Synopsis: Problem Gods from Arcadia

Chapter 343 This is my escape route!


Like a hot knife cutting butter.

Su Jin's arm directly cut off the arm that the Prophet had stretched out.

The palm of his outstretched right hand, along with his forearm, was directly cut off, and fell to the ground with a thud.

Golden blood flowed on the ground, and white and holy flowers rose from the ground.

The Prophet was stunned by the sudden injury.

Seizing this opportunity, Su Jin slashed the Prophet's head with a knife.

In an instant, the prophet's head was chopped off.

And after doing this, Su Jin didn't even think about it, he rushed up, pulled Caili Ling with his right hand, and climbed with his legs, a phantom of a golden lion appeared behind him.

In the golden roar of the lion, endless rays of light flickered, and endless secret patterns flashed on the ceiling of the secret library. Then, in the blink of an eye, the secret pattern burst and the ceiling was blown open. Su Jin took the opportunity to jump to the sixth floor.

Cai Liling asked with a stunned face: "What, what's going on? Why did you cut him all of a sudden?"

The lion's gold attacked the ceiling of the sixth floor, and at the same time, Su Jin compressed the information with his mind, and quickly explained by voice transmission:

"Do you remember what he said between the earliest times?"

"The Lord has revealed to me that an enemy has infiltrated here disguised as a companion.""

"The question is, have you ever played an online game? It's the kind of game where you team up to fight monsters.

337 "You mean..." Cai Liling's eyes widened immediately with a look of disbelief.

"That's right, the problem lies in the word companion.

Su Jin's eyes flickered, and his tone was a little excited:

"At that time, the Prophet listed me and him as his companions, and formed a teammate-injury-free setting similar to an online game, so no matter what attack you and I make, it is impossible to hurt him.

"And just now, I used the holy sword's ability to cut off the concept, and temporarily cut off the concept of my companion, so just now I was able to cut off his hand and cut off his head. 39

After Su Jin finished speaking, he broke into the space on the third underground floor.

At this time, Cai Liling asked in amazement: "Since this is the case, why don't you pursue the victory?

Su Jin rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? How can someone who can use the highest level of deceitful authority only have this method?"

"To confront this kind of person head-on, am I not a big fool?

Arriving on the third floor, directly in front of Su Jin, Gargi appeared.

"?" Kalji was surprised for a moment, but still shouted and stepped forward to stop Su Jin.

"(cbda) Let go of the bell!!

"Don't get in the way!"

Su Jin was stunned for a moment, then shouted excitedly.

And at this moment, behind Su Jin, the gold of the lion appeared out of thin air and let out a loud roar.

"It is! No, how is this possible!""

Gargi was instantly 'frightened', clutching his chest and wailing in pain.

‘Too fake?,

Su Jin was stunned.

"Your Highness still has such a hobby?" Cai Liling also widened her eyes in astonishment.

From her perspective, she could clearly see the eager 'performance' desire on Kalji's face.

At this moment, a golden male lion wrapped in white-gold brilliance suddenly rushed out of Kalji, collided directly with Su Jin, and sank into his body.

And this scene was watched by the ordinary members of Ouroboros who were still in shock.

Su Jin's mouth twitched, wanting to say something to Kalji, but his pupils shrank suddenly.

He didn't turn back, but he sensed a hand coming towards the back of his head.

That is the hand of the prophet.

The old monster.... Su Jin cursed inwardly, and a huge blue crab appeared behind him.

Silver Mist of Carapace!

The No. 4 Familiar Beast of the Fourth Primogenitor, the ability is atomization.

In an instant, the Prophet's hand passed through Su Jin, as if through a thin layer of mist.

"Huh?" The Prophet was surprised, then stretched out his hand and grabbed it, followed by a sharp pull.

Cai Liling was caught by the Prophet, and at the same time grabbed the Prophet's hand with a look of 'wrong'.

The Prophet frowned, and instead of trying to shake off Caili Ling, he stretched out another hand towards Yun Wu.


Kalji, who was still in pain, became frightened at this time, and rushed over in an instant. During his sprint, a terrifying strong wind was triggered, and the fog around him was blown away at once.

At this moment, Shen Fei with the double horns of the ninth beast smashed through the ceiling, and the hurricane caused by it took the opportunity to suck up all the fog.

"Lin, are you alright?"

Kalji rushed over, broke the prophet's hand, and held up Caili Ling.

At this time, Cai Liling seemed to have finally 'returned to God' and smiled reluctantly at Kalji: "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I'm fine."


After she finished speaking, she quickly looked at the prophet who was about to leave, and said with a smile:

"Thank you for your help."

The Prophet paused, took a deep look at the two of them, and quickly chased after them.

Seeing this, Kalji narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Use the last resort directly."

Cai Liling's eyes suddenly widened, but she didn't say anything, but nodded.

basement one.

While the Prophet was being held back for a while, Su Jin shattered the ceiling leading to the ground, but stayed here again, waiting for the pursuers.

The prophet who arrived behind stopped suddenly, stood on the ground on the ground floor, and looked up at Su Jin, who was two hundred meters above the ground.

Su Jin looked at the old man who fought for a short time, but still didn't know the other's name, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile:

"Old man, let me ask you one last time, is what I want in your hands?"

The Prophet froze for a moment, then smiled and said:

"I don't know what you're looking for either."

Hearing this, Su Jin, who was only one step away from escaping, narrowed his eyes and smiled:

"My name is Su Jin, and you, old man.

"Su Jin?" The Prophet was stunned for a moment, then smiled gently: "I see, then what you want is indeed in my hands. 99

"As for the real name..."

The Prophet smiled, then sighed softly:

"Well, with your current performance, you will be able to know my name in the future.

The old man with mottled white hair, a beard and obvious nasolabial folds said with a smile:

"You can call me... Mithra.

The smile on Su Jin's face suddenly solidified.

Before his smile froze, he had already followed the choice of his heart, took steps, stepped out of the underground space, and came to the surface.

Yet at the same time.

Mithra came quietly behind Su Jin, stretched out his hand indifferently, and grabbed Su Jin's shoulder.

At this time, Su Jin only had time to shout:

"Black Rabbit, burn!!"

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