Synopsis: Problem Gods from Arcadia

Chapter 348 Emperor Shitian

Su Jin surrendered his eyes to the direction of the voice for the first time.

It was the sound from the sofa on his right, less than 3 meters away.

At this time, a blue-haired single ponytail male wearing a dark purple suit, an open bow tie, blue nail polish on his nails, and a rather frivolous manner was sitting there.

The other side leaned on the sofa with one foot crossed, spread his hands, pressed against the top of the sofa, and looked at Su Jin with a half-smiley expression.

Seeing the other party, Su Jin's pupils shrank slightly, and then he carefully sensed the surroundings, and soon found something abnormal.

Leticia, Athena, Lancelot, and the children disappeared.

The sundries left over from the party last night are also gone. Although it is still the living room, everything it should have is gone. Is this a different space?

At this time, Su Jin also noticed that he and the black rabbit were either lying or sitting on the floor of the living room.

The action of the two is that Su Jin is resting on Black Rabbit's lap, while Black Rabbit himself is sleeping soundly with his back on the sofa chair.

Hei Rabbit was sleeping soundly, probably after seeing me fall asleep last night, he put me on his lap and just leaned on the sofa and fell asleep... We both drank a lot of magic wine yesterday... Su Jin tried his best Relieve the hangover caused by divine wine.

This kind of wine was a special offering from Shiroyasha. It seemed that it was a good wine that Black Rabbit had performed well in a gift game for the God of Bacchus, and the other party asked Shiroyasha to hand over it.

It's a god wine that can make four figures drunk, but unfortunately the community of the gods of wine said in advance that it can't be sold... While relaxing, Su Jin turned his head and buried his head deeply in the arms of the black rabbit.


Su Jin's behavior directly aroused the unhappiness of the blue-haired male, and even made a clear smacking sound:

"You kid, if you know who I am, how dare you take advantage of my great-granddaughter?"

Su Jin turned his head and said with a look of emotion, "I didn't wake up!"

." Di Shitian was silent for a while, then sighed: "Don't play, I'm not ready to face this child yet. ""

Feeling guilty for not being able to protect the hometown of Black Rabbit two hundred years ago.... Su Jin immediately thought of this incident.

It is said that the members of the Moon Rabbit Clan at the time exceeded a thousand, which was almost equal to nearly a thousand four-digit numbers, but in one night, they were wiped out by the three-headed demon dragon, and less than ten orphans survived.

The three-digit final trial is really terrifying, and I don't know how far my little universe can improve to be able to match him.

But having said that, it's no wonder that Bai Yasha said that Emperor Shitian is a natural god and Buddha with human feelings, and he dared not face the black rabbit because of his ineffective protection of his family... Rabbit got up.

Then, he carried the black rabbit to the sofa, found the coat that was hanging on the hanger last night, and put it on her.

After doing all this, he walked to the sofa opposite Di Shitian and sat down, looking at him with a calm expression.

But Di Shitian, who saw his actions like this, smiled shrewdly:

"Heh, you're a little more beaten up than I thought. 35

Because I stole the unhappiness of my lovely granddaughter... Then should I call your father-in-law? Su Jin complained in his heart, and then asked calmly:

"Because of Mithra? He should have been killed by you.""

The only thing related to Di Shitian recently was Mithra, and Su Jin suspected that Di Shitian came to him because of this.

Hearing Su Jin mentioning Mithras, the corners of Di Shitian's mouth twitched inevitably:

"You kid is not cute at all.

Dishatian did not explain that Mithra was not killed by him.

Even though he didn't want to blame his boss, considering the position of Sakyamuni, he chose to remain silent.

Anyway, I also saw Mithra's sullenness.... Di Shitian comforted himself in his heart and said:

"This matter is understood."

Got it.... Su Jin raised an eyebrow.

He obtained the sovereignty of the sun, reported Mithra, and suspected that he had killed the other party directly.

At this time, Di Shitian said calmly:

"You can use that power reasonably and brightly, but only if you are promoted to four figures."

