Even compared to other Holy Grail wars, whether it is five or four battles, it is a pediatric for this Holy Grail war.

Although the quality of the followers varies, they are undoubtedly heroes from ancient times, and they are all existences handed down in human history.

The attack just now left a scar on Siegfried’s face, a slight bloodstain, and slipped down from above.

Casually wiped the wound on his face with his fingers, and recovered instantly.

Evil Dragon Blood Armor This is armor made from the power of the Evil Dragon King Farrhona, and any attack below level B cannot deal any damage.

Any attack above level B will eliminate the attack power of level B.

This is in exchange for magic power, and if there is a suitable royal lord, it is obviously very cost-effective.

“Please help us.”

Looking at this battle situation that has been fought for a long time and feeling the magic power consumed in his body, “Six Zero Seven” Gold was a little unable to sit still.

Although it is obvious that Garna’s magic power consumes more, the other party’s performance has always been too calm.

The wound on Zigfei’s face just now also gave Gold great psychological pressure.

And now Gold wants to seek the help of the saint next to him.

“The hero named Garna next to you is your enemy.”

“I remember saying earlier that I couldn’t meddle in their fighting.”

Hearing this, Gold was also speechless, and he actually followed the rules, watching from the side, is this really something that people can do.

The sunset has gradually risen, and the evening is clearly coming to an end.

“If this continues, we will fight until the sun rises, and although I don’t care, your lord seems to be tired of it.”

Glancing back slightly, Zigfei also noticed the eager look on his imperial lord’s face.

“I hope to fight with you next time.”

“Well, Saber of the Black Side, I am sincerely grateful for this luck to be able to fight you in the first battle.”

Speaking of Garna. He was about to leave here, when another figure appeared.

The golden figure appeared on the flashing street lamp, different from the light summoned, and Gilgamesh apparently swallowed the potion that could make him young.

It’s not just too confident, it’s something else, anyway, now Gilgamesh has changed from an adult tsundere to a young little witty ghost.

“You are the Archer of the Blue Side.”

Joan of Arc did not say the name because she knew that at this time, the name was sometimes said and the referee was fair.


“Originally, King Ben thought that this Holy Grail War was just an ordinary game, but it seems that it is different now.”

“In that case, King Ben looks forward to you continuing to offer an interesting prelude to King Ben.”

Saying that, Gilgamesh, who was very crazy and cool, waved his hand and left here.

To be honest, Gilgamesh now has a trace of regret when he was a child.

I already knew that I would not drink this rejuvenating drug.

Judging from the battle just now, that son of the sun god Suriya was obviously a very powerful existence.

That level of magic power, that scorching sun true fire, even most of the treasures can be melted by the barbecue, although the king’s treasure can be used, but the body when he was a child is too weak.

If he was really hit by his flames, I was afraid that this body would be shattered in an instant.

“I didn’t expect that this Holy Grail War still has opponents worth watching, not bad.”

After this battle, Garna disappears here and Gold wants to invite Joan of Arc. Darker.

Unfortunately, the disdainful Joan of Arc directly refused the request.

The other side’s plan failed.

“This Holy Grail War is not right, obviously only two parties are right, but suddenly there is another party, and the magic power in the earth seems to suddenly have an extra section.”

“Maybe go to the emerging side.”

Thinking only of Joan of Arc, he saw his broken clothes and suddenly wanted to cry without tears.

You know, this is not what she has to pay back.

At this time, the headquarters of Yugdomi on the other side is different from the original work, and a certain artificial child of destiny did not escape, but was picked up.

After all, there may be Astolfo here according to the artificial human little brother.

At the moment when this artificial man escaped, he was caught by Bai Maung Hassan and thrown back. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Now more than 80 Hassan are scattered in various locations in the city, searching for traces of the imperial lord.

What can be determined at the moment is a large mansion in the suburbs, and the church of the church of the church clearly has a residence of personnel, apparently the enemy lord 0……..

After a little groping, Danic felt that he had found Hassan. Correct usage of Sabah.

In addition to ordinary assassinations in the world, these hundred Hassan are quite good at bringing people, as long as they assign a few artificial humans to each of them, they can make good use of these resources to search for intelligence and find some trouble for the enemy.

If you equip the 80-person group with magic props or modern firearms, the combat effectiveness can be even higher.

So this is the correct use of Bai Maung Hassan.

“Ah, so why would I sleep in a place like a cemetery early in the morning.”

Xiao Mo, dressed very sassy, was inside the cemetery with blankets.

The devil knows the purpose here, there is actually such a thing as a secret room underground, and the most important thing is that this place was really found by the lion robbery realm.

Looking at the skull Mordred who was thrown up by himself and thrown down in front of him, Mordred was a little speechless.

At this time, the lion robbery on the other side disposed of some corpses and made them into magic dresses.

“It doesn’t matter if this kind of thing is it, your magic should recover relatively quickly here.”

Hearing this, Xiao Mo threw away the skull on his hand.

“Ah, it’s not a question of what magic will be like at all, hey!”

This little tiger tooth Xiao Mo looked at the man with three scars on his face in front of him and was very dissatisfied.

“Oh, 2.6 are you scared?”

“It’s not! I just can’t stand being treated like this in this kind of place! ”

“How can it be easy to defend and difficult to attack, this is a good place.”

It is said to Mordred that the tomb here is a broken place lion robbery boundary, and there is no way, after all, who calls him a necromancer.

“Damn it, how can I say I’m a knight too?!”

“Even if this is not the case, there must be a protest in general, who will sleep idle in the cemetery!”

The words are already clear, Mordred just wants to hang out.

“If you want to go out, you can go out alone, I still have something to do here.”

“Ah, don’t, it’s too boring to talk alone.”

Looking at the little Mo Lion who was like a child, he was very helpless, and this felt like returning to the time of taking children.

Người mua: hieubaocot

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