Not a spacious room.

Shiroyasha stood in front of the golden light spots, turned his back to Su Jin and reminded:

"Later you stand in the center of a and lie down, close your eyes, and we will prepare the ceremony.

Su Jin did not act rashly, but looked at the back of Shiroyasha's head and thought for a while:

"Any precautions?

Meeting the twin goddesses in the two-digit full power field, even Su Jin, can't help but feel a little nervous.

Unlike the well-known Bai Yasha, Su Jin has no knowledge of the twin goddesses. This information has always been protected very closely, and few people can know the secrets of double digits.

The vast majority of people in Hakoba, including the gods, only know that there are 17 two-digit numbers in total. It is an existence that has ended all abilities and has reached the apex of gods, and it is the truth that surpasses gods.

In addition, who exactly the two figures are, what abilities they have, and what their personalities are, I don't know at all.

In fact, except for Su Jin, who knew a little bit of information through novels before he came to Hakoba.

In Hakotei, people with three digits or less are called two-digit numbers with suspicion.

For example, "the Lord of the Crusades is suspected to be one of the 217 people".

This is a bit of a genius, but in fact, it also proves the fact that double-digit intelligence is absolutely confidential in Hakoniwa.

Even Su Jin doesn't know the specifics of two-digit numbers, but only knows that some people belong to two-digit numbers.

"Anything to pay attention to?"

Shiroyasha thought for a while, then thought about it:

"It's okay, the boss has a good temper. As long as your attitude is normal, you will basically be fine. 35

This sentence is basically nonsense... Su Jin sneered in his heart, and at the same time laughed a little at his own nervousness.

To act recklessly outside is to face the sword of punishment after all!

He laughed, stepped forward, walked to the center of the golden light spot, lay down, and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Bai Yasha nodded slightly, and then started the ceremony.

Indistinctly, Su Jin smelled the smell of sandalwood, and the aroma of some kind of flower, while the indistinct, indistinguishable whisper of Shiroyasha could be heard in his ears.

She seemed to be praying.

Just after that, Su Jin entered a half-dreaming state.

After recovering his 'sight', he found himself in a pure white land with snow-white flowers at his feet, like ice crystals.

Before he could finish looking around, a figure came to him from the depths.

He was wearing a pure white off-shoulder long skirt, while walking, the skirt fluttered slightly, elegant and elegant, with an ethereal temperament.

Su Jin raised his head, but he couldn't see his face, but he realized that he was a woman.

"first meet.

His voice was so gentle that no one could find any objectionable.

After hearing the sound, Su Jin reacted, moved his right hand to his heart, and saluted:

"I have seen His Majesty Alpha.

"You called the wrong person." The woman in the pure white dress chuckled.

Hearing this, Su Jin's expression remained unchanged, and he quickly responded:

"Please forgive my rudeness, Your Majesty Omega.""

At this time, Su Jin couldn't help but complained in his heart: Bai Yasha is too unreliable, at least tell me which of the two goddesses is going to meet me.

"Xiao Bai is always like this, stupid, doing things only by feeling. 99

Hearing that soft sigh with doting indulgence, Su Jin looked at his nose and heart, and pretended not to hear it.

Shiroyasha's nickname in the mouth of the twin goddesses turned out to be Xiaobai? It's a pity, both Omega and the White Night King are too scary. If I complain, I'm afraid I will die on the spot.

After sighing softly, Su Jin could clearly feel Omega's eyes focused on himself.

"In prayer, Xiaobai told me something.

Omega said with emotion at this time:

"Your ability to make trouble is no worse than Xiaobai. 39

"?" Su Jin's face was stunned, and his expression was strange.

He made such a commotion, in Omega's eyes, is he just tossing like Shiroyasha?

Shiroyasha, also said that you are not the biggest problem child in Hakogawa?!

At this time, Omega sighed slightly:

"As you and Xiaobai thought, human history is secretly changing. 35

"In this, there is my sister's contribution, Buddhism's handwriting, and the acquiescence of the Heavenly Court, but I am not happy to see these people, there are many more than us."

Hearing this, Su Jin's face was stiff, and some didn't know what to say.

Co-author, your two figures are also mixed?

The twin goddesses, Buddhism, and Heaven acquiesce to major changes in human history, and then acquiesce that the gods are about to fight because of the newly born unfinished spirit?

And the other two-digit numbers are against that?

This time, it seems that the game is a bit big.... Su Jin struggled for a while, and then asked:

"The gods fight to go further, is this really okay?

"You care about those little guys?

There was a bit of a smile in Omega's words.

Su Jin saw this, the corners of his mouth wriggled slightly, and then sighed:

"You know, I only worry about myself.

Su Jin believes that he is not a good person, he observes the Otherworld for his own progress and to achieve his own goals.

If Hakoten has a complete human promotion path, with his character, he will probably take a safe path.

But in fact, the promotion of human beings stopped at three digits.

Even if you change your race, you can only rely on the path of believing in a god if you want to go up.

And this road has long been firmly controlled by many gods, and it is difficult to get through.

Human history can no longer support the birth of new gods, and can only rely on the old gods to become gods.

And the old god position is basically only in the hands of the god group, and there are already members on it.

To put it bluntly, the class is so rigid that Su Jin suspects that if he doesn't have a small universe and a forum, he will be stuck in the four-digit realm.

Therefore, he chose to take the risk and observe the world one by one to obtain the resources for promotion.

In the process of 320, the vendetta of the gods was caused. To be honest, I knew it was related to me, but I also thought it had nothing to do with me.

Everyone is for themselves, so everyone is right.

That is, justice for all!

Thinking of this, Su Jin's mood suddenly calmed down a lot.

He smiled and joked:

"With all due respect, I'm just worried that I'll wake up one morning and find myself tied to a cross full of firewood.

"You are honest.

Omega seemed to smile, but Su Jin couldn't be sure of the blurred face.

"Your concealment is perfect, and even I can't find the anomaly, so theoretically you are safe."

At this time, Su Jin asked suspiciously, "Then do I need to make some preparations to protect myself?"

Omega said this while looking at Su Jin with meaningful eyes and said:

"For now, what you need to guard against is not the gods, but the group of people who are about to be born in batches.

"?" Su Jin frowned. That group of people? Who are that group of people?

"Oh, according to the information just lifted, that group of people seems to be called... God Killers."

(That’s it for today. Readers should know that my schedule has collapsed. After I started the book, I stayed up late every day, insomnia, and gastroenteritis recurred twice. I'll try to adjust it again, hoping to stabilize it.)

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