He said this, paused, and then explained:

"I know what you're worried about, your growth is indeed too fast, so fast that we will put the suspicion of many things on your head, such as a huge war, such as this Godslayer."5

Don't be suspicious, that's what I did.... Su Jin felt a little bit inwardly.

At this time, Di Shitian sighed:

"On the matter of cross religion, the Buddhist man and the Thousand Eyes man have reached a consensus.

"Thousand Eyes will give a reasonable explanation for the experience before the five figures, and even my boss will help cover it up.

"However, in terms of promotion to four figures, a reasonable medium is needed.

When Di Shitian said this, he glanced at Su Jin and said:

"You should have promised Athena to be her agent? Observing the unknown Otherworld for her? 55

It's all checked out... Maybe Qianyan and Fomen shared information? While Su Jin thought so, he nodded and said, "(cbda) Yes!

Hearing this, Di Shitian nodded slightly, and then said:

"You can try to observe an Otherworld that isn't too dangerous, and move up to four figures after that.

We'll make the process of all of this reasonable, and make you the lucky one who's spiritually boosted by observing the Otherworld.

This is not uncommon in the dawn period. Considering the special circumstances of the current environment, there should be a lot of such lucky people in the future.

And after being promoted, you can freely use that sun sovereignty.

At that time, Buddhism, Tianjun and Baiyasha will give a license to make the origin of that sovereignty more reasonable. 99

When Di Shitian said this, his expression was a little playful and he said:

"We've all figured out the reason for you, Shiroyasha's son-in-law? Or, his godson, even his lover, is not bad. Of course, the last Shiroyasha didn't allow it, but I heard that you have a knife on your body, you can let You make a reasonable connection, and you are free to choose.99

Bai Ye? She saw that I had been exercising Xiao Universe recently and almost ignored me... Su Jin thought so, and nodded one step at a time:

"I understand how to do it. 35

Observing a non-dangerous Otherworld is a condition that Su Jin considers acceptable.

He spent a thousand points before, shortening the 'cooling period' of the world of death, it is impossible to endure another month and a half, and then try to observe the other party.

This is a waste of time resources.... Su Jin groaned inwardly.

Faced with the matter of becoming Shiroyasha's associate... Su Jin hesitated.

Lover just think about it, Shiroyasha will hammer me to death. Son-in-law? Bai Ye is the product of my soul breath and the power of Shiro Yaksha. This is equivalent to self-communion? Ghost father?

Forget it, I still want her to become the spirituality of the Holy Cloth and have an epic level upgrade. Thinking of this, the only option is to be a son.

Well, you can also say nothing and let the gods in the outside world guess. Anyway, those guys can't think of anything good... Su Jin nodded slightly and complained in his heart.

"You'll be fine with yourself.

When Di Shitian said this, he stood up, looked at the black rabbit, and sighed:

"Take good care of this child."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Su Jin with a warning face: "It's okay to mess around behind your back, but only behind your back.

"Is this the advice of seniors?" Su Jin looked at Di Shitian in front of him with a playful tone.

The story of the other party knocking on the widow's door at night frequently appeared in Hakoniwa's lace news.

"You boy really don't get along with me. 39

Di Shitian scolded after hearing this, and then said:

"You can destroy this silent world with four-digit strength, I still have something to do, so I won't delay.

After he finished speaking, the figure dissipated directly, leaving behind silent blue arcs.

Seeing this, Su Jin felt it again and again, and after confirming that Di Shitian had left, he breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the sofa next to him, and looked at the sleeping face of the black rabbit.

"Come here to take a look at Black Rabbit, and by the way explain the decision of Buddhism and Qianyan high-level?

Su Jin said this and muttered:

"Maybe I want to warn me by the way, this guy is a model of only allowing state officials to set fire. 99

After Su Jin finished speaking, he emptied his mind and buried his body deeply on the sofa.

After resting for about ten minutes, he gathered his thoughts and prepared to organize this harvest.

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