This level of spirit, this level of destruction, helpless Medusa, can only condense his sight, focus the main attention on the hands and feet, turn his limbs into stone, make him incapacitated.

After doing all this, Medusa put on the blindfold and quickly left the place.

“Come on, come on! Suppressors! ”

“The time has come when arrogance is defeated and the pride of the strong is crushed! Hahahahahaha! ”

In the face of the empty place, Spartacus still shouted, still laughed maniacally.


The ground suddenly protruded, and the sharp iron cone instantly penetrated Spartacus’ body.

This is a treasure sublimated from legend, and the capital punishment king was formed by the legend of Vlad III about inserting soldiers through iron stakes.

After the bonus of the inherent land, standing on the land of Romania, Vlad III will gain greater power.

This is not only reflected in the improvement of attributes, but also the strengthening of treasures.

The capital punishment king has the concept of penetration, as long as an iron pile is inserted into the human body, then from the position of the iron pile, there will be countless iron piles to carry out continuous damage, and give a continuous penetration concept.

Unless the follower has strong resilience or has the power to shave ninety percent of the damage, any follower will declare the end of the battle the moment it is penetrated by this iron village.

But alas, Black doesn’t seem to want to kill Spartacus.

“Then the rebel Red Berserker, if it is a man of power, then Yu is the one who stands at its apex.”

“Hahahahaha! Are you the suppressors! ”

“Wow Suppressor! I want to sing the triumphant song of victory…”

So shouted, but unable to move.

This is the other side.

“It’s a nice piglet, if I catch it, I can change it.”

Kar Moment, looking at Spartacus, who had been stunned at this time, greed flashed in his eyes.

As Medea’s senior, she can also do this kind of thing of using one follower to summon another follower.

From the current point of view, this Berserker is really not good, but if it can be caught and summoned again, then it may not be.

Connecting spiritual veins to obtain magic is something that any witch can do.

“Okay, that’s it, Lancer, you drag them down, I’ll take Berserker~.”

“Go, you will surely usher in victory Lancer.”

Sailing: A

The journey of those who fear the wisdom of the witch and know the love of the goddess is given a word of kindness to overcome suffering.

In an instant, Oz felt that his buff had been added, not only his strength increased, but it seemed that there was a kind of guidance that would lead him to overcome all suffering.

“Besides, piglets, you have to work hard.”

A string of tiny dolls, countless ropes connecting them, looks like little pink piggy dolls, but in fact these are real death row prisoners.

Karke invited them to his feast, and made them piglets, and they would be the vanguard of the battle.

Of course, it’s not just Karl who has ideas, but also Morgan. Lefi.

No matter how good it is, it is also an excellent god magician to change clothes and summon this kind of thing, Morgan can still do it.

Therefore, this time it is Gorgon who has always wanted revenge.

Although he still maintains his human form, it is only because of magic, if he wants to, in an instant, Gorgun can become a complete goddess of Warcraft.


His heels leaned against the tree and whistled with a leisurely look when a man walked out of the woods.

The person who came was Medusa, and although I didn’t know what the person from the red side was, the black side unified that Medusa was too useful.

The Petrified Demon Eye, which can control the transformation of others into stone, has strange powers that can increase its own power, and has a fairly high magic power.

Even the divine nature has an E- degree, which can be said to be an all-powerful superman.

However, the opponent Achilles, this time, was immersed in the water of the River Styx and possessed an immortal body.

The immortal flower of the warrior was obtained by Achilles’ mother, who soaked him in the waters of the Styx and let the divine fire burn his body, the immortal body.

However, such an existence has two limitations, one is that the heel is still in a human state and has not been burned by flames.

The second is to face enemies with divine nature, and this skill will be canceled.

It is a pity that even if it is only to a very low degree, Medusa’s does have divinity.

The two soon collided together, and the battle between chains and short guns kept wielding Medusa like art, and the long chains wrapped around the trees, forming a dense net of attacks, on which Medusa bounced. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The speed blessed by inertia, coupled with its own strength, and the retention skill monster C, Medusa even suppressed Achilles for a while.

And until now, Achilles also realized that his defenses seemed to be ineffective, and the person in front of him was holding a divine existence.

“There is actually the blood of this god, it’s good, although it doesn’t look like a hero, but come on.”

Achilles ignited his fighting spirit and received another attack with one punch.

“‘It looks like your side is too wonderful.'”

At this time, the Spartacus side was attacked again.

Although Spartacus had fainted and was wrapped in clay ready to be transported, the huge herd of wild boars was too destructive.

It is obviously just a pink piglet, but every collision is like a small monster, which can directly smash the lower body of a human being when it hits the body.

And wild boars like this actually have these 800?

Whoever did it don’t need to think, it must be which camp of Caster.

The means of transforming humans into Warcraft is also a means that only magicians of the God Generation have this level of mystery.

The puppets of Avisblonn and the Charon on top of the castle are supporting here.

The attacks with the clay walls formed by the magic puppets were all prevented, and the distant Charon could almost directly penetrate three pigs with a single sword.

Although there are many pigs here, with a little effort, you should be able to clean up the column quickly.

But anyone with an IQ (good Li Zhao) can know that this is just a striker, and the real opponent has not yet come.

At this time, a blue-haired voice in the group of beasts continued to shuttle through its speed, and the magic released by the vermilion spear pierced the wall made of clay in an instant.

“Then Berserker, I’ll take it a little.”

Oz flicked the spear in his hand, directly shattering the clay, and countless wild boars directly arched Spartacus and began to retreat.

Avisbronn did not rush to attack, and it was a very unwise choice to run up to Caster, who was an auxiliary Lancer in close combat.

In the distance, Charon naturally saw Oz and then pointed the arrow directly, playing Oz as Cuchulain.

However, under the power of the dodging arrows, all the arrows flew around, and did not hit Oz at all.

“Since no one comes, I will accept your life.”

To be honest, Oz is very instigated to kill.

Người mua: hieubaocot

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