Seeing Nie Mayuri standing in the middle of the road, Su Jin turned his head slightly and said to Orihime Inoue:

"You retreat to the alley behind me, don't go too far."

"Okay, please be careful, Ishida-kun."

Inoue Orihime did not refuse, but hid directly behind Su Jin.

She knew very well that she was only good at healing, not fighting, and in this case, listening to Su Jin's command was the best way.

Seeing Orihime Inoue retreating, Nie Mayuri just glanced at her and stopped paying attention.

In his opinion, that woman is useless except for her face.

The spiritual pressure is not strong, there is no killing intent on his body, and his five fingers are slender and snow-white.

However, in comparison, Su Jin's disguised appearance made him more concerned.

Ignoring Orihime Inoue's retreat, Nimori looked Su Jin up and down, and then locked the cross bracelet on his hand.

"That bracelet... it should be the Spirit Bow of the Quincy, right?"

"As you can see."

Su Jin pushed his glasses and said in a flat tone.

Since he pretended to be Ishida Yulong, then he pretended to be a little bit like.

"Huh... Then do you know someone named Ishida Zongxian?"

Ishida Zongxian is the grandfather of Ishida Yulong and is recognized as the last Quincy.

When Ishida Yulong was young, in order to protect his grandson, he was killed by Xu, and his soul was brought into Jingling Court by the death rescue team.

And the caliber of the soul world means that Ishida Zongxian entered the soul world to enjoy the blessing.

However, looking at Nie Yuli's smile, he knew that things were not as simple as the soul definition said.

Nie Yuli fiddled with his fingers casually, narrowed his eyes, and the smile on his face was filled with indescribable malice.

It seems that Su Jin will definitely care about Ishida Sogen.

When Su Jin saw this, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said in coordination, "Have you seen him?"

Hearing this, Nie Yuli suddenly grinned and raised a finger with a smile:

"Not only have I seen it, I have also dissected it~"

"When the old man was attacked by Xu and asked for help from the Soul Society, I spent a lot of time trying to hold off the rescue team and get his soul. Now that I think about it, several years have passed."

"Speaking of which, when he was dying, he kept shouting Yulong's name. I guess it was your name?"

"How can this be..." Inoue Orihime, who was hiding behind her, paled.

Although she stayed for a while, she was not stupid, so she could naturally guess that Ishida Zongxian might be a relative of Ishida Yulong.

But Nie Yuli deliberately killed others and analyzed and studied them, which is really beyond her three views.

How can people be so vicious?

Hearing this, Su Jin lowered his head slightly, his eyes blocked by his glasses.

Seeing this, Nie Yuli fiddled with her fingers with a smile and said:

"You should be Ishida Soxian's grandson, right?"


Reiatsu, visible to the naked eye, spread from Su Jin, like a dark cloud, rolling in, covering the entire roadway.

Seeing this, Nie Yuli smiled instead, feeling that this spiritual pressure was only at the level of a "major officer", and there was a little contempt in his eyes:

"Speaking of which, the old man died when I did not find any results, which forced me to suspend my research on Quincy, but now that I think about it, my suspended research should be able to continue."

Speaking of this, Nie Yuli raised three index fingers and counted with a smile:

"3, 2, 1, down!"

Su Jin stood there with a smile on his face, looking straight at him.

Nie Yuli's face changed, and he said with a somewhat embarrassed expression:

"What's going on, what about the toxins I spread in the air? After such a long time, coupled with your outburst of spiritual pressure, those toxins should be all over your body!"

Nie Yuli is not a fool, deliberately talking about it here is to stimulate the 'Ishida Yulong', so that the spirit toxin he arranged around him will take effect, so that he can win a high-quality experimental material without any bloodshed.

Now, however, things are clearly beyond his control.

"Oh, are you talking about those tiny special spirits in the air?"

Su Jin pushed his glasses, looked at Nie Yuli with a flat gaze, and said indifferently:

"That kind of thing, it's better to crush it with spiritual pressure."

boom----! !

Crimson red, a blood-like crimson red filled the entire alley in an instant.

At this moment, it seemed that all the spirits had been infected, and everything visible to the naked eye in the alley was turned into a bright red, like blood and clouds.

In an instant.

Nie Yuli couldn't move.

