: The Fear Once Dominated by Seraphim!

“Am I going to be the devil king?”

In the spacious throne hall, there is a gorgeous long table and several seats in the center.

Shen Yuan sat on one of the chairs and looked up. look atWearing a huge skeletal creature in a gorgeous jet-black academic robe, Momonga seems to have a mysterious affection for the profession of “swordsman”, perhaps because the mage profession is too wretched.

“Yeah, you look more domineering than me! I stand with you in this image, it looks like an evil skeleton high priest, and you, the Lich King, have terrifying power in this world. Prestige. Compared with me, you only need to disguise your purpose as cultivating an army of undead to rule the world!”

Momonga explained excitedly, and then he continued: “Next, I will play the role of an adventurer at the adamantite level, and in the process of the Scourge constantly invading the human world, I will eliminate the evil and defeat the evil plans of the Scourge. , so as to quickly increase the popularity…”

“This kind of thing doesn’t matter.”

Shen Yuan waved his hand noncommittally, and he could understand what Momonga was thinking: “However, let’s try it first, if there is no accident, Karn Village will be attacked again, so you can try playing the role of a so-called adventurer. Let’s put on a play.”

According to the plot of the original book, the following Sunshine Holy Ceremony will surround Karn Village.

At this time, the team led by the kingdom’s warrior commander Gazef will also arrive to attack the Sunshine Codex.

If you want the flying squirrel to quickly integrate into human society, then you can help him along the way, and teach the flying squirrel how to use weapons like swords by the way.

Kahn Village.

The funeral is taking place in the public cemetery on the outskirts of the village. The cemetery was built by the villagers at the request of Karthus, the singer of death. It looks like an open space surrounded by dilapidated fences, and there are many stone tablets with names engraved on it.

After the village chief recited the eulogy to comfort the undead in the cemetery, some bones in the cemetery were rested, and the undead gradually calmed down “207”.

They have already died once and turned into ghosts.

If the ghost is eliminated again, it will be completely dead.

In addition, those human bones also need to be disposed of, because the dark magic power of Karn Village is very heavy, and the evil soul fire can easily turn some dead corpses into new monsters. Without Shen Yuan’s death contract, Then these monsters belong to a kind of wild monsters.

So the village head and some powerful guys in the village were taught one of the syllables of the ‘Requiem’ to comfort the dead so that they could never be resurrected again.

After a while, Shen Yuan and Fei Shu returned to Karn Village after the funeral.

But at this time, Shen Yuan regained the gorgeous robes of the Dark Pope of the Death Singer, while the flying squirrel put on an unruly jet-black armor. One changed from a warrior to a mage, and the other from a mage to a warrior. It’s an exchange of identities.

Because the profession of Death Singer is quite famous in the human world, people in several neighboring kingdoms have heard of Karthus’s Requiem. A desirable sanctuary.

Many grieving relatives of the deceased will find solace in his mourning and find peace in the dirge.

In a sense, the status of the death chanter is similar to that of the archbishop of the religious order. It is a very honorable status. Occasionally, when some king’s heirs die, they will hire someone in this position to sing a ‘requiem’.

Just like that, when Shen Yuan and Feishu arrived at the village, they saw the little maid Anli rushing over with a serious expression, full of urgency.

“Is there any trouble again?”

Fei Shu looked at Shen Yuan.

Having said that, Shen Yuan looked at An Li, and the little maid nodded vigorously: “The people in the village found several cavalry on the road connecting the village. They have already entered the square, but the armed forces are not unified, and everyone should match them accordingly. , doesn’t look like a regular army…”

“Take us to have a look.”

Shen Yuan, who has observed the cavalry, still has a good understanding of their armed forces.

Like the knights of the Bajas Empire who attacked before, they all had the national emblem of the empire on their armor, and their armor was completely unified and heavy.

But when he came to the square, he found that although these people were also wearing armor, they were more like adventurers and mercenary groups, although it seemed that everyone’s clothes were matched according to their own situation , To put it mildly, he is a battle-tested veteran, but to put it bluntly, he is a mess.

There are about twenty cavalry troops, but they are still neatly arranged.

A man in the team looked down at the front and set his eyes on Shen Yuan and Feishu. After staring intently for a while, he cast his eyes full of momentum.

“I’m the warrior commander of the Kingdom of Ri-Estij, Gazef Stronoff. I was ordered by the king to patrol the villages in order to subjugate the knights of the Bahas Empire who were making trouble nearby.”

The captain spoke with great momentum.

His steady and deep voice resounded around him, making the uneasy villagers breathe a sigh of relief.

“Kingdom Warrior Captain?”

Momonga raised an eyebrow that didn’t exist. Although he hadn’t seen it before, he sounded like he should be a formidable guy.

