Dragon Garden, after finishing speaking, he saw the confident look on Horikita Suzune’s face at this time, although he did not show a smile, but the expression of victory was already revealed.

Damn, this guy doesn’t really have any proof, it is said that when he acted, it seems that a person saw three wastes.

Long Yuan, thinking viciously, while hoping that Class D did not find evidence.

“For what Class C said, it happened that a person on our side happened to pass by and took a photo.”

Saying that, he put his hand into his pocket, Horikita Suzune took out a U and handed it to Akane, the secretary of the student union, and then the curtains automatically closed, and the projection on the PPT turned into a photo of three people beating each other.

Obviously, it was Sudo who was suppressed when he was present.

Obviously, from this diagram, we can conclude that Sudo was the suppressed party from beginning to end, so we do not think that Sudo has the ability to cause such injuries as “four-seven-seven”. ”

And in Class C, the teacher Sakagami Suma suddenly spoke.

“Although it seems that Sudo has been temporarily suppressed on the surface, hand-to-hand combat suppression and counter-killing often occur, so I don’t think this evidence is enough to be conclusive.”

“However, to some extent, what Class D said does have some truth, it may be that Class C’s words are more sharp, which caused this violent incident.”

“Class D Ken Sudo suspended school for two weeks, and we suspended school for a week.”

“Class D refuses.”

“In daily life, Sudo is indeed the kind of person who never thinks about his words and deeds, and brings trouble to his surroundings, maybe he should really reflect on the contradiction of language, but it is by no means about this incident, what he needs to reflect on is what he has done in the past.”

“So regarding what we just discussed, I don’t think there is anything wrong with Sudo, because I am sure that this is not an unfortunate incident caused by chance, but an incident deliberately planned by Class C, and I advocate that Sudo is completely innocent.”

Although it is a very attractive statement, it does not produce any actual useful data.

Therefore, the C class guide Sakagami Suma actually laughed at this time, and pointed at Horikita Suzune with a pen.

“Huh, a deliberately planned event?”

“This is really ridiculous, it seems that the sister of the student council president is a little…”

And at this time, Horikita Suzune directly interrupted and stood up to look at Horikita.

“Based on the testimony of eyewitnesses, Sudo is the victim, so please make a correct judgment on this.”

Hearing this, Class C was obviously unconvinced, after all, the student council president must know that his surname is also Horikita.

“We are the victims, and the student council president is obviously more injured on our bodies.”

“Knock knock!”

Just then came the sound of knocking on the table, and everyone went quiet, and came down to look at Kazumi Shu at the time of the word.

“Lingyin, it seems that you still have to grow ah, language has no meaning in this kind of thing, the judge will not favor you because of sensibility, they are just a tool for cold storage,”

“It can be proved that we have conclusive evidence.”

Saying that, Kazumi put his hand into his pocket and also took out a U.

“Here is a video recording of the brawl of the day.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s eyes suddenly stared at that U.

“How is that possible? What nonsense are you talking about, if I remember correctly, there was no surveillance video of you in that place at all. ”

Obviously, Long Yuan was a little unable to sit still at this time, and there were also three seriously injured people who were frantically sweating cold.

“Whether there is monitoring in Dragon Park is not up to you, whether it is true or not, you will naturally know when it is broadcast.”

Looking at Ryuyuan with a confident smile, Kazumi handed U to Akane Tachibana.

“Then play the video.”

As the words fell, Tachibana clicked the mouse, and the video was instantly projected on the large screen, obviously this is a captured surveillance video, but the pixels are not very high, but because of the close distance, it is also very clear.

According to the six items, it is obvious that there are three Class C students leading the way, and Ken Sudo, who is Class D, is following, but due to prop restrictions, there is no sound in this video, but at this time, Ken Sudo took out a white voice recorder in his pocket.

“As for the sound, I can make up for it here, and I have a recorder with me that day.”

Saying this, press on, the key begins to play, and gradually the sound begins to synchronize with the picture.

“Hey Ken Sudo, how do you become an official member of a D-class flaw, believe it or not, I cut you.”

Sudo: How? Do you guys want to fight?!

Sudo, clenching his fists tightly, looked at the three people in front of him, and even the three people still had wanton smiles…

“Fight, just rely on you to beat the three of us, that’s it.”

“Flaws are flaws, and your brain should not be full of muscles hahahaha.”

“But it seems that I have to teach you some lessons today.”

Saying that, one of the trio left, went up and pushed Sudo, but even so, the originally grumpy Sudo did not immediately hit but opened the distance.

“Hey, do three people think they can defeat me if there are many people?”

After rolling his sleeves, the expression on Sudo’s face became more and more hideous, but he really didn’t start, always giving people the feeling that as long as they added another fire, they would start immediately.

And this feeling Kondo in the trio walked up first, raised his hand to hit Sudo Ken in the face, and then Sudo Ken dodged, and then the conflict between the three began.

The video clearly shows the three besieging Sudo in three different ways, and it seems that with little effort, it is bound to death.

And in the middle of this way, except for the beating because they wanted to break free, the three of them hardly had much damage, let alone being punched out of a panda eye.

And that’s the end of the video.

“It feels like the student council president has this evidence that is enough to define Class C and take the initiative to murder Sudo.”

“What kind of punishment does the student union think is enough to calm down this incident.”


This word has attracted the attention of Horikita Gaku, and as usual, shouldn’t it be a punishment, is there a comment? Why use the word appeasement.

There was no verdict, Horikita Gaku was thinking about what the word pacification meant at this time.

Appease Class C?

Or appease Class D?

Or someone else?

Gradually, for some reason, Horikita always felt that the atmosphere of Class D had become strange, and a large part of them seemed to be looking forward to their own judgment in favor of Class C, as if what would happen once such a partial judgment was handed down. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although it is only a senses of unknown origin, Horikita has always been very confident in his senses.

“Then the final result of the verdict will be pronounced.”

Người mua: hieubaocot

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