“Ah, it’s so annoying, it’s so annoying, I lost so many piglets, and I didn’t even grab a single person.”

At this time, a certain failed witch was in a frenzy of incompetence, and Yuna, who was sitting and watching at the side table, and Oz, who was in the identity of Cuchulain, had been watching here for half an hour.

“Okay, okay, Caster, although we didn’t get the follower, didn’t we get a lot of information.”

Yuna was trying to comfort the very angry Karl at this time.

“The wallet is completely unnecessary, after all, the group of people can recognize it at a glance.”

“Achilles, Atalanta, and Heracles, and even the goddess of the Invisible Island.”

“Damn, it’s all a group of such monsters, if you don’t have one more combat power, you can’t beat it no matter how you think about it.”

Although the witch of the god generation has all kinds of strange and unfathomable existences, all of Karke’s skills are on poisoning.

As far as poisoning is concerned, the dishes made by Karke can even turn everyone under all those high street demigods into pink hair dryers.

But the problem is that they are not stupid enough to actually eat, in other words, the followers don’t need to eat at all.

Even the use of MetaboPiglets is useless for those powerful followers.

At most, a treasure like this would bully a female follower like Atalanta.

Like Heracles, as soon as he eats it, he becomes magical, eats wildly, and no matter how he eats, his stomach will not burst, unless he combines his inherent skills and treasures.

Until now, Karke feels that he has really come to the wrong place, and this high-end Holy Grail war is really not something he can fight.

Might as well be summoned to the subspecies’ Grail War.

“Forget it, I gave up, let’s go to the organization, it’s really not my job as a magician to go it alone.”

In the end, Karke chose to swing rot.

And at this moment, at dusk, the blond and the green-haired figure stood opposite each other.

“I didn’t expect to see you here, my best friend~!”

Hundreds of meters apart, Enchidu stood on the earth, and Gilgamesh stood on the peaks.

“I originally thought that this Holy Grail War was all boring, but I didn’t expect you to come.”

At this time, the young Gilgamesh is a little regretful of drinking the rejuvenation medicine, how can you fight with your best friend in this state, at most, take the treasure to bombard.

As for melee combat, let’s not say whether the adult self can win his best friend, his small body plate must have been photographed, and then directly smashed.

So Gilgamesh directly opened the Golden Gate and then drew the EA.

“I’m a little sorry, but let’s decide the winner.”

Standing in the sky, the three-stage cylindrical sword rotates continuously until it turns completely red.

The clouds in the sky were blown into a whirlpool, and from the surface of the earth, a huge whirlpool was forming over Romania, and if nothing else, a huge storm would form here if nothing stood in the way.

“Very good, Jill, although it is a little unfair to fight with you in this state, but I still respond to your expectations.”

“In the words of this era, I’m going to be full of firepower!”

The dry and yellow earth grew flowers again, and the whirlpools above the sky became gloomy as the clouds accumulated, and fine raindrops also fell on the earth.

At this time, the earth that emitted golden light and the sky that emitted blood red light formed a sharp contrast.

It is said that in the beginning, heaven and earth were separated, no He was opened, the world was cut apart by my sword, the sword was rolled up, and the hell in heaven was the end of the eve of creation, and it was laid down by death.

Enuma Elish.

It is the concept of the flow of life, the fire woven to overcome the horror of the original.

The past returns to a different day, and the other day returns to Hengyuan. The earth will connect with the sea to the firmament.

It is called the fruit of life, and the fear that is inscribed. Therefore, man creates paradise on his own, and even devours the original.

Even if he goes to hell with others and is pleased by his friends, he still makes him sing the praises of paradise – O world, wings to the gods (Enuma Elish)

Enchidu’s body is disappearing and melting, turning into a huge chain to heaven, and the earth is flooded with flowers of wisdom, and the golden light that rises into the sky is an attack on the existence of Su Zheng.

Destruction Endless destruction.

The lock of heaven represents the binding of the gods, and the huge lock with unparalleled impact collided with the red storm.

The whirlpool above the sky was dispersed in an instant, and a violent explosion was generated here.

The same EX-level treasure tool, the power generated directly caused great damage to this world.

At least for humans, this level of power is comparable to the weapons used in major wars.

In this way, the ten miles in radius were directly emptied, and the huge pit was generated on the ground, and the two sides did not stay behind to strike with all their strength, and in the middle of the way, Gilgamesh even drank several bottles of magic potions in order to replenish his magic power, before fully exerting the power of this sword.

For others, Gilgamesh may disdain to pull out EA, it is for Enchidu, for his best friend Gilgamesh will go to great lengths to use his rights.

This is his own respect for him, and it is also respect for himself. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And this also almost formed a tacit understanding between the two.

Therefore, everyone except Izumi was shocked by the explosion.

The explosion caused an earthquake in almost the entire Romanian region, and even in that area, the energy of the earth’s veins was drained.

From that window, everyone saw the pillars of energy rising from the sky, the clouds that constantly repelled outward with the explosion, and the huge shock wave from afar.


“Can Gold do this level of Saber?”

Looking at the scene outside the window for a moment, feeling the impact from a distance, he asked.

And this matter is actually unknown to Gold, so now Gold looks at Saber behind him.

“Saber, if you use a treasure tool, can you do this level of destruction?!”

Looking at the explosion, Zigfei’s eyes became serious, and then said seriously.

“This level of power, even if I use treasures with all my strength, I can’t achieve it, this is beyond A++ other treasures, if it exists, I am afraid it is also an attack on the world itself.”

“In other words, is this a treasure of the opposite realm?”

This powerful power successfully scared Danic with this level of attack, even if it was used, the ultimate treasure Vlad III would probably not be able to eat this blow.

“It seems that things are gradually getting troublesome, let’s see what news is on Ermelo II’s side.”

…… Ten..

Người mua: hieubaocot

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