On the plain outside the city of Jerok, under the attention of countless believers.

The light has come!

Then, everyone felt a heavy pressure and involuntarily knelt down.

It was as if a voice was telling them, You must not stand before God without God’s permission.

A throne appeared from the sky, a large white throne, on which the god sat upright, obviously kneeling on the ground and bowing his head, but everyone felt that they were looking up to the god.

It felt very awkward, but no one made a sound, they just felt excited, because, God, it really came.

At this moment, everyone’s faith skyrocketed.

He whispered prayers in praise of God’s coming.

Although Nangong Luoyu deliberately avoided Chelsea, Chelsea still knelt down.

After all, she is now the appearance of the sect leader, everyone else kneels, as far as she does not kneel, how special she is!

At this moment, she noticed the piety and fanaticism of those believers and could not help but sigh.

It’s still a good trick, she wasted so much strength, she didn’t make everyone believe in Nangong Luoyu, and Nangong Luoyu just simply showed his face and made everyone believe in him.

This belief is strong, and Chelsea feels that even if Nangong Luoyu lets them die, they will not hesitate.

Then, Nangong Luoyu got up from the throne, and a golden staircase appeared at his feet, connecting to the high platform.

At this moment, that importance disappeared and transformed into an unspeakable ease, and believers understood that God had allowed them to stand up.

However, none of the believers stood up, they simply raised their heads and gazed feverishly at the gods, admiring the radiance of the gods.

And when Nangong Luoyu stepped down step by step on the steps, the brilliance also spilled from him.

That light fell on the earth, bringing earth-shaking changes to the earth.

Sweet springs gush out of the ground, moisturizing the dry and cracked land.

Grass and trees naturally grow out, as if pressing the accelerator button, occupying the land.

Fruit trees also grew on those barren mountains, and the fruits on them were extremely gratifying.

As if God was waving a pen, the originally barren land of Jerlock turned into a paradise.

And at this time, God also fell on the high platform.

His whole body radiated a soft glow, and people could only see a white robe and blond eyes, and could not see His face clearly, as if they were unworthy of remembering.

When he stood on the high platform, everyone bowed their heads, and none of them looked at him, and all bowed their heads with reverent expressions.

The sect leader of An Ning Dao was the closest to the high platform, and at this moment, he said with a fanatical expression: “Praise my Lord! ”

“Our Father in heaven, may all honor your name holy, may your kingdom come, and may your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven, and our daily bread and bread will be given to us today, and our debts will be forgiven, just as we have forgiven the debts of men, and may we not be tempted to meet temptations, and save us from evil, for the kingdom, authority, and glory are all Father’s, forever, Amen!”

After hearing the words of the sect leader, the believers below also prayed according to the words of the sect leader.

The sound of devotion, like a tidal wave, sounded in the land of Jerlock.

God…… It really exists!

At this moment, no one doubted the authenticity of God.

Not only the instinctive awe when you see God, but everything that happens when God comes, which is absolutely impossible for human beings to accomplish.

In the city of Jerok, the four ghosts of Rakshasa also saw all this happening, and their mouths opened wide in shock.

The activities of consolidating faith actually attract the true God?

Surely this is not a joke?

“…… Go over and take a look! ”

After hesitating for a moment, Thorn gave the order.

Whether God is true or false, they must go and see it, or the minister will not let them go.

However, when they came outside the city, they witnessed the miracle happen.

I saw an old man kneeling on the high platform where God was walking, and the hand of the god caressed the top of his head.

This is God’s most devout believer, so he has received God’s gifts.

God’s hand caressed the top of his head, as if turning the clock, bringing back the years that had passed.

Under the gaze of the believers below, an astonishing scene appeared.

The pale of his hair and beard faded, the folds on his face disappeared, his shriveled skin was hydrated again, and he became, getting younger and younger!

Time turned back on him, and the years returned.

By the time it was over, the old man had returned to his twenty-year-old appearance.


The four Rakshasas were shocked and speechless, and they could feel that it was not rejuvenation on the surface.

Some emperors can also do this, but that is only to restore youth, and the vitality has not changed.

Otherwise, the founding emperor of the empire would not have died.

And that old man is a real rejuvenation, and the rich vitality on his body cannot be fake.

Ordinary people may not be able to detect it, but these masters can feel it.

Is this really God?!

In the hearts of the four Rakshasas ghosts, this thought appeared in unison.

To be honest, they came here with a tentative mind.

At critical moments, it is not impossible to strike directly.

However, at this moment, they hesitated.

No one knows how powerful the gods are, and making a rash move is the same as sending them to death.

At this moment, the god on the high platform seemed to glance at them, or perhaps the afterlight swept over them.

Suddenly, an impulse from the depths of their hearts appeared in them.

Suddenly, they fell to their knees.

It seems that there is a voice telling them that the gods have not allowed you to stand.

At this moment, they really understood what it means to be as graceful as the sea and mighty as hell!

They can’t even resist, not only physically, but their minds forbid them to resist.

It was as if, at this moment, kneeling and bowing before God was the only thing that was righteous.

However, no one but God noticed their situation, and everyone was praying sincerely and offering faith to God.

But at this time, God once again stepped on the stairs and sat on the great throne.

God sat on the throne and finally spoke.

“If anyone wants to follow me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross every day and follow me, and I will come to earth as a light, so that whoever believes in me may not dwell in darkness.”

The voice, soft, magnetic, with an indescribable affinity, fell into everyone’s ears.

Then, in a burst of light, God departed.

The faithful still pray fervently and religiously.

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