Chapter 173

In the arena.

Yuji is concentrating on fighting Tenyu, not knowing that his wife and son are worried about himself.

In fact, Yu Di Dubu had already noticed that Tianyou’s situation was not the same as he expected.

Don’t look at how vicious his attack is, every blow can make Tian Yu bleed, but foolishly walking alone does not feel anxiety and distress from his body.

It was as if the game was going on at the rhythm of Tianyu.

“Hehe, no matter what tricks you want to brush, in the end I will defeat you with karate.” Yudi thought without caring about it.

Instead of being careful of the tricks of heaven, it is more willing to trust your muscles and beliefs.

And even if he is careful, in the end, he will have to go head-to-head with Tian Yu to determine the final winner.

Tianyou’s eyes faintly shone with light, and he observed the movements of Yudi’s solitary steps, breathing, and demeanor.

Suddenly, the soles of his feet left the ground, and he suddenly jumped to get up.

But just when Tianyou’s feet were less than 10 centimeters off the ground, Tianyou’s left foot kicked Zhongtianyou’s right foot like a steel whip.


A crisp sound.

In 26 days, he screamed in pain, his jumping action was stopped, and his body shook unsteadily after stepping on the ground with his right foot.

Right at this moment.

“Drink Cha!” Foolishly stepped forward with a foot knife and slammed on the instep of Tianyu’s right foot.

Feeling the touch that the foot blade gave him back, a hideous smile appeared on Yudi’s face.

He knew that the bone of Tianyu’s instep had been broken by his kick.

“Tianyou, I want to see how you perform that gorgeous aerial killing move!?”

He had already destroyed Tenyu’s right foot, and the jump attack had been blocked by him.

It is no longer possible to imagine jumping and kicking like a bird like just now.

Tianyu’s eyes were slightly open, and the break of the instep of his right foot made him feel severe pain, and at the same time aroused the anger in his heart.

He let out a low roar, raised his right foot in pain and kicked towards the foolish lonely.

“Hmph, aren’t you dead yet?” Foolishly smiled indifferently, and extended his left arm to block the blow.

But to his surprise, Tianyu’s right leg suddenly bent after kicking this kick, clamping Yudi’s left hand and face together, while his left leg lifted to hook Yudi’s lone head, and his ankle pressed his right foot to lock Yudi Lonely.

This change made Yu Di’s expression change, he didn’t expect that Tian You would come to this trick.

Foolishly tried to pull out his left hand, but when he exerted his strength, he found that his left hand could not be withdrawn.

“Is the strength of his leg muscles so strong?” Yudi thought in shock in his heart.

The power that he couldn’t even pull out of his hands was amazing.

Tianqi raised his eyes, leaned back slightly, and then his muscles tensed and forced, and his upper body was drawn into a semicircle.

With the power of the shaking of his body, Tianyou directly threw Yudi to the ground alone.

Step with his mouth open, his body trembling slightly as if he was pricked.

But Tian You supported his hands behind his back, and his legs were tightly clamped between Yudi’s neck and wrists, making Yudi’s lonely step unable to move.

“Mr. Foolland, you don’t think I’m just a person who has nothing to offer but jump in the air, do you?”

With a smile on his face, Tenyu put his hands behind his back and lifted his lower body and his lone upper body.

“What is the purpose of my unusual arms and legs, let me tell you!”

After that, he suddenly turned around, turning over foolishly and riding on his head at the same time.

Not only that, while clamping Yudi’s left hand with his right leg, his left knee simultaneously pressed Yudi’s right arm.

This series of actions can be called perfect, and the pressure of the fool can’t turn over alone.

And because Tianyou locks the neck of Yudi alone, it mainly relies on the right leg, and the right foot is clamped and fixed by the left leg, while leaning on the ground to support Tianyou’s body.

This also causes the neck of the fool to bear the full weight of Tianyu, and the body above the ribs cannot bear the force.

While the neck is under great pressure, it is also subjected to the compression of the vertebrae.

The moment these movements were completed, he couldn’t breathe alone.

“So, Mr. Foolland, let’s get started.”

Tian You looked down at the foolish lone step under him who was restrained by him, and said with a calm and indifferent expression.


A dull voice sounded in the ring, and I saw that Tianyou raised his elbow and constantly smashed it into the head of the light who was walking alone.




Tian You kept smashing his elbow on the top of Yudi’s lone head, breaking his head and bleeding, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


After seeing the foolish lone step that had the advantage just now, he suddenly fell into the downwind.

Even without the power to resist at all, they were hit hard by Tianyou, and the audience gasped one after another.

In this arena, you really can’t take it lightly at any time!

If you are a little more careful, you will not lose the advantage at the beginning of the game.

Of course, all this is what the audience thinks.


In the audience, when Xia Hui saw her lover being hurt, she closed her eyes in pain, and tears flowed down the corners of her eyes.

Although it is not the first time, no matter when, seeing her husband injured when he fights with others, she always sheds tears of heartache.

This kind of thing, she can never get used to.

“Alone, alone!” Tokugawa Mitsunari couldn’t help but stand up and look down in shock.

That foolish step of the Martial God, who was called the Tiger King by the world, would be suppressed or even unable to resist?


Outside the arena.

Yudi Katsumi looked at his father with a solemn and worried expression.

677 However, his burden came true.

Tianyou really has a way to deal with it.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Dubu is not so easy to be knocked down.” Mo Wen’s deep voice said slowly, calming Yu Di Katsumi’s somewhat flustered mood.

The corners of his mouth barely showed a smile: “I naturally won’t worry, he is the ancestor of foolish flow, my father!” ”

Mo Wen glanced at him and shook his head slightly.

He set his gaze on Tianyu and looked at Tianyou, who seemed to have an indifferent smile on his face at any time.

“Do you expect the enemy to get ahead?” Mo Wen thought in his heart.


In the arena, Tianyou was still smashing the brain door of the foolish lonely.

“A good definition is to perceive what others want and choose actions to achieve what they want——”

“Put into practice the actions that achieve what others want… But this battle is…”

“Quite the opposite!”

His attack stopped, looked down at the huge amount of blood above his head, and walked alone without moving, and his body suddenly leaned back.

At this moment, Tianyou showed an amazing reach.

Tianyou’s hands grabbed the two ankles of Yudi’s lone foot, and suddenly stood up against the powerful waist force!


The wailing of the vertebrae sounded in the body of the foolish lonely.


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