“It feels like the body has been getting more and more comfortable with the power of the gene lock lately.”

Early in the morning, Takasaka, who was covered in sweat, had just finished using the power of the gene lock.

“It’s not as painful as before, and the burden on the body is not as strong.”

After feeling the body, although it still hurts, it is undoubtedly much easier than the pain that penetrates deep into the bone marrow before.

“Could it be because we have officially entered puberty?” Takasaka’s brows furrowed.

“Or is my body ready to unlock the second genetic lock?” Takasaka couldn’t help but feel moved.

Although the power of the first-order gene lock is powerful, it does not involve any extraordinary power, because it is the power of the body’s instinct itself, but if the second-stage gene lock is unlocked, then the physical transcendence will be unlocked, and this alone makes him look forward to it.

As for the deeper the unlocked gene lock, the faster it will be to die.

Takasaka has now figured out that when puberty is over, then he will definitely die, and if he struggles to unravel to the fourth stage, then there is still a glimmer of life.

“Very good, if this is the case, then I will open a few more times a day to let the body completely adapt.” Takasaka said in a good mood, even the physical pain made Takasaka feel much lighter all of a sudden.

“Alas, let’s take a shower first, otherwise it’s not good to go to school.”

Feeling wet on his body, Takasaka stood up in a good mood and began to go to the bathroom.


“Why is Uncle Daisuke sad?” Looking at Daisuke Takasaka’s sad face at the dining table, Takasaka couldn’t help but ask curiously.

Unlike Daisuke Takasaka, who usually had a serious face and just ate breakfast quietly, Daisuke Takasaka was eating with a sad face at this time.

“Nothing.” Daisuke Takasaka shook his head, obviously not wanting to say.

After seeing Daisuke Takasaka’s appearance, Takasaka was also speechless for a while, but then he didn’t care, apparently from Daisuke Takasaka’s mouth just now, Takasaka had learned the answer he wanted.

If Daisuke Takasaka can be so sad and not tell him, then only his work matters

And Daisuke Takasaka, as a police officer, obviously will not tell him about his work.

After a quick meal, Takasaka and Kirino Takasaka left under Kyosuke Takasaka’s shocked gaze.

“Naw! Takasaka: Do you know why Dad is so sad? On the way to school, Takasaka Kirino and Takasaka walked together, and suddenly Takasaka Kirino spoke.

“I don’t know.” Takasaka shook his head.

“What, I thought you were curious.” Looking at Takasaka’s calm face, Takasaka Kirino said with a depressed expression.

“I’m curious about what’s the use, obviously this is an internal matter for Uncle Daisuke’s police, even if I am curious, Uncle Daisuke will not tell me.” Takasaka said speechlessly.

Now as a student, it is obvious that he cannot become a police officer immediately, so no matter how curious he is, Daisuke Takasaka will not be able to take him.

“Hmph! I know. Takasaka Kirino snorted softly twice and said with a smug look.

“You know?” Takasaka looked at Takasaka Kirino with a surprised expression.

“That’s right, at night I heard a call from my father saying that another author had been killed.”

“How? I’m awesome! Takasaka said proudly.

“So it is!” Takasaka nodded.

“Takasaka, aren’t you surprised by the news?” Seeing that Takasaka just nodded and didn’t say anything else, Takasaka Kirino immediately said with a look of dissatisfaction.

“Why should I be surprised?” Takasaka asked rhetorically.

“You must know that it was the author who was killed!”

“So what?”

“It is impossible for the murderer to come to a policeman’s house to kill me, a little author, right?” Takasaka asked rhetorically.

“Ugh!” When Takasaka Kirino heard Takasaka’s words, he was suddenly speechless.

Obviously, she also knew that Takasaka was right, after all, there could not be such a stupid murderer running to the policeman’s house to kill an unrelated author.

“Oni-chan, what are you talking about?” At this moment, Shinheng Ayase suddenly trotted over and ran to Takasaka and asked curiously.

“Good morning Ayase!” Looking at the girl who trotted over and was a little breathless, Takasaka said hello.

“Good morning Oni-chan, Kirito.” Shinheng Ayase said with a happy look.

“Good morning Ayase!” Kirino Takasaka greeted.

“By the way, Oni-chan, what were you talking about?” Shinheng Ayase asked with a curious look.

“Nothing.” Takasaka shook his head.

About the killing of the author, it is quite possible that it is now an official secret, not to mention that as a pure maiden Shinheng Ayase is not suitable to know.

“Hmph! Oni-chan is annoying! Shinheng Ayase pouted and said with a look of dissatisfaction, showing his dissatisfaction.

After Takasaka Kirino on the side saw Shinheng Ayase’s appearance, he immediately looked at Shinheng Ayase suspiciously.

As a friend of Shinheng Ayase, Takasaka Kirino has never seen Shinheng Ayase so open.

Now seeing Shinheng Ayase actually showing the appearance of a little girl in front of Takasaka, Takasaka Kirino had to be puzzled.

“Well, this matter is not suitable for you to know, so it’s better that you don’t know.” Takasaka comforted.

“Okay then.” Shinheng Ayase nodded in understanding.

“Let’s go, let’s go to school together, or we’ll be late.” Takasaka said.

“Yes!” Shinheng Ayase nodded happily.

Takasaka then took Takasaka Kirino Shinheng Ayase to the train stop, and after the train arrived, he sat on it with the two of them.


“Here you go! Your thank you for this! As soon as he sat in his seat, a gift box appeared in front of Takasaka.

Looking at Hijiya Hachiman who looked unloveable on the side, and Yui Hihama with a look of gratitude to himself.

After thinking for a short moment, Takasaka suddenly waved his hand again and again, and the gift box in Yui’s hand suddenly retreated, and said at the same time:

“No thanks, Yubihama-san, I didn’t actually help you much yesterday, so if you want to thank Yukinoshita Yukino and Hichiya Hachiman.”

Yesterday afternoon, with the help of Yukino under the snow and Hachiman Hichiya who couldn’t see it, Yukihama Yui finally made a cookie that could barely swallow before the school was about to close.

Well, this is what Hijiya Hachiman said after trying it.

Whether it is true or not, Takasaka cannot guarantee, and of course does not dare to guarantee.

“Huh? But you’ve helped me a lot! Yubihama Yui said with a look of surprise.

“No, no, no, I was just watching yesterday.” Takasaka shook his head again and again and said.

“But!” Yubihama Yui looked at the gift box in his hand, looking unwilling.

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