Gao Ban, who had long known that Ying Li was going to attack, immediately hid.

“Don’t hide if you have the ability!” After Ying Li Li saw Gao Ban’s hiding, she immediately said angrily, and after speaking, she attacked again with her ponytail.

“If you have the ability, don’t attack with your hair!” Gao Pan said speechless while hiding.


After a while, Yingli Li, who did not attack people, was not only tired and panting.

“How? Still hitting me? Looking at the tired and panting Eiri pear, Gao Bansi shook his head helplessly.

If Eiri wasn’t a girl, Gaoban felt that his fists might have been hard by now!

“You guy has the ability not to hide!” Ying Li said breathlessly.

After hearing Yingli’s words, Gaoban not only rolled his eyes.

“Okay, stop messing around with you, by the way, how are your illustrations?”

“Why do you guy write so much!”

After hearing Gao Ban’s words, Yingli Pear, which was about to dissipate, suddenly came out again.

“Do you know how tired I am from drawing illustrations every day?” Eiri roared angrily.

Do you know how desperate she was when she learned from Machida that Takabaki had finished writing and that she also had a lot of illustrations to draw?

Every day is constantly drawing, constantly drawing, and now she is dreaming of illustration even when she sleeps!

“I write a lot, and I complain?” Gao Pan was speechless when he heard this.

Although he is suspected of cheating, at least the light novel can be regarded as he wrote it one by one!

“Don’t complain about who you complain about, who made you write so fast!” Eiri muttered.

“It’s not me urging you!” Gao Bange rolled his eyes.

“Okay, don’t talk about it, let’s meet in the big classroom this afternoon!”

Gao Pan waved his hand at Ying Li and said, after speaking, Gao Pan left.

“You fellow!”

Ying Li gritted her teeth and looked at the back of the high board that had left!


After school, big office.

Because he had already told Yui Hihama and Hijiya Hachiman that he would not go to club activities today, he led Megumi Kato over.

After learning today that Megumi Kato was the heroine she was looking for from Yubihama Yui, An Yiren also ran over, and then after a lobbying meal, set a time to meet in the big office after school in the afternoon.

After pushing open the door, Takapan saw Eiri arguing with a beautiful girl who seemed to have seen somewhere.

It’s just that after Gao Banban pushed open the door, the two tacitly stopped arguing, snorted at each other, and separated.

“Ugh! An Yilun also said that the big office should be here, right? Takabana looked at Eiri and then asked.

Although it had been determined that this was the place where they were going to meet, plus an unfamiliar person, Gaoban still thought it was better to ask!

“That’s right, it’s here, and I don’t know where An Yilun also that guy went?” Ying Li replied unpleasantly.

“This junior, are you also invited by An Yilun?” At this moment, the familiar beautiful girl suddenly came over with a curious look.

“That’s right.” Gao Banchi nodded.

“Kasumigaoka Shiwa is my name!” Shiwa Kasumigaoka introduced herself.

“Hello, I’m Koban!” Gao Banchi nodded.

“We seem to have met this Gaoban junior somewhere, right?” Suddenly, Kasumi Hills Shiyu asked curiously.

“Indeed, I saw it at Amachida Shuku in the Immortal River more than half a month ago!” Gao Banchi nodded.

Although it was a little familiar at first, Takabaki could still recall when he recalled where he had seen Shiwa Kasumigaokaoka.

“You’re the author of The Covenant War?” Shiha Kasumigaoka looked at the high board with a stunned expression.

“What’s wrong? Any questions? Gao Pan looked at Shiyu Kasumigaoka who looked stunned, and Gao Ba was a little puzzled.

“Hey, hey! How is Kasumi Lao Fat? The high board is better than you, right? After Eiri on the side looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s appearance, he immediately stared at her with malice and said.

She knows everything about the almost cut off in the first “Love Metronome” written by Shiha Kasumigaoka, and if it weren’t for the help of An Yirenya, then Shiyu Kasumigaoka’s first writing in life would have failed!

“No matter how powerful it is, it is better than you defeated dog!” Kasumigaoka Shiwa immediately retorted.

“Who do you say is a defeated dog?”

After hearing Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s words, Yingli suddenly became a little anxious.

“Whoever answers, I will say whom!”

“You fellow!” After hearing Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s words, Eiri not only gritted her teeth.

“Okay, you two don’t argue!” Looking at the two people who seemed to be wronged, Gao Ban’s voice couldn’t help but be a little speechless.

“Then again, hasn’t An Yilun arrived yet?” Gao Banxi changed the subject.

“Hmph! I haven’t seen him at all since I got out of school and now! Ying Li Li said with an angry look.

You must know that she has very important work to do, and it is impossible to waste time here.

“Indeed, An Yi is indeed a little excessive!” At this moment, Megumi Kato on the side spoke up.

“Huh? How can there be a person here? ”

At the moment when Megumi Kato spoke up, Eiri and Shiwa Kasumigaoka were not only taken aback.

“I said the two of us have been standing here for half a day, didn’t you even find out?” Gao Pan said speechlessly.

“Sorry!” After hearing Gao Ban’s words, Ying Li and Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn’t help but glance at each other, and then remembered that it was indeed the two people from Gao Ban.

“It’s okay, my name is Megumi Kato!” Megumi Kato introduced herself.

“Hello Megumi Kato! My name is Shiwa Kasumigaoka! Shiwa Kasumigaoka said.

“I’m Sawamura * Spencer Eituri!” Ying Li hurriedly introduced

“I know, I heard it when you spoke just now!” Megumi Kato said expressionlessly.

“Ugh!” After hearing Megumi Kato’s words, Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Eiri couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, knowing that they were arguing just now.

“Senior Sister Kato, were you also called over by An Yilun?” Kasumigaoka Shiwa asked curiously.

“Yes!” Megumi Kato nodded.

“So, what did he call you here for, did An Yilun also say it?”

“Be a heroine!” Megumichi Kato.

“Heroine?” Eiri couldn’t help but widen her eyes after hearing Megumi Kato’s words.

“Well, according to An Yi, because he saw the scene where Gaoban handed me the hat blown away by the north wind, he was inspired, and then he made up his mind to make a game, and the heroine of the game is me!” Megumi Kato said calmly.

“Huh? It turned out that this nonsensical reason made us wait here for half a day? After hearing Megumi Kato’s words, Eiri immediately said with an unhappy face.

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