"A spiritual pressure of this scale? Impossible, you are just a Quincy!!"

Su Jin didn't answer, but slowly raised his arm, the crimson light flickered, and a golden-red spiritual bow appeared in his hand.

"Wait, let's discuss it again, killing me won't do you any good!"

At this moment, Nie Yuli panicked, and his body was suddenly suppressed by the spiritual pressure. He couldn't resist for a short time, and he can be said to be the weakest now.

If at such a time, Su Jin killed him, he would be very resentful.

He didn't even use a swastika!

As long as he delays for a little time and uses a swastika, his spiritual pressure increases tenfold, and he should be able to escape the current situation of being suppressed.

"Isn't there any benefit in killing you? Then I have to see it."

Su Jin pulled the bowstring with a smile, and a terrifying spiritual pressure converged on the bowstring.

That Reiatsu, Nie Mayuri had only seen it on the leader of the eleventh division Kenpachi, who was at full power, and it was a terrifying power that was enough to obliterate him.

"Let's discuss it again! I can give you anything you want!"

Nie Mayuri, who was only able to move his mouth, panicked, really panicked.

He originally thought that he was going out to catch a travel accident, so he went out with a few bottles of poison. He thought he could catch a few materials, but who knew that he would encounter a spiritual pressure monster!

If this really died at the hands of Su Jin, he would not be able to live in peace.

"Give anything?"

Su Jin raised his brows and glanced at the woman who was kneeling on one knee under the pressure of Reiatsu behind Nimori.

That was the vice-captain of the twelfth division, Nie Yinmeng.

Seeing this, Nie Yuli seemed to understand something, and hurriedly shouted:

"Okay, I get it!"

Without thinking, he shouted:

"Yinmeng, from now on, he is your master, do you understand?"

Nie Yinmeng, who was unable to speak, just stared blankly at Nie Yuri's back, and seemed to be stunned.

At this time, Nie Yuli, who did not get a reply, seemed to be angry and shouted:

"Did you hear that, from now on, you are not my work!"

Without getting a reply, Nie Yuli hurriedly said to Su Jin, "Is that all right?"

Su Jin nodded slightly, and under the joy of Nie Yuli's survival, he smiled and released his hand:


As soon as the hand is released, the bow and arrow will naturally come out of the body.


The crimson beam of light pierced through Nie Yuli's body in an instant, and then traversed dozens of residential alleys. In a bang, it hit the protective wall of Jingling Court, and blasted it out of a big hole.

when! when! when!

The warning devices in Jingling Court kept sounding prompting sounds, and one after another warning was passed on to all the gods of death in Jingling Court through ghosts.

[Warning, there is an extraordinary spiritual pressure in the fifth division's jurisdiction! 】

[Warning, there is an extraordinary spiritual pressure in the fifth division's jurisdiction! 】

Su Jin retracted the spirit bow, and the spirit pressure that filled the surroundings and made it difficult to breathe subsided.

Then, he pushed his glasses and said:

"A captain died, I don't know if I can wake up Yamamoto Yuan Liu Saijue from pretending to sleep, but I guess it's impossible, right?"

He smiled and walked to the sweaty Nie Yinmeng, squatted down, pinched her chin and said:

"Woman, do you want revenge?"

Nieyinmeng looked at him blankly, and then woke up from the dream like the beginning of a big dream.

Nie Yuli died so fast that it was completely unpredictable, and she didn't even react.

However, from the perception of Reiatsu, and her special sensing ability, Nie Yuli is really dead.

A captain of the Soul Society, who was killed without even the release of the Zanpakutō.

As an artificial soul made by Nie Yuli, Nie Yinmeng was suddenly at a loss.

At this moment, Su Jin smiled at her and said:

"Would you like to follow me?"

Nieyinmeng's eyes have recovered slightly.

Although 'father' is dead, but before he died, he left a legacy, so she also has a reason to continue to live.

After that, Nie Yinmeng silently lowered her head, facing Su Jin, and knelt down on one knee.


Su Jin patted Nie Yinmeng's shoulder with a smile, then turned his head slightly, looked at the headquarters of the 13th Division of the Guardian Court, and said with a smile:

"Let's go."


Nie Yinmeng stood up and bowed behind Su Jin, as if she used to stand behind Nie Yuri.

Everything, nothing seems to have changed. *

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