Synopsis: Problem Gods from Arcadia

Chapter 233 Voluntary Choice

(Don't wait for the update, your body can't stand it anymore, you need to go to bed due to the watch, and the six watch will start at 1:00 noon tomorrow. It's really unbearable. The day and night have been turned upside down for a month and a half.


A low and depressed voice came from Pandora's mouth, like a milk cat who couldn't help crying outside the window in the middle of the night.

"Please restrain yourself, Miss Pandora, your voice seriously hinders my work.

"And you have to think clearly, if it wasn't for you to merge with the Ring of Usurpation without authorization, this procedure would not have existed in the first place.

Su Jin, who was drawing ritual patterns on Pandora's right hand, said with a slight warning.

Pandora opened her innocent eyes and said shyly, "I'm ticklish.

"Do you need me to shut down your body sense? Su Jin raised an index finger and asked.

"That's fine."

Looking at the power gathered on Su Jin's fingertips, Pandora, who was sure that she would be obliterated more than ten times, showed a shy and well-behaved smile.

Then, Su Jin buried his head and used his fingers to draw the texture of the ritual circle on Pandora's shoulders.

The anxious Pandora resisted dying, turned her head, looked at Athena who was reading a tutorial book on her mobile phone next to her, and smiled reluctantly:

"Can I ask a small question? Why is the ceremony drawn by you, Su Jin, and not entrusted to Athena to be crowned?

"The ancient and noble earth goddess can't even draw rituals, right?"

Athena's fingers that turned the page paused, her deep black eyes stared at Pandora, and then said lightly:

“In order to ensure that the ceremony would be a sure success, the concubine felt that it was the most correct choice to have Su Jin, who was more in control, draw the ceremony.55

Because the drawn ritual is a ritual that affects the myth of the entire planet, Athena itself is not strong enough, so only Su Jin can go into battle, and this is the reason.

However, this is not the reason for Pandora to provoke her.

Thinking of this, Athena said lightly:

"By the way, Su Jin, since the ring of usurpation is located in Pandora's body, in order to ensure the success rate of the ceremony, Zhenwen must ensure that it covers Pandora's whole body."

Pandora shivered for a while, just engraving the ceremony on her hand makes it uncomfortable, and she has to do it all over her body, and is it still Su Jin to do it?

Thinking of this, Pandora sweated coldly on his forehead, and said with an elegant and gentle smile:

"Your Majesty Athena, are we the gods of Greece?"

"If you are talking about Greece, it is the godhead of the underworld who devoured the body of the concubine, cut off the goddess of the earth, and degraded the body of the concubine to become the daughter of the Greek gods, it should be 々

This is completely unsympathetic at all... Pandora's face is turning green at this time.

Is it so difficult for you to draw me a ceremony? Why does it have to be Su Jin? It's obviously teasing me, right?

Thinking of this, Pandora's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but make a small threat:

"The function of this ceremony should be to fix the slain god of disobedience in the ring of usurpation, and then continuously steal power from the myth?"

If you don't agree to change people, I will expose the ceremony, so you will have a hard time, right? Pandora is a little dark and threatened.

"How is this stealing?

While drawing the ritual pattern, Su Jin smiled and said:

"This is obviously just an imperfect attempt to see whether the power of the earth can be converted into a high-level power.

"In this process, although the energy lost is a little more, it is a perfect improvement to the energy level of the planet."

"Of course, in the process, I will of course get a little compensation for using the small universe to refine the spiritual veins, but that's just a tiny bit, and it's just a trivial fraction for the planet."

"I don't think the planet should start an emergency response, and let the gods come after me? 35

Converting most of the power of the planet's spiritual veins into the high-level power in Su Jin's mouth has indeed improved the power level of the planet.

Pandora also knew that the quality of the planetary veins that Su Jin refined with the small universe had indeed increased explosively.

If there was a god of disobedience that came to the earth entirely composed of Su Jin's refined power, then his power would probably be more than a thousand times higher than before.

But this refined power only returns 1%, isn't it too much?

And after taking 99% of the rebate, how could you Su Jin say 'it's just a little more wear and tear'?

Do you still have a face?

More importantly, after such a transformation, the gods in the myth might not even be able to come into the world, and would even be swallowed up by the very weak myths that lost most of their power, completely becoming a part of the planet.

The lack of power of the planet's spiritual veins must have caused the myth to 'eat gods'.

And because Su Jin has the high power to return, the planet will not send the gods to hunt down Su Jin with all his strength.

It's a win-win deal for the planet and Su Jin, and the gods lose everything.

How did Athena and Su Jin come up with such a vicious idea? Is it too hateful?

Wait a minute, are these two planning to...

Thinking of this, Pandora barely kept a smile, and then asked with a stiff expression:

"Is your purpose to destroy the gods?"

"how could be?"

Su Jin looked at Pandora with a little shock, and even the drawing of the ceremony stopped.

"How could I plan to destroy such a lovely, negotiable and beautiful goddess like Athena?

As soon as these words were said, the corner of Athena's mouth suddenly twitched.

However, as Pandora at this time, it was a 'wow' and cried:

"I know, I will be obedient, don't kill me! Luo

Pandora got it!

There is only one god who survived, Athena, as for the others, they are all dead ends.

Ruthless, really ruthless!

I thought you, Athena, were just planning to take revenge on the Greek gods, but I didn't expect that you were thinking of becoming the only god.

The only living God, isn't it the 'only God'?

"Pandora is so cute, how could I kill you. 35

Su Jin stretched out his hand at this time, rubbed Pandora's head gently, and said with a smile.

"Really?" Pandora showed a joyful expression of being born out of desperation.

As long as you are well-behaved and won't be killed, that's really good.

Su Jin smiled and said, "Of course, after all, Pandora, you are a man made by God, right? 35

Pandora was dumbfounded.

In the myths of godslayers, gods often have vests and identities in multiple myths.

This is the result of too many human beings weaving myths and too few elves who can become gods.

Of course, most of these are false myths declared by the Hero of Steel in order to degrade the Earth Goddess.

In this context, Pandora also has a complex identity.

Her predecessor is the goddess Rhea, and she is one of the oldest earth goddesses, the earth goddess Gaia.

This identity is not bad compared to the Trinity Athena.

Therefore, for Pandora, she is a real god, or a noble mother goddess.

But... Su Jin clearly meant to demote her!

What would it be to demote the Earth Goddess?

After the Orochi was defeated, the Kusanagi sword was left behind. After Medusa was killed, the shield of Athena and Pegasus were left behind. After Metis was swallowed, she became the goddess Athena.

So here comes the question?

Is she Pandora becoming Sword and Shield? (Zhao Hao) or a horse ridden by Su Jin?

Or become an ancestor under the control of the gods?

It seems that the ancestors of the gods are the best, right?

Although he has lost his Godhead and is in the middle of man and God, at least he is alive and has a strong immortality of rebirth.

Thinking of this, Pandora asked with a very tangled expression: "Can I choose to be the ancestor of the gods?"

It's better to die than live. Facing a terrible guy like Su Jin, she doesn't think she has any chance of joining the gods.


Su Jin smiled kindly and said:

"If this is Pandora's voluntary choice, I absolutely agree with it in principle."

Hearing this, Pandora suddenly showed a crying-like expression:

"Yes, that's right, I volunteered to be the ancestor of the gods, woohoo-"

Seeing this scene, Su Jin smiled even more, he raised a finger and said with a smile:

"Okay, the hands are finished, the next step is the back, thigh, and front. Please cooperate with me. 99

At this moment, Pandora's sobbing became louder.

After a long while, she answered in a whisper:

"..I see, woohoo~"

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