Synopsis: Problem Gods from Arcadia

Chapter 143 Contact with the Lion King Agency (Three Updates)

In the relatively dimly lit alley, Nangong Nayue, who was standing under the telephone pole, looked at the girl in the uniform of the junior high school of Caihai Academy and said:

"What's the matter with the business thief looking for me?"

The Lion King Agency is a spy agency established by the Public Security Committee of the island country.

Different from the national magician who can be seen on the bright side, the Lion King agency deals with some sensitive issues that are inconvenient to come forward publicly.

In a sense, there is a serious business conflict between the Lion King agency and Nangong Nayue's national magician agency, so both sides are generally full of ill feelings.

"Want to play stupid? Nangong that month."

Xian Gu Yong spoke at a gentle pace, giving a sense of indifference.

"You who brought No. 12 to this island already possess the qualifications of some emperor electors.""

The elector!

Behind the scenes, the sponsors who supported the twelve fourth primogenitor bodies were similar to those of the ancient nobles who supported the rise of princes to gain benefits.

They obtain huge benefits by supporting their own superiors, known as the Fourth Primogenitor.

And one of the conditions for becoming an emperor elect is to possess the physique of the Fourth Primogenitor.

At present, Nangong Nayue seems to the high-level officials of the island country, and there are already signs of becoming an emperor elector.

However, facing Xian Guyong's questioning, Nangong Nayue sneered:

"The people who want to become emperor electors are you idiots, right?"

"Being the organizer of the banquet of flames requires devoting the territory as the venue. 35

Nangong Nayue looked at Xian Gu Yong with a gloomy expression and said:

"In order to prevent the local people from being impressed by the resurrection of the True Ancestor, it is naturally the best choice to use the Itogami Island within the jurisdiction as the venue.

"Those so-called high-level executives should all sign?"

"The plan to use the 560,000 people on Itogami Island as a sacrifice to contribute to the Fourth Primogenitor."

The Fourth Primogenitor, Flame Night, is known as the Dream Vampire.

Because she has the ability to extract a large range of memory and convert it into her own accumulation of time.

In layman's terms, it is the wonderful ability to increase the upper limit of one's own magic power by extracting the memories of others.

Therefore, in order to fully awaken the sealed Fourth Primogenitor, the so-called 'sacrifice' is required.


Thinking of this, Nangong Nayue sneered:

"It's probably in the range of two to three years. Once the Fourth Primogenitor is fully awakened, everyone on this island will lose their memories for three years. It really belongs to you 々々!"

Just losing three years of memory is better than losing one's life... Xian Guyong wanted to explain this, but he also understood that Nangong would not accept such a statement that month.

Although this woman is a witch, her sense of responsibility as a teacher and the sense of justice possessed by a magic policeman like a national magician make it impossible for her to accept such a statement.

In the final analysis, the impression that three years of memory loss has on an individual can affect almost a lifetime, not to mention 560,000 people. Xian Guyong was silent for a moment, then pushed his glasses and said:

"You can choose to refuse.

"That's what he said."

Nangong murmured to himself that month.

In the end, what Nangong cared about most that month was his students. As long as it didn't affect them, everything would be fine.

She is also not the kind of person who has a strong sense of justice and cares about everything, it is enough to protect the people around her.

However....Nangong Nayue thought of Su Jin's face and said softly:

"That man is even more dangerous than you think.

Let the original fourth primogenitor recognize... no, it should be said that the original fourth primogenitor is helpless.

Nangong Nayue didn't believe that Su Jin would be the kind of good gentleman. Once he ended his lazy appearance, the destructive power he showed would definitely be more terrifying than the Fourth Primogenitor.

That man said that he was a little stronger than the Fourth Primogenitor, but who would believe it was only a little bit!

On the opposite side, Xian Guyong frowned and said, "It seems that the negotiation failed?"

After Xian Guyong finished speaking, he sighed and said, "Then, I have already completed the instructions from the upper management to try to negotiate.

"Huh?" Nangong raised his eyebrows that month, a little puzzled on his face.

Then, Xian Guyong said indifferently:

"Then, start the unilateral negotiation of the Lion King agency.


Nangong showed an expression of interest that month, not interested in the negotiation of the Lion King agency, but in their negotiation in their own name:

"You lion king agencies are not honest~"

Apart from negotiating with her from the island country's high-level officials, Nangong couldn't guess the meaning revealed by the behavior of the Lion King agency that month.

The loyal dog who co-authored the high-level also has his own ideas, right?

At this time, Xian Guyong said calmly:

"The content of the negotiation is our full support for your qualifications to compete for the fourth primogenitor, and in return, you are obliged to restrict the fourth primogenitor from causing large-scale disasters, and the above is all the transaction content!

Hearing this, Nangong Nayue couldn't help laughing playfully:

"Completely sold all the rights in exchange for the safety of the general public. I can't believe that your Lion King agency would be such a saint agency?

To put it simply, the Lion King agency promised to cooperate with Nangong's actions that month.

What they want is that ordinary people will not encounter disaster events caused by the True Ancestor on a large scale.

Unusually loose conditions, it can even be said that there is no.

Because normal powerhouses would not go to massacres.

The blood-devouring world can maintain basic peace because the three true ancestors and most of the powerhouses have this consensus on peace.

And what the Lion King agency is praying for is just this kind of consensus.

That's why Nangong will cancel the Lion King institution as a saint institution that month.

At this time, Xian Gu Yong said indifferently:

At the beginning of the construction of The Lion King, the idea was to protect the general public. We are just adhering to the idea at the beginning of the establishment.

"Did you come here on purpose to make me laugh today?" Nangong Nayue shrugged and said with a smile.

It is obvious that the whole world buys qualified little girls and can use them as weapons when necessary, but the idea is to protect the peace of ordinary people?

In a sense, the Lion King agency is really a strange organization.

Nangong made fun of it twice that month, but his disgust for the Lion King agency was relieved a lot. (Nuowang's)

Maintaining such an attitude on such a major event made her feel less disgusted with the high-level butcher knife of the Lion King organization.

Thinking of this, Nangong Nayue shrugged and said:

"But unfortunately, it's not me who calls the shots here. 35

"Is that so..."

Xian Guyong frowned, turned his head slightly, and looked at the crowded streets outside.

Is the man in charge? The expected answer.

Thinking of this, Xian Guyong took a breath and said softly:

"Then what do you mean?"

Xian Guyong didn't think she could deceive Su Jin, she went to Nangong that month with the purpose of indirectly contacting the other party and testing the intelligence.

And now, the goal has been achieved, at least they have determined the principal of Nangong's side that month.

"Interesting. 99

Like a firefly, a little bit of light gathered in the alley, showing Su Jin's illusory and transparent figure.

That is Su Jin's mind body.

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