Sudden Death Gun (GeBolg)

The scarlet vortex once again appeared before the human eyes, it was the wingless inheritance of the god eater, although in other worlds Skaha may not be as powerful as Cuchulain.

But in the world called Type Moon, Skaha, but the real, excluded from the world, the god of killing gods.

Because he killed too many gods, he ended up becoming the existence of gods.

Even the vermilion spear in Cuchulain’s hand was just a casual product that the other party could make in batches.

Even compared with Odin, it is only a thin line of existence.

And now this divine power has appeared in front of Achilles again.

At this moment, Achilles, who had originally shown surprise, suddenly turned into a wanton smile.

A Small World Surrounded by Heaven (Achilles Cosmos)

A small round shield appeared in Achilles’ hand, and there was no doubt about the power inside.

The treasure has already been unfolded, so there are nodules released here.

A armor enchantment treasure that rivals the “Blazing Sky Sevenfold Ring (RhoAias)”. It is a shield made by the forging god Hephaestus.

The world as seen by Achilles is projected on it, and the sea currents are surging around it because of the god of the sea.

To confront this shield is to oppose the world, and once launched, it can defend against people, armies, cities, countries, and divine treasures.

In an instant, the Greek city-state appeared in front of Oz, and the original imposing attack was all defended, and the vermilion spear returned to Oz’s hands again.

“What exactly do you want to do!”

“What I want to do, look at the top of my head.”

The fleeting world that absorbs glory is directly shattered and everyone returns to reality again, and at this time, above the sky, Scorpio is ready for everything.

Scorpio shot (AntaresSnipe)

This is the treasure of the Centaur Macharon.

The embodiment of the fact that Charon turned into Sagittarius and continued to aim at Scorpio is said to be a blow that is said to penetrate the peak of Star Dou and archers.

It can be launched immediately at the moment of decision, relying not on a bow, but on a meteor strike shot from the constellation. , even when dying, it will be automatically activated after one turn.

After the treasure is used, it cannot be used again until the next night.

Among the attacks that can be carried out by Charon, it is an absolute shot with the highest power and precision.

Since the heavenly Sagittarius represents Charon, Charon is always pulling a bow.

It only needs to decide the target of the arrow to launch, and there is no need to liberate the real name and the magic of the animal, completely eliminating the time difference that bow weapons must exist due to actions such as riding arrows and drawing bows.

This is a meteor blow that can only be achieved by the constellation that has been pulling a bow against the scorpion in the sky.

This huge power Oz felt that the death star on his head was shining, and at this time, if he did not summon his followers, then he would definitely die here.

However, according to the agreement, once the beluga whale is summoned, then his own power will disappear and he can only sit straight and rear, but the one who leads his side should be able to solve this problem now.

Oz doesn’t want to give up the power in his hands, not to mention that he has already experienced the feeling of being a hero, so naturally he won’t want to give up.

“I am here to protect me by observer, the observer beluga whale, in the name of the curse.”

“What?!” X2

Shouting, no one expected that the one in front of him was not a follower, but a royal lord, that is, the other party’s follower had never been shown.

At this time, the attack in the firmament above the distant skyrim had not yet arrived, and the supporting giant whale appeared in the sky dome.

The clouds turned into oceans, the clouds were beating and churning, it did exist, but this kind of thing should not exist.

Not gods, demons, or heroes, but phenomena.

One of the shadow mages was said by Izumi to be the opposite of his non-believing self, and he began to spy on other followers from the beginning of the summoning.

But now, perhaps because of the curse, he forcibly appeared at this time, which is the embodiment of the ultimate fantasy and the existence of the story itself.

The attack that fell from above the sky fell on the beluga whale, but it did not have the slightest effect.

The beluga whale summoned by Ha in another world is different, this one is a real existence created by Izumi Shu.

It is an existence that can travel in the universe and face cosmic rays, and even planetary impacts.

Directly took the gluttonous giant mouth and opened the beam that was larger than the big head, and directly rushed out.

In an instant, the streamers of the sky and the shooting above the stars fought violently, and the violent explosion was generated in the sky, even the clouds were lifted, and even the earth was shaken.

As if everything was destroying, and as if everything was being born.

The idea that this is not an ordinary existence has appeared in everyone’s mind.

“One last time.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This voice swirled and disappeared here, and the originally huge figure disappeared into nothingness again.

“Gee, it’s really powerful, if it can really trend, then what else to fight.”

“You say yes, Red Lancer.”

did not feel the disappearance of the power in his body, Proud did not hesitate to put his eyes on Lancer, now Achilles’ life is hanging by a thread, compared to the Achilles who has not suffered any injuries at this time, it is obviously better to deal with.

As soon as he stepped on his feet, Oz wanted to attack Achilles again.

Diatrekhon Aster Lonkhe

“Lying down, how many treasures do you guy have!”

Another treasure used the venue to start the transformation, obviously the inherent enchantment type of bag.

The original night became day, and the field became a steppe, and there were only two people here, that is, Achilles with his bare hands and another with his bare hands, Oz.

There was no hesitation (Zhao Zhao) without speaking, this is a fist to flesh battle, big fighting, small and weak and strong.

The two beings interacted like this, punching after punch.

The blessing of the original rune has long passed, and the power at this time has returned to the original point, and in terms of strength, the hat is no longer Achilles’ opponent, or even speed.

But even so, with his petite body and superb martial arts, he still fought against Achilles, back and forth.

“How, are you only to this extent, boy.”

“Obviously not a heroic spirit, but wearing a heroic vest, what kind of person are you.”

Another punch to the proud word, because of that huge power and retreated.

“What kind of person am I, an ordinary person who has been involved in the Holy Grail War, but all of you are big heroes, either demigods or gods.”

“You said that if you are defeated by me like this, can I also be a hero.”

Người mua: hieubaocot

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