“Are you the High Priest of Karthus?” Gazef stared at Shen Yuan, bent down and said slightly, “Thank you for comforting Her Highness with music, she is much better now, and the King did not leave without you And feel unhappy, and decided to grant you the title of baron, please do not refuse.”

“I’ve really become a nobleman?” Shen Yuan smiled slightly, and responded: “Thank you His Majesty the King for me. However, the imperial knights have been defeated by the tall and mighty black man next to me.”Beheaded by the soldiers, I was also saved by him. ”

Shen Yuan pushed the flying squirrel over. At first, the flying squirrel seemed flustered and at a loss.

But when he calmed down, he showed the domineering aura of a steel-level powerhouse. His burly armored body moved forward, and the air trembled slightly.

“My name is Feifei. I’m just an adventurer passing by. Because this village was attacked by enemy knights, I came to rescue it!”

Momonga waved his hand recklessly.

However, Gazef was not annoyed by his arrogance. Instead, he dismounted when he heard the words, and the metal armor on his body made a rattling sound. He stood on the ground and thanked him: “Thank you for saving this village. It’s unrewarding.”

As a warrior captain, he probably belongs to the upper class. Being able to salute a strange adventurer like this can tell him about his personality.

“Don’t be so polite! I’m only here for a reward, so no thanks.”

Momonga was taken aback. In fact, he didn’t do anything, and now he felt a little embarrassed.

“It looks like you are a very great adventurer, but please excuse my ignorance, what is your name?”

Gazef became curious about the adventurer Momonga, and also asked about his real purpose along the way.

“He’s on a journey, just passing by. He’s not a famous person.”

Shen Yuan was afraid that Fei Shu would reveal his secrets, so he fabricated an identity for him.

“…Is that so!” Gazef nodded thoughtfully.

“Your Excellency, Warrior Captain, if you want to inquire about the details of the villains who attacked the village, you can just ask me. I basically witnessed the whole process. This excellent adventurer came at a critical moment, but before he arrived, the empire The knights have already started slaughtering.”

As Shen Yuan said, he looked at the distant land, as if he sensed the approach of another force.

And at this moment.

“Warrior Captain! There is a situation!”

A cavalryman hurried into the square.

Judging from his panting appearance, he should have something very urgent to report.

While running, the cavalry shouted: “There are traces of Sunshine Sacred Scripture, and they are encircling the village!”

“Sunshine Scripture? At this time!?”

Gazef’s expression changed, and he shouted loudly: “Everyone gather! Fight!”

His steady voice reached everyone’s ears.

And on the other side.

The troops of the Sunshine Codex have also approached. They are not ordinary troops, but a well-trained and fanatical Theocracy’s troops.

“Dedicate your faith to the gods!”

Everyone began to pray silently to strengthen their deep faith.

Dedicating everything to [Slan Theocracy] and God, they have deeper beliefs than ordinary people.

This kind of belief allows them to commit cruel massacres with no expression on their faces, and they will not feel any guilt because of this, because they will attribute it to God’s will, and it is the inevitable pain to usher in the real peace of the world.

As long as you have firm justice and faith in your heart, you can hypnotize yourself when you do bad things, and you don’t even fear pain and torture. This is the terrible thing about fanatic believers.

In a sense, they are more evil than undead.

After the prayer was over, everyone’s eyes turned cold.

“start to act!”

Just one sentence.

Everyone quickly surrounded the village. Their movements were meticulous, giving people a well-trained feeling.

As an exclusive group engaged in secret operations in the Theocracy of Slane, they belong to the [Sunshine Codex], one of the six-color scriptures of the special intelligence force.

Usually the number of people is very small, including the preliminary team, no more than a hundred people.

But the threshold is extremely high, one must be able to master the third level of holy magic, and one must have superior physical fitness and a strong spirit, so everyone is an elite of the elite.

This time, the Sunshine Codex was assigned the task of ‘Assassinating the Kingdom’s Strongest Warrior Commander Gazef’.

It’s not so much an assassination as a siege.

Because Sunshine Sacred Code is not good at covert actions, so every time you act, you must be careful to avoid being discovered, so you will slowly track it down.

Now, the warrior commander Gazef is stranded in a village, which is a great opportunity for them.

But generally speaking, this kind of mission should be completed by the Theocracy’s strongest unit [The Dark Codex], which is mainly at the hero level.

But for some special reason, the Black Holy Book couldn’t come.

The reason is that the Dark Sacred Code is protecting the true artifact “The Overwhelming Country” in order to deal with the upcoming resurrection of the Dragon King of Destruction, and the [Wind Flower Sacred Code] is also doing its best to hunt down the traitor who took away the artifact representing the witch princess, so there is no spare time.

As the captain of the Theocracy’s elite unit “Sunshine Codex”, Negan Gullid Luin is the person in charge of this operation…

However, the reason why he was sent to hunt down the kingdom’s warrior leader, Gazef, was because when he invaded the demi-human village not long ago, he encountered the steel-ranked adventurer team “Blue Rose”, and one of them was a woman holding a black magic sword ( Captain Lakyus) repelled him mercilessly, and left a shameful sword mark on his face.

“…Damn Blue Rose, damn Re-Estage Kingdom!”

Negan looked at the village in front of him, his eyes burning with anger.

“Demihumans and undead must be eliminated! People who are not of my race must have different hearts. Don’t they even understand this truth?”

Negan didn’t know.

One of the members of “Blue Rose” he hated had a vampire, that is, Shen Yuan.The loli princess who destroyed the country I met two hundred years ago.

“Stupid Mother! The weak will always find their own way to protect themselves. They are so stupid.”

Negan gritted his teeth bitterly. He believed in the massacre and extermination of all living things other than humans, or any living things that threatened human beings must be eliminated.

Including elves, giant dragons, dwarves, goblins, demihumans, undead, etc., all of them were targets to be eliminated.

But not all of the Slian Theocracy are crazy and paranoid. There are also some people who believe in ‘unity’. They believe that all ethnic groups should unite and follow the same path according to the correct teachings. Human beings should not compete with each other, but should work together to create the road.

Gazef was the victim for this purpose. Including Karn Village, several other villages that were massacred were also sacrificed.

“Then, the war of annihilation begins!”

Negan confirmed the steel wristband in his hand, and the time scale appeared on it, indicating that the time had come.

He and all the subordinates present used magic.

Activated the highest-level holy summoning magic they could use, and the moment the magic was released, the brilliance exposed the existence of their team.

This also means the beginning of the battle.

Several people from the Sunshine Sacred Code slowly approached the village at the same distance, forming a coordinated and cooperative combat team.

They didn’t wear armor on their bodies, and they didn’t have weapons in their hands. They only wore sacred robes and light scepters. These were enough.

Because floating beside them are monsters with shiny wings, their identities are clear at a glance.


It is a monster summoned from another world. Many people think that angels are the messengers of gods, especially in Slane Theocracy. Although it is impossible to distinguish the authenticity, these distorted “angels” are classified as the lowest level. One of the servants.

“It’s an angel!”

On Gazef’s side, Karthus, the singer of death, and Feifei, the adventurer, also sensed the approach of the Sunshine Sacred Scripture.

“it’s wired.”

After seeing those angels appearing, Shen Yuan showed a puzzled expression, and even the flying squirrel was a little puzzled.

“Is this an angel?” Momonga muttered softly, “It’s very different from the [Seraphim] guild members I met in the game. It’s more like an ordinary low-level monster and has no deterrent power at all.”

“Have you forgotten how you were chased and abused by [Seraphim]? If Gabriel and the others had come, we might not have such a leisurely chat.”

“That’s true!”

Flying Squirrel’s eyes flickered with fear, he had lingering fears about Seraphim’s terror.

Because the attributes are restrained, and the powerful data of Archangel Seraph has reached the peak of the game, not only the appearance and figure are beautiful, but also the combat power is quite terrifying.

Just as the undead have the magic of “instant death”, Seraphim also has the “Starfall Grace” that can instantly revive a unit, restore all mana and blood volume, and has an invincible shield that is immune to death. During the boss battle, a The invincibility effect of super magic is added, and all teammates present are immune to death and magic effects. How to fight this?

In the guild battle of the game, Seraphim is the strongest guild in the whole game, occupying the first place all the year round, and the attack on Ainz-Wur-Gon was also thanks to the vital role played by the Lich King’s Scourge Legion. After delaying the time, the great demon of world calamity in the guild released a super magic, joined forces with other players to guard the gate, and expelled all the angels who attacked the ninth floor in one fell swoop.

But it’s just expulsion, and there’s no way to continue chasing it, because it’s too difficult to fight if the attribute is restrained, unless it is activated.

Because of this, comparing the lowest-level two-winged angel in front of you with the high-ranking Seraphim is simply an insult.

It’s no wonder that Momonga instantly became contemptuous after his initial surprised gaze.

“…Is that the Flame Archangel? It looks tricky, but why did it appear here…was it summoned? So…?”

Gazef moved his gaze to the flying squirrel who was looking at Shen Yuan, and asked with a glimmer of hope: “Your Excellency Adventurer, High Priest of Karthus, I wonder if you can accept my employment?”

“no problem!”

“I reject!”

Almost at the same time, the two responded.

“…” Fei Shu looked at Shen Yuan in surprise, but he didn’t expect him to refuse so simply.

Shen Yuan, too, felt that the flying squirrel agreed too early.

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