted, “Xia Hui! Do you see that? I won’t play again this time, please take a good look-”

The audience looked in the direction of Yudi’s solitary shouting, and saw a virtuous and gentle middle-aged woman sitting there, looking at Yudi alone with a worried and smiling face.

At this time, people found out that the wife of the original Martial God who was foolishly walking alone also came to see the game.

“Xia Hui! I’m your favorite super foolish lonely.”

“I will definitely win!”

Hearing Yudi Dubu’s energetic and combative words of love, people looked at the two with envy and blessing, and Xia Hui’s confession in the middle of Dubu made his face red.

are already old husbands and wives, how can they still be like this … Xia Hui was embarrassed in her heart, but thought with a hint of sweetness.

Foolishly walked towards the edge of the arena with a grin, so that the referee didn’t know what to say, and could only shout according to the line: “Please return to your original position!” ”

Tian You looked at the departing fool with an expressionless face, turned and walked in the direction behind.

Yu Di walked to the edge of the arena alone, propped his body on the solid wooden wall, hooked his index finger at Yujiro Fan Ma in the stands, and said defiantly: “You know what? ”

Foolishly grinned, “After I finish kicking that kid’s ass, it’ll be your turn!” ”

Fan Ma Yujiro was expressionless, and looked at Yuji Foolishly alone.

“Hey – I’m expecting us to compete once, how’s that, Yujiro.”

“The game begins!!”

The referee’s voice suddenly sounded.

When he heard the start of the game, he turned back with a smile on his face.

It’s just that when he saw that the venue in front of him was empty, Tian was stunned.

“People disappeared!? No, he’s definitely on the field…”

At the moment when he saw Yudi walking alone, Tianyu Rich Talent instantly made him look left and right.

However, to Tianyu’s surprise, there was no one to his left and right.

“If neither side is there, then there is only …”

Just as he was about to look back, an extremely strong sense of threat suddenly appeared in the back of his head.

In an instant, the cold hair of Tianyou’s whole body stood up, and the muscles of the whole body instantly expanded and contracted.

Under this force, his whole person jumped directly from the ground and jumped into the air.

And when he was about to jump, a hand suddenly shook the back of his head, but was escaped by Tianyu jumping in time, and only grabbed a few of his hairs.


It is the foolish lone step that disappeared just now!

Looking at Tianyou, who jumped to a height of several meters, spun and turned over 720 like a flying bird, he grinned stupidly, grabbed a few strands of his hair, and said: “Abominable… You slow down a little more…”

He spilled Tianyu’s hair and looked at Tianyu in front of him: “I’m so happy to see your back exposed in front of me… The knot forgets the hidden qi and lets you find out! ”

Tian You looked at Yudi Dubu with a surprised expression: “It’s too powerful!” You really are genuine! ”

He slowly raised his hands, raised his arms at shoulder level, spread his hands out, left hand up, right hand down, like a flat S-shape.


While putting on a posture, Tianyou said in a tone of exclamation and reverence: “If there really is a god in the world… Then I want to thank Him for allowing me to fight the ultimate martial artist alone! ”

“Don’t pull the little ghost!”

Foolish Dubu sneered, he didn’t believe in any gods or gods, and looked at Tianyu’s posture and made a playful grimace and said: “You take such an exaggerated posture towards everyone!” ”

Tianyu was not angry, just smiled slightly.

Suddenly, he jumped with both feet, his body took off flat as if he was floating, and the soles of his feet were at least two meters away from the ground, and he jumped to the foolish ground.

“Hmph, this stinky boy!”

Yu Di sneered in his heart, bent his arms in front of him, and swung his palms outward.

This is the front feather posture in karate, with a copper wall and iron wall defense, both offensive and defensive.

When Tianyou’s body came to Yudi Dubu, he kicked towards Yudi Dubu with a whip leg.


Foolishly’s lone right hand cut a circular arc in the air and slashed at Tianyu’s kicked left foot.

In an instant, blood shot out from the left foot that he had slashed alone.

Tianyou’s eyes opened slightly, and with the help of the strike power of Yudi Dubu, he instantly retracted his left leg, and at the same time kicked his right foot towards Yudi’s lone face.


The next moment, Fool’s elbow slammed into his ankles.

Nourish ——!!

Crimson blood shot from Tenyu’s ankles